Are there any reasons to have limited Eligibility now?


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 20, 2010
I think it would be great for a UCFootball player to make it all the way through the best Med School in Nation.

I haven't put to much thought into this one. But why cap how many years an athlete can play and get a paid for doing so? If you're adding value and learning that is way better than the one & does who don't even UCFinish their 2nd semester.

What are your thoughts and UCFeelings?


Now that NIL is here and high school players can make millions with college schools. It's only a matter of time before NFL teams begin drafting players out of high school and just put them on their practice squads until they are physically and mentally able to play. For example, I could see a team drafting Arch Manning right out of high school. Soon, the NFL will view college athletics as competitors not minor leagues.
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Now that NIL is here and high school players can make millions with college schools. It's only a matter of time before NFL teams begin drafting players out of high school and just put them on their practice squads until they are physically and mentally able to play. For example, I could see a team drafting Arch Manning right out of high school. Soon, the NFL will view college athletics as competitors not minor leagues.
Why would the NFL pay for a kid to practice? It’s better for them to have the colleges pay the kids.
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Why require anyone to go to school anymore, after all, it was never valued hence why we have to pay them to play. (mostly sarcasm)
As you hinted at, that's how it really is. All you hear about is how superstar athletes breeze through a degree faster than anyone else, so they can focus on their sport. As if their focus wasn't on the sport the entire time.

No school loses any credibility because their athletes get a blind pass in class, even when caught. Its just fodder for fanbases to point and laugh that they got caught.

No one cares, fans, alumni, and especially coaching staff.
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As you hinted at, that's how it really is. All you hear about is how superstar athletes breeze through a degree faster than anyone else, so they can focus on their sport. As if their focus wasn't on the sport the entire time.

No school loses any credibility because their athletes get a blind pass in class, even when caught. Its just fodder for fanbases to point and laugh that they got caught.

No one cares, fans, alumni, and especially coaching staff.

You nailed it. Just one example was UNC basketball. For 20+ years they had easy classes just for basketball players. Nobody cared. Nobody.

To many so called fans have no idea about all the "scandals" like the FBI arresting Adidas execs for illegally paying players and not paying taxes on that money. It's all BS faux outrage for any change. When that change will actually solve most of the problem these ignorant fans are willfully ignorant of.

Thanks for lying out the UCFacts


Which is why I never cared when people would celebrate our graduation rate. They make it so easy for the athletes to graduate. Coaches get grades a tick higher for the kids so they can play and graduate. Every so often you get a kid that has a tough degree and excels but few and far between.
Why would the NFL pay for a kid to practice? It’s better for them to have the colleges pay the kids.
Simple. You get the to chose who you own the rights to vs a draft.

I sign a kid out of high school that I think is a huge prospect, I own his rights for a period of time. Teams can then use that value as they please.

Soccer has been doing this for a LONG time.
Simple. You get the to chose who you own the rights to vs a draft.

I sign a kid out of high school that I think is a huge prospect, I own his rights for a period of time. Teams can then use that value as they please.

Soccer has been doing this for a LONG time.
That’s not how it would work. All of our sports use a draft. It would be like baseball. You get drafted and play in minor leagues. NFL doesn’t need to do that. It’s a waste of money and kids make more in college.
You nailed it. Just one example was UNC basketball. For 20+ years they had easy classes just for basketball players. Nobody cared. Nobody.

To many so called fans have no idea about all the "scandals" like the FBI arresting Adidas execs for illegally paying players and not paying taxes on that money. It's all BS faux outrage for any change. When that change will actually solve most of the problem these ignorant fans are willfully ignorant of.

Thanks for lying out the UCFacts


But because it happened or is happening or will happen doesn't make it right or good. It's my grandkids argument, "Things are different now, Papa!" Yes, they certainly are but it doesn't mean they are better or right or good.
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But because it happened or is happening or will happen doesn't make it right or good. It's my grandkids argument, "Things are different now, Papa!" Yes, they certainly are but it doesn't me theay are better or right or good.
College football is a billion dollar industry that is continuing to grow. No one is saying it's right or good. It's just not going to get turned back to 40 years ago because some fans think it's bad for the amateur sports or schools.

The amount of people that benefits financially from the current setup far outweighs what fans wants. And in the end it's the same fans complaining that are still opening their wallets every year and funding it.

There is always FCS/Division 2 that delivers more of a product that resembles college sports of old.
Which is why I never cared when people would celebrate our graduation rate. They make it so easy for the athletes to graduate. Coaches get grades a tick higher for the kids so they can play and graduate. Every so often you get a kid that has a tough degree and excels but few and far between.

Completely disagree. Getting a degree is the only valuable thing most student athletes will get. If they don't, attending college most likely will be a net-negative economically speaking. So graduation success rates are key.


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But because it happened or is happening or will happen doesn't make it right or good. It's my grandkids argument, "Things are different now, Papa!" Yes, they certainly are but it doesn't mean they are better or right or good.

When was better? Give me a decade to work with.

It's easy to be nostalgic. The simple UCFact that almost all 132 FBS teams are now televised means there is more parity, less power concertation and more money. How to deal with that additional money is the question. Legally pay to the players instead of illegally doing it? I think all things are moving in the right direction.


"Less power concentration"???

What in the hell planet have you been living on?

How much of a Noob do you want to prove yourself to be? Go back a few decades and only a few teams were on TV. This is why teams like Nebraska were relevant in the 1990s. They were on TV, nationally. That has mattered less and less as more teams have been broadcasted. Aka less concentration of power.

When I started posting on Rival National board, not all of UCFootball's game even had TV cameras at them. I saw how that was changing and that lead to "UCF's Rise to Prominence" cited by UCFhonors.

But back to the UCFacts. Less power concentration. Ha. How UCFoolish youngins want to show themselves...
There used to be 1 entity that controlled all FBS TV rights. Having multiple entities would mean less power concentration.



On June 27, 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in NCAA v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma that the NCAA's television plan violated the Sherman Antitrust Act. As a result, individual schools and athletic conferences were freed to negotiate contracts on their own behalf. The year after the Supreme Court decision, nearly 200 games were televised, compared to the previous year's 89.[12] College football's television ratings slumped due to market saturation, and the price of a 30-second advertisement plunged from $57,000 in 1983 to $15,000 in 1984, while the combined take from network television fell more than 60 percent.[13] Despite the monetary suffering of the universities, the additional coverage had a positive impact for fans of college football. "Everyone talks about money, but no one seems to care about the football fan. He is the one who benefited from deregulation. And he isn't complaining", said Chuck Neinas, the former commissioner of the Big Eight Conference.[14] Together with the growth of cable television, this ruling resulted in the explosion of broadcast options currently available.

However, in the immediate wake of the ruling, most schools still decided to jointly negotiate their television contracts through the now-defunct College Football Association.[15] The Big Ten Conference and Pacific-10 Conference were not members of the CFA, opting to negotiate their own TV deals.[15]"


In case you don't know, the Sherman Antitrust Act is the tool to break up monopolies There isn't more concentration of power than in a monopoly. Stop being UCFoolish and learn your UCFacts. Decentralization is literally less power concentration.


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When was better? Give me a decade to work with.

It's easy to be nostalgic. The simple UCFact that almost all 132 FBS teams are now televised means there is more parity, less power concertation and more money. How to deal with that additional money is the question. Legally pay to the players instead of illegally doing it? I think all things are moving in the right direction.


I humbly disagree.
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When was better? Give me a decade to work with.

It's easy to be nostalgic. The simple UCFact that almost all 132 FBS teams are now televised means there is more parity, less power concertation and more money. How to deal with that additional money is the question. Legally pay to the players instead of illegally doing it? I think all things are moving in the right direction.


Why not just find a way to stop illegally doing it? Return to amateur sports. I think things are moving in the wrong direction.
I humbly disagree.

You'd be wrong. And disagree with what.

Why not just find a way to stop illegally doing it? Return to amateur sports. I think things are moving in the wrong direction.

It's illusion of amateurism. That is the piece you're missing. I myself had to re-educate myself about the history of college football. Mainly because when I started following cfb I was sold a college student- athletes and amateurism propaganda. I didn't want to believe the bribes, illegal bribes had been going on for decades, across all schools.

I can make this long winded. But accept my postulate that illegal bribes are common, for decades. It was already illegal both by NCAA and US Government ie the IRS. What do you do about it? SMU type death penalty everyone?

But the bigger argument is, it's immoral and illegal to not pay workers. This BS "amateurism" was just struck down by the Supreme Court. So if you believe in Laws or morals, you should be very against how the NCAA illegally tried limit of pay for work.

I'm sure you're a nice person. But these are the UCFacts. It's your choice to accept them or not.


Fans want the professional atmosphere of every game on television, 24/7 coverage of their teams, players getting the best facilities and nutrition money can buy and a lazy river, but also want it to be amateur sports?

Take away the NIL, players get nothing. Is there anything else about college football currently that is amateur athletics?

Want to make college football, amateur sports. Remove 90% of the games from being televised, or have it just be local school productions. Stop with all the recruiting sites and coverage. Schools recruits students and then see which students can play football. Players must be attending a normal full time course schedule each semester to play (no finishing early), restrict practices.

However, no one wants that. They want 5-start QB/RB/WR that spends 90% of their time practicing/weight room and spends far more time studying a playbook during one camp then any text book in 4 years.
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Fans want the professional atmosphere of every game on television, 24/7 coverage of their teams, players getting the best facilities and nutrition money can buy and a lazy river, but also want it to be amateur sports?

Take away the NIL, players get nothing. Is there anything else about college football currently that is amateur athletics?

Want to make college football, amateur sports. Remove 90% of the games from being televised, or have it just be local school productions. Stop with all the recruiting sites and coverage. Schools recruits students and then see which students can play football. Players must be attending a normal full time course schedule each semester to play (no finishing early), restrict practices.

However, no one wants that. They want 5-start QB/RB/WR that spends 90% of their time practicing/weight room and spends far more time studying a playbook during one camp then any text book in 4 years.

You See Facts, my UCFriend.

^^^^All UCFacts^^^^

“First they deny, then they detract, then they come around to the UCFacts.” - UCFhonors


Fans want the professional atmosphere of every game on television, 24/7 coverage of their teams, players getting the best facilities and nutrition money can buy and a lazy river, but also want it to be amateur sports?

Take away the NIL, players get nothing. Is there anything else about college football currently that is amateur athletics?

Want to make college football, amateur sports. Remove 90% of the games from being televised, or have it just be local school productions. Stop with all the recruiting sites and coverage. Schools recruits students and then see which students can play football. Players must be attending a normal full time course schedule each semester to play (no finishing early), restrict practices.

However, no one wants that. They want 5-start QB/RB/WR that spends 90% of their time practicing/weight room and spends far more time studying a playbook during one camp then any text book in 4 years.
You'd be wrong. And disagree with what.

It's illusion of amateurism. That is the piece you're missing. I myself had to re-educate myself about the history of college football. Mainly because when I started following cfb I was sold a college student- athletes and amateurism propaganda. I didn't want to believe the bribes, illegal bribes had been going on for decades, across all schools.

I can make this long winded. But accept my postulate that illegal bribes are common, for decades. It was already illegal both by NCAA and US Government ie the IRS. What do you do about it? SMU type death penalty everyone?

But the bigger argument is, it's immoral and illegal to not pay workers. This BS "amateurism" was just struck down by the Supreme Court. So if you believe in Laws or morals, you should be very against how the NCAA illegally tried limit of pay for work.

I'm sure you're a nice person. But these are the UCFacts. It's your choice to accept them or not.


From the point of view of the fans, the players, the coaches, the schools, TV networks, whoever or whatever, I am not blind to how it is. Again, how something is doesn't make it good, or right, or better. It is simply stating how things are. I find looking at life that way negative and cynical. It accepts things simply because that's the way things are. It's a point of view that doesn't even look for a better way, and never will, simply because that's the way things are. "Sit down, shut up, and do what you're told." But I've heard your point of view, and I've stated mine, so let's don't continue to beat this this to death.
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How much of a Noob do you want to prove yourself to be? Go back a few decades and only a few teams were on TV. This is why teams like Nebraska were relevant in the 1990s. They were on TV, nationally. That has mattered less and less as more teams have been broadcasted. Aka less concentration of power.

When I started posting on Rival National board, not all of UCFootball's game even had TV cameras at them. I saw how that was changing and that lead to "UCF's Rise to Prominence" cited by UCFhonors.

But back to the UCFacts. Less power concentration. Ha. How UCFoolish youngins want to show themselves...
There used to be 1 entity that controlled all FBS TV rights. Having multiple entities would mean less power concentration.



On June 27, 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in NCAA v. Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma that the NCAA's television plan violated the Sherman Antitrust Act. As a result, individual schools and athletic conferences were freed to negotiate contracts on their own behalf. The year after the Supreme Court decision, nearly 200 games were televised, compared to the previous year's 89.[12] College football's television ratings slumped due to market saturation, and the price of a 30-second advertisement plunged from $57,000 in 1983 to $15,000 in 1984, while the combined take from network television fell more than 60 percent.[13] Despite the monetary suffering of the universities, the additional coverage had a positive impact for fans of college football. "Everyone talks about money, but no one seems to care about the football fan. He is the one who benefited from deregulation. And he isn't complaining", said Chuck Neinas, the former commissioner of the Big Eight Conference.[14] Together with the growth of cable television, this ruling resulted in the explosion of broadcast options currently available.

However, in the immediate wake of the ruling, most schools still decided to jointly negotiate their television contracts through the now-defunct College Football Association.[15] The Big Ten Conference and Pacific-10 Conference were not members of the CFA, opting to negotiate their own TV deals.[15]"


In case you don't know, the Sherman Antitrust Act is the tool to break up monopolies There isn't more concentration of power than in a monopoly. Stop being UCFoolish and learn your UCFacts. Decentralization is literally less power concentration.


I can't even be bothered by someone who quotes themselves and 1984 legal bs. (Do you really spend time looking these archaic laws up when you can't get it up?)

And we don't have ONE TV enitity controlling everything because it's NOT ESPN 1984 you f*ck.

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I can't even be bothered by someone who quotes themselves and 1984 legal bs. (Do you really spend time looking these archaic laws up when you can't get it up?)

And we don't have ONE TV enitity controlling everything because it's NOT ESPN 1984 you f*ck.


Bury yourself with stupidity, why don't you. I really wish you didn't post here, you make UCFans look UCFoolish. Laws from 1984 are not archaic. They are relevant just and the new Supreme Court ruling are about rightfully paying athletes.

The ESP5N Cartel has been running things for the last 2 decade. They are very much relevant.

I don't have time to educate you on the history of FBS and UCFootball. It's clear you have no interest in learning. So do us all a UCFavor, and stop posting.

Particularly never post about something you have no interest in, or knowledge about. I have been educating the National Board about these UCFacts for over a decade. All my UCFacts have gone to the crucible of criticism. And we all know who and what prevailed.


Is there anyone else in this forum who wants to call-out this ****ing sanctimonous, mother****er?

Or am I just completely insane about how pompously fictional this f+ck is,?

You don't have to "educate me with #UCFacts" because I'll knock your ****** ass back to next week when I see you.

Sam Houston State?
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Is there anyone else in this forum who wants to call-out this ****ing sanctimonous, mother****er?

Or am I just completely insane about how pompously fictional this f+ck is,?

You don't have to "educate me with #UCFacts" because I'll knock your ****** ass back to next week when I see you.

Sam Houston State?

If you went to practices in the 2010's like Real UCFans like me did, I'd see me. I have no interest in meeting UCFans who came in after we completed our Rise to Prominence which concluded when we won the National Championship. Were even there? I was certainly was. Have you even been to a lunch with coaches? I was a UCFrequent guest.

Do us a UCFavor, read, don't post.


If you went to practices in the 2010's like Real UCFans like me did, I'd see me. I have no interest in meeting UCFans who came in after we completed our Rise to Prominence which concluded when we won the National Championship. Were even there? I was certainly was. Have you even been to a lunch with coaches? I was a UCFrequent guest.

Do us a UCFavor, read, don't post.


Wow! I am really glad we didn't bump into each other.
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Wow! I am really glad we didn't bump into each other.

You have nothing to worry about. I haven't never had an issue with your posting. In UCFact you seem respectful even when disagreeing.


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UCFHonors is real. I met him once at Wackadoos (remember that place?) and I witness him shame to the point the guy had to leave. His crime? He was wearing a gator jersey. I loved it. It was pretty intense and I've never saw anyone call someone out like that. But, come on...wearing a gator jersey on UCF campus? Just asking for it. I'm glad I'm on his good side!

#UCFuGators... :p
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Is there anyone else in this forum who wants to call-out this ****ing sanctimonous, mother****er?

Or am I just completely insane about how pompously fictional this f+ck is,?

You don't have to "educate me with #UCFacts" because I'll knock your ****** ass back to next week when I see you.

Sam Houston State?
Yeah I don’t correspond with this guy. He can’t be a real human.
UCFHonors is real. I met him once at Wackadoos (remember that place?) and I witness him shame to the point the guy had to leave. His crime? He was wearing a gator jersey. I loved it. It was pretty intense and I've never saw anyone call someone out like that. But, come on...wearing a gator jersey on UCF campus? Just asking for it. I'm glad I'm on his good side!

#UCFuGators... :p

What an epic knight, my UCFriend.

Love that story and event.


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Why not just find a way to stop illegally doing it? Return to amateur sports. I think things are moving in the wrong direction.
The mostly irrelevant schools, Dartmouth,Northwestern, started this mess with litigation that the NCAA wildly was unprepared to defend. A scholarship has great value but the NCAA could not justify it properly or the court venues were not favorable

Personally I think coaches are overpaid and revenues should be allocated to the university students ( tuition and other costs) Remember without the university platform nobody makes money
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Fans want the professional atmosphere of every game on television, 24/7 coverage of their teams, players getting the best facilities and nutrition money can buy and a lazy river, but also want it to be amateur sports?

Take away the NIL, players get nothing. Is there anything else about college football currently that is amateur athletics?

Want to make college football, amateur sports. Remove 90% of the games from being televised, or have it just be local school productions. Stop with all the recruiting sites and coverage. Schools recruits students and then see which students can play football. Players must be attending a normal full time course schedule each semester to play (no finishing early), restrict practices.

However, no one wants that. They want 5-start QB/RB/WR that spends 90% of their time practicing/weight room and spends far more time studying a playbook during one camp then any text book in 4 years.
I understand what u r saying but People follow the university. Paying athletes beyond the scholarship does not change that. A scholarship is a valuable item that a lot of athletes could not get and their future would be a lot more unstable without the diploma. They r going to a university to get an education and get a platform to utilize their athletic talents Or at least that SHOULD be the reason It’s the University of Central Florida not a farm system ( in which 99% of the athletes fail to make a professional sport)

I was a marginal student from a high school up north who barely qualified. I went to UCF when basketball turned D1 and football became a scholarship sport. Started 3 years, until senior year knee issues sidelined me. Took my UCF degree got a JD later n live a nice life in the most attractive city in Fl. I value that scholarship more than u can imagine, without it I may be bagging groceries in a freezer up north. With my pre UCF foundation this opportunity is there for every athlete. Take advantage of it. Great if you make the pros but take your education seriously because 99% of them r going to need it and their life can even succeed the fruits of those that went pro

Remember UCF is a University not a failing farm system where 99% fail to go to the pros. I do agree the money should go to the school ( tuition etc) and not the coaches. TV revenues would still be there as alumni bases grow n money would come in but it should go the foundation of the university to offset costs to students and build up the school to make the educational experience and diploma that much more valued.
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None. There are no reasons. It's like saying you can only work at Burger King for 4 years . Let's be real, between NIL and the portal it's all just crazy land. I think there has to be a requirement you are enrolled for a degree . If it takes you 4 years or 7 who cares these days.
None. There are no reasons. It's like saying you can only work at Burger King for 4 years . Let's be real, between NIL and the portal it's all just crazy land. I think there has to be a requirement you are enrolled for a degree . If it takes you 4 years or 7 who cares these days.
Sadly, only the Universities care if it takes a student longer than 4 years. Because of State funding they want to get as many beans in the jar and then get them out as soon as possible so they can admit more beans into the jar. In some places there are financial penalities for not completing your degree in four years. Unfortunately, the idea of going to school and exploring classes before finally deciding on a major are discouraged. Unfortunately, it's not just athletics, everything seems to be about money, money, money these days. What's the name of the song from Cabaret? "Money Makes The World Go Round?"
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