
What a witty comeback! :) Show me one post here where you defended your "always pro-choice" stance against 85 and I won't call you out as a gutless chickensh*t.

Moving the goalposts, I see. You said, "When it comes to your "always pro choice" stance, today is the first time any of us have heard it here. Gee, I wonder why?"

FFS, I've been pro abortion in the past, numb nuts.

Now, run along and prepare for your long day of shit posting and ignoring the dog you're married to.

This is always a fun discussion to have--we haven't had a good abortion debate in some time.

God dammit, it's a woman's Constitutional right to coat hanger that fetus right the hell on out. The Supreme Court has ruled on this and stuff. Deal with it.

Kinda like guns.

It is individually responsible to coat hanger these little bastards the eff on out.

The second part of your post is another WTF moment.

I am pro choice, dumb ass. That doesn't mean life doesn't begin at conception. The only one autistically screeching about a theocracy is you.

This is what I cited. Perhaps you should actually read it, or have someone read it to you:

The President is not above the law. But under our system of
separated powers, the President may not be prosecuted for exercising
his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for his official acts. That immunity
applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office. Pp. 41–43.
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Moving the goalposts, I see. You said, "When it comes to your "always pro choice" stance, today is the first time any of us have heard it here. Gee, I wonder why?"

FFS, I've been pro abortion in the past, numb nuts.

Now, run along and prepare for your long day of shit posting and ignoring the dog you're married to.
Looks like the abortion police is on to you 😂🙄