Around The Kingdom - That's the Ticket


Silver Knight
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2001

Join Eric Lopez and Trace Trylko as they debate some of the current topics surrounding UCF Sports.

In this episode, the guys react to UCF announcing a season ticket holder policy update via email.

Why did they take this course of action, and how are they going to handle the negative response from fans?

Plus: What are the take-aways from the media session with Scott Frost and his coaching staff?

Also: Basketball is flat, Softball has a tie, Baseball has a broom, and how many teams do we really need in March Madness?

Click here to watch.
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I read this as you didn't show up to the games, so give up your seat to someone who will attend the game.
There were only 2 games last season that I saw with high attendance for the visitors. Colorado and BYU. The rest were mainly UCF. By the time the BYU game rolled around, I expected people to sell their tickets in protest of Gus. I did not expect that for the CO game as it was early in the season. Though we knew it would be rough when we saw the QB struggle against D2/3 teams.

We continue the conversation on this week's Episode of Around the Kingdom: Overtime ... click here.
I am for what ever maintains the most value for my tickets when trying to resell them. It pisses me off when I go to resell my tickets and the most I can get is $25.00 per seat.
Somebody tell “E-Low” that the baskeball tournament itself brings pennies to the schools. The big money is in football.

SEC and Big 10 getting 4 bids and the ACC and Big 12 getting 2 is a huge blow to the ACC and the Big 12 and anyone who disagrees is either a Big 10/SEC fan or a MORON.

The SEC and Big 10 already make 2X what the Big 12 and ACC make in conference revenue and this new “deal” is going to cause a further divide in resources. “E-Low” has a LOUD voice and quiet brain.
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“E-Low” takes the #1 spot in the UCF Silver Tongues race (for now). E-Low (correctly) points out that Gus Malzahn every off-season would fake hype the team and its path to meaningful success.

Did E-Low say anything about this at the time or did he go with the hype? I have no idea but I would bet my life that this dude 100% went with the hype pill and added his own extra strength dosage.

Do any of you actually believe that hyping the team up during the off-season was Malzahn’s idea? Of course it was NOT…zero head coaches would do that out of their own initiative.

Gus Malzahn never hyped his teams at Auburn in the off-season the way he did at UCF? Why did he do it? Easy…he was asked to do it by TERRY MOHAJIR. Why? To create hype and generate more ticket sales and donations.

Do you believe that Malzahn decided on his own to tweet at GameDay and to tweet at Elon Musk (was left on read)? Of course not…again that was all TERRY MOHAJIR.

Do you think any of the Silver Tongues will tell you this? NEVER…unless Mohajir is fired first.
If there is any fan left that thought Terry was a good AD maybe this will be the final straw.

Comically out of touch, this would be wrong with a top 5 Program let alone a football program that has won 4 and 6 games the last two years.
I agree. That said, I find it funny that the posters outraged by this action say in the next breath that they’re losing money on their tickets.

All of this is to say, I think the UCF Athletics Administration needs to find ways to connect with the fanbase at large, and not just Shareholders or donors (though I understand why this is part of their strategy). Turn this embarrassing situation into a launchpad for increased communication, outreach, and connection with the fans. But do it in a way that is real, not in a way that feels like a forced and unorganized necessary evil. Here are some simple ideas to help get the ball rolling, many of which have worked here previously:
  • Bring back the Charge On tour events in areas outside of Orlando, like actual South Florida, Tampa, and Jacksonville, as opposed to New York and Chicago
  • Remember ‘Lunch with George’? Bring that back once a quarter, but rotate with UCFAA leadership as opposed to coaches to get diverse content and connection

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