Any idea what it is about that crashes my IE lately,

but doesn't bother Chrome? Internet Explorer stops and re-starts repeatedly. Thanks for any input. This just started when the new site went live.
IE is picky about JavaScript syntax. Most developers prefer to test their work in Chrome because it has a much better set of debugging tools. Firefox is a second option after Chrome. So a lot of them never end up running with IE. Thus, you get things like a missing apostrophe or an extra space crashing on IE and never getting caught.
IE is picky about JavaScript syntax. Most developers prefer to test their work in Chrome because it has a much better set of debugging tools. Firefox is a second option after Chrome. So a lot of them never end up running with IE. Thus, you get things like a missing apostrophe or an extra space crashing on IE and never getting caught.
Thanks. Remarkably, I guess most folks no longer use IE.
I've been seeing crashes in Microsoft Edge lately. Pretty annoying. Kinda figured it was a beta thing but guess it's just a shitty Rivals thing. Most likely something in shitty ads.
IE is picky about JavaScript syntax. Most developers prefer to test their work in Chrome because it has a much better set of debugging tools. Firefox is a second option after Chrome. So a lot of them never end up running with IE. Thus, you get things like a missing apostrophe or an extra space crashing on IE and never getting caught.
There is a little bit of truth to this but no. IE is not more picky about JavaScript syntax. Yes, a lot of technocrats (which includes developers) tend to prefer Chrome and therefore test their sites mostly on Chrome. However, crashing issues are much more complex than a missing apostrophe or an extra space. I don't know what precisely is causing the current issues but it is 100% not something that simple. That said, the browser shouldn't be crashing like it is no matter what is being thrown at it. Hopefully Microsoft is seeing these crashes and includes a fix in an update soon. And hopefully Rivals does a better job of using their site on multiple browsers. It's inexcusable to not test on multiple platforms. Even in the corporate world that I live in I go out of my way to make things work cross platform. Telling someone to switch browsers is not a solution. I test in IE, FF, Chrome, and Safari (mostly on iOS). I prefer the IE dev tools for most things but there's some certain stuff I like better about the Chrome dev tools. Don't care for the FF dev tools. It's funny because FF was the first one to incorporate dev tools but they've long since been passed by.
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I've been seeing crashes in Microsoft Edge lately. Pretty annoying. Kinda figured it was a beta thing but guess it's just a shitty Rivals thing. Most likely something in shitty ads.

There is a little bit of truth to this but no. IE is not more picky about JavaScript syntax. Yes, a lot of technocrats (which includes developers) tend to prefer Chrome and therefore test their sites mostly on Chrome. However, crashing issues are much more complex than a missing apostrophe or an extra space. I don't know what precisely is causing the current issues but it is 100% not something that simple. That said, the browser shouldn't be crashing like it is no matter what is being thrown at it. Hopefully Microsoft is seeing these crashes and includes a fix in an update soon. And hopefully Rivals does a better job of using their site on multiple browsers. It's inexcusable to not test on multiple platforms. Even in the corporate world that I live in I go out of my way to make things work cross platform. Telling someone to switch browsers is not a solution. I test in IE, FF, Chrome, and Safari (mostly on iOS). I prefer the IE dev tools for most things but there's some certain stuff I like better about the Chrome dev tools. Don't care for the FF dev tools. It's funny because FF was the first one to incorporate dev tools but they've long since been passed by.
Other than painstaking testing, the best tool we have right now for this is jslint during code and unit test time. Yes, there are many times we've caught minor syntax errors that work fine on every browser but are absolutely fatal with IE. In fact, we have a few in a subcontractor's code right now that cause IE 10 to fall into compatibility mode and cause other issues with IE 11. Most of what we see are less severe; things like not being able to enter into fields and such. I'll give you that Rivals problems most likely aren't that simple, but apparently you'd be surprised how often simple errors cause huge problems. I see it almost every week. Run a team of young coders and you'll get to see a lot of stuff you didn't think would happen.
Firefox is always freezing up on here as well. It's the ads.
And if you're up for real meat ... NoScript. Of course, you have to whitelist with NoScript.

Firefox's many issue is that it doesn't circumvent various checks of Javascript. Chrome has some features that do, and are getting exploited too (don't get me started on Chrome and Google in general). But Firefox's engine, especially older releases, are a PITA, performance-wise. Using something like NoScript really flies ... because you're whitelisting on the sites you allow for scripts, plug-ins, etc... Of course, it takes a bit to build up a whitelist.

I'm running with about 8 different security-centric add-ons for Firefox. I'm anal because of the work I do and the networks I connect to sometimes. I even use a dedicated user for browsing, separate from my work user/browser -- let alone under Linux, not Windows. But always with NoScript and a few others.

Chrome is fine as a fallback, if I run into any issues. But I don't use it by default if I can help it. And I never use it under my trusted user account.

MS IE ... don't get me started. There are core exploits that are still not closed from 1997, when Microsoft made MS IE components required in every single application built with the MSVC/VC++ run-times. Several times per year someone figures yet another one out, and the exploit goes back to every DOS and NT-based Windows version ever created, including the latest 8.x and 2012 (now 10 too).

For Microsoft to close those exploits ... they'd break all core MS Office, IE and Outlook compatibility and automation. Hence why they won't. Breaking the Win32-x86 only bytecode beyond Windows 10 (and in Windows 10 Server "Nano" -- long story, breaks 100% of existing Windows Server apps) is something Microsoft is finally doing, that will finally address this ... but is still years away.

Just understand there's never a reason I run MS IE, and have helped a lot of organizations break way. It always makes me shake my head when I see companies still running MS IE 6 internally, because of some vertical app they developed with select ActiveX and MS IE 6-specific Javascript.
It appears Rivals fixed the issues. I haven't been seeing any crashing in a day or two.

And if you're up for real meat ... NoScript. Of course, you have to whitelist with NoScript.

Firefox's many issue is that it doesn't circumvent various checks of Javascript. Chrome has some features that do, and are getting exploited too (don't get me started on Chrome and Google in general). But Firefox's engine, especially older releases, are a PITA, performance-wise. Using something like NoScript really flies ... because you're whitelisting on the sites you allow for scripts, plug-ins, etc... Of course, it takes a bit to build up a whitelist.

I'm running with about 8 different security-centric add-ons for Firefox. I'm anal because of the work I do and the networks I connect to sometimes. I even use a dedicated user for browsing, separate from my work user/browser -- let alone under Linux, not Windows. But always with NoScript and a few others.

Chrome is fine as a fallback, if I run into any issues. But I don't use it by default if I can help it. And I never use it under my trusted user account.

MS IE ... don't get me started. There are core exploits that are still not closed from 1997, when Microsoft made MS IE components required in every single application built with the MSVC/VC++ run-times. Several times per year someone figures yet another one out, and the exploit goes back to every DOS and NT-based Windows version ever created, including the latest 8.x and 2012 (now 10 too).

For Microsoft to close those exploits ... they'd break all core MS Office, IE and Outlook compatibility and automation. Hence why they won't. Breaking the Win32-x86 only bytecode beyond Windows 10 (and in Windows 10 Server "Nano" -- long story, breaks 100% of existing Windows Server apps) is something Microsoft is finally doing, that will finally address this ... but is still years away.

Just understand there's never a reason I run MS IE, and have helped a lot of organizations break way. It always makes me shake my head when I see companies still running MS IE 6 internally, because of some vertical app they developed with select ActiveX and MS IE 6-specific Javascript.
Isn't NoScript what caused you to not properly be able to use this site?

I'm shocked you're using FireFox being that it is woefully behind when it comes to sandboxing.

Microsoft has already broken legacy compat with Edge. Yes, it's still based on trident however they deleted a TON of legacy code from it. It does not support ActiveX, etc.

IE6 is no longer supported. No company should be running it anymore. As of January 2016, only the latest available browser will be supported (basically IE11) so no companies should be running older versions from that point forward. God willing. I can't wait.
Isn't NoScript what caused you to not properly be able to use this site?
Partially. It was some rules I was using in combination with it.

I'm shocked you're using FireFox being that it is woefully behind when it comes to sandboxing.
Depends on your definition of "sandboxing"? Have you see how other browsers allgedly "sandbox"? ;)

In any case ... it helps to run as a very limited user to "sandbox," but that's another, long story.

Microsoft has already broken legacy compat with Edge. Yes, it's still based on trident however they deleted a TON of legacy code from it. It does not support ActiveX, etc.
Yes, Edge is their first browser to do so.

IE6 is no longer supported. No company should be running it anymore. As of January 2016, only the latest available browser will be supported (basically IE11) so no companies should be running older versions from that point forward. God willing. I can't wait.
And yet ... investments companies made in the mid '00s, are still requiring it in various places in the '10s. ;)

I won't open up that box, because it goes to the heart of how the tools are written, then abandoned, requiring re-investments to port code, and the circular, self-reference that involves a lot of money, people's jobs, etc...
It appears Rivals fixed the issues. I haven't been seeing any crashing in a day or two.

Isn't NoScript what caused you to not properly be able to use this site?

I'm shocked you're using FireFox being that it is woefully behind when it comes to sandboxing.

Microsoft has already broken legacy compat with Edge. Yes, it's still based on trident however they deleted a TON of legacy code from it. It does not support ActiveX, etc.

IE6 is no longer supported. No company should be running it anymore. As of January 2016, only the latest available browser will be supported (basically IE11) so no companies should be running older versions from that point forward. God willing. I can't wait.
Damn dude, you really are a Microsoft whore.
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I mean I'm not going to disagree with you but what in my post was whoring for Microsoft? I was simply stating facts and if anything bashing older versions of IE that should've been put out to pasture years ago.
Its a joke man. Don't be so serious.
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