As a UF Alum...


Diamond Knight
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2001
I can say that UCF is my first and foremost love as far as fandom goes.

I can also say that while I attended UF (Law School) I have been "that obnoxious fan" giving $hit to opposing teams. I very much enjoyed my time in Gainesville and UF football under Galen Hall and Steve Spurrier.

I can also say that UF has some amazing history and great gameday tradition that UCF can only hope to emulate but never exceed (We are the Boys, gator chomp etc)

I can say that there is a contingent of Gator fans who like UCF, provided that they do not threaten UF superiority. Once it is argued that UCF could, (if given the same advantages as other low level SEC teams have), could compete in the SEC they become belligerent or condescending.

I can say for the most part UF fans are completely ignorant and uninformed about UCF football and the amazing place that UCF is as a school and location. They live in their own isolated little world of "historically relevant" programs and prefer to remain that way as it it reaffirms their own self importance.

I can say that over the last 20 years Gainesville has become a very hostile place for any coach not named Steve Spurrier no matter how well they perform, unless they are playing for a national championship and scoring 40+ points a game. Anything less is not desirable at all. It has made it serious business being a Gator fan a lot less fun.

I can also say that there are a number of UCF fans on this board who are waaaay too sensitive about comments made on this board by alleged UF and NU fans regarding Scott Frost and UCF. As Tyrian Lanister once said to John Snow. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you. UCF is not like the other programs!!. We are different. But it is good. It gives our fans a special bond. Embrace the erector set stadium remarks, embrace the historic commuter school remarks, embrace the 0-12 seasons, embrace those things that make us UCF along with the great things like the Fiesta Bowl and amazing campus and all those other things. Wear it like armor and it can never be used against you. Fight it and it only gives them power. It is more fun being a UCF fan because you don't have to take it so seriously.

SCKnight, I have a similar experience, but at FSU. I bleed black and gold with some garnet every now and then. My undergraduate degree is from UCF and master's is from FSU.

I have been going to UCF football games from the beginning when my sister was a student athletic trainer for the team since UCF launched football. I was in 7th grade. I attended every home game in the citrus bowl as a student and went to many away games. At UCF as a student and later as a season ticket holder for 12 years , I was part of building tradition. My friends who I met FSU and went to FSU as undergrads were part of program and stepped into tradition. There is a difference.

There is something to be said to be part of something that started 90 years ago, but I got to tell you, it's special to be part of something that has been historically under funded with humble beginnings. UCF's rise has been very cool to be a part of and something I have been proud to support. My Gator and Seminole friends don't get it. You're right and someday soon though they will because time and our size will create enough inertia that UCF will be a major player in college athletics. Heck, back in 1996 UCF gave Scott Frost and company all it could handle for 3 quarters. I think we had 1 full recruiting class at the 1-A level then.

I think Coach Frost could stay here and truly leave his mark building UCF as Bowden left his or Spurrier left his. He could leave that kind of legacy. Again it's the difference between stepping into tradition or making it. I hope Coach Frost sees he can truly make it here and that's just as special if not more than stepping into it.
Let's be real...if Frost leaves UCF after only 2 seasons to UF of all places he will be despised in record time. It's all about timing and where he's leaving us for. Fans will still be upset if he left for Nebraska or Tennessee but it will be on a different level for UF.. It will also have a huge ripple effect in recruiting that would take longer to recover from.
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I can say that UCF is my first and foremost love as far as fandom goes.

I can also say that while I attended UF (Law School) I have been "that obnoxious fan" giving $hit to opposing teams. I very much enjoyed my time in Gainesville and UF football under Galen Hall and Steve Spurrier.

I can also say that UF has some amazing history and great gameday tradition that UCF can only hope to emulate but never exceed (We are the Boys, gator chomp etc)

I can say that there is a contingent of Gator fans who like UCF, provided that they do not threaten UF superiority. Once it is argued that UCF could, (if given the same advantages as other low level SEC teams have), could compete in the SEC they become belligerent or condescending.

I can say for the most part UF fans are completely ignorant and uninformed about UCF football and the amazing place that UCF is as a school and location. They live in their own isolated little world of "historically relevant" programs and prefer to remain that way as it it reaffirms their own self importance.

I can say that over the last 20 years Gainesville has become a very hostile place for any coach not named Steve Spurrier no matter how well they perform, unless they are playing for a national championship and scoring 40+ points a game. Anything less is not desirable at all. It has made it serious business being a Gator fan a lot less fun.

I can also say that there are a number of UCF fans on this board who are waaaay too sensitive about comments made on this board by alleged UF and NU fans regarding Scott Frost and UCF. As Tyrian Lanister once said to John Snow. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you. UCF is not like the other programs!!. We are different. But it is good. It gives our fans a special bond. Embrace the erector set stadium remarks, embrace the historic commuter school remarks, embrace the 0-12 seasons, embrace those things that make us UCF along with the great things like the Fiesta Bowl and amazing campus and all those other things. Wear it like armor and it can never be used against you. Fight it and it only gives them power. It is more fun being a UCF fan because you don't have to take it so seriously.


When are you going to share this post with the Soundoff board? Do I need to do it for you?

The last line damn near brings a tear to my eye, everytime I read it.

"Most of all I know what it takes to be a UCF fan. When I meet another true UCF fan we have a real bond. One forged in adversity. There are no bandwagon UCF fans. So enjoy being a UCF fan. Hope for the big ones, but enjoy the little accomplishments. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up."

I graduated UCF in 1988. I also graduated from UF in 1991. During my time at UCF I attended all games. During my time at UF I also attended all games as a big fan, but I also attended some UCF games including some D-1AA playoffs games both home and away. I have remained a rabid UCF fan as well as a UF fan. There are interesting differences that play out here on these message boards. There is both good and bad in each fan base.

Being a UCF fan I have travelled all over the country and have seen many venues. BYU, BC, UGA, SC, Miss, Ga. Southern, Ohio State, Wisc, Youngstown, UT, and more. I watched UCF struggle to be relevant in Div 2 and 1-AA. I was there for 1-A, Daunte and cellphonegate. I screamed at Auburn, UGA, GT and Ole Miss when we could not finish. I got angry at coach K when we had Syracuse on the ropes only let them win. I watched as our program sank to its lowest point in the MAC. I celebrated on Beele St. on New Years eve barking at UGA fans and laughing at Baylor fans in Az. I watch sadly as USF beat us in Thanksgiving sealing the worst season in UCF history. Through all of this one theme comes through. IT IS HARD TO BE A UCF FAN. When it is good it is very good and it means a great deal. When it is bad it is very bad and it is hard to stand.

At UF I watched the pathetic coaching of Galen Hall but the amazing running of Emmit Smith. I watched Steve Spurier transform college football. celebrated with 90,000 fans as UF beat FSU on the last play of the game. Watched Lou Holtz take Spurrier to the woodshed in New Orleans. Celebrated a national championship in 1996. Then watched several SEC championship, another nation championship and several mediocre seasons. Through all of this another theme comes through. While it is easy to be a Gator fan, it is also somewhat dull. Small accomplishments mean little. The only real measure of success is national prominence. So it is an all or nothing proposition.

UCF fans seem to come in two general types. Older fans who have been around long enough to know that nothing is easy and any accomplishment is meaningful (you take what you can get); and younger fans who have greater expectations and ambitions for the program (partly because they have not been worn down yet). Both are die hard fans (not bandwagon) but with different concepts of what the program should/can be.

UF fans are a fun bunch. They have great traditions (we are the boys; Mr. Two bits; gator chomp). These traditions are fun and add to the overall experience and camaraderie. Nothing at UCF can come close. But UF fans are also spoiled as well as stuck up. They are easily threatened by any comment that questions their superiority. They sulk when they are 8-4. They are composed of many bandwagon fans who come out in the good years and hide from the FSU/UGA/UM fans in the down years.

While it has been fun to be a fan of both programs (Although I bleed back and gold, they don't have to be mutually exclusive) Overall, in my mind, it is more exciting to be a UCF fan. I love the tradition and fanfare that is Ben Hill Griffin stadium, but it has grown somewhat tiresome. When the measuring stick is national championship it takes some of the fun out of the rivalries and other games. BHNS, while not as large or organized, seems more real.

Most of all I know what it takes to be a UCF fan. When I meet another true UCF fan we have a real bond. One forged in adversity. There are no bandwagon UCF fans. So enjoy being a UCF fan. Hope for the big ones, but enjoy the little accomplishments. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up.
SCKnight, I have a similar experience, but at FSU. I bleed black and gold with some garnet every now and then. My undergraduate degree is from UCF and master's is from FSU.

I have been going to UCF football games from the beginning when my sister was a student athletic trainer for the team since UCF launched football. I was in 7th grade. I attended every home game in the citrus bowl as a student and went to many away games. At UCF as a student and later as a season ticket holder for 12 years , I was part of building tradition. My friends who I met FSU and went to FSU as undergrads were part of program and stepped into tradition. There is a difference.

There is something to be said to be part of something that started 90 years ago, but I got to tell you, it's special to be part of something that has been historically under funded with humble beginnings. UCF's rise has been very cool to be a part of and something I have been proud to support. My Gator and Seminole friends don't get it. You're right and someday soon though they will because time and our size will create enough inertia that UCF will be a major player in college athletics. Heck, back in 1996 UCF gave Scott Frost and company all it could handle for 3 quarters. I think we had 1 full recruiting class at the 1-A level then.

I think Coach Frost could stay here and truly leave his mark building UCF as Bowden left his or Spurrier left his. He could leave that kind of legacy. Again it's the difference between stepping into tradition or making it. I hope Coach Frost sees he can truly make it here and that's just as special if not more than stepping into it.

Would read again.;
"(We are the Boys, gator chomp etc)".....yeah, UCF could NEVER come up with anything that brilliant (LOL)

You say that, but both of those things are pretty remarkable and it pretty cool how something so simple could be so powerful. We are the boys is awesome. It is a time when all the UF fans unite and it creates a real bond. Mock it if you want but you would be wrong.
When are you going to share this post with the Soundoff board? Do I need to do it for you?

The last line damn near brings a tear to my eye, everytime I read it.

"Most of all I know what it takes to be a UCF fan. When I meet another true UCF fan we have a real bond. One forged in adversity. There are no bandwagon UCF fans. So enjoy being a UCF fan. Hope for the big ones, but enjoy the little accomplishments. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up."
sentiments that big program fans will never understand or respect. I don't have anything to prove to anyone on that board. I know who I am. I am a Knight. the only thing they will understand is how important they are or think they are.
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sentiments that big program fans will never understand or respect. I don't have anything to prove to anyone on that board. I know who I am. I am a Knight. the only thing they will understand is how important they are or think they are.

Oh come on. You’ve seen how much UCFacts that board has learned. Knock on wood, but I think I’m the favorite for Poster of the Year. UCF is one of the most talked about teams on Soundoff. Heck I get tagged in MB threads about UCF.

What you wrote and how you wrote it, are the UCFacts that everyone needs to know.
You say that, but both of those things are pretty remarkable and it pretty cool how something so simple could be so powerful. We are the boys is awesome. It is a time when all the UF fans unite and it creates a real bond. Mock it if you want but you would be wrong.
I've never even heard of the "awesome boys"....and mock I may!!! Without being wrong! We have knight fan stan and that's all we need! :)
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Chewin' tobacco Chewin' tobacco Chewin' tobacco spit
If you aint a Knight you aint Sh,,,

Porkchop Porkchop greasy greasy
We're gonna beat you easy easy.
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Let's be real...if Frost leaves UCF after only 2 seasons to UF of all places he will be despised in record time. It's all about timing and where he's leaving us for. Fans will still be upset if he left for Nebraska or Tennessee but it will be on a different level for UF.. It will also have a huge ripple effect in recruiting that would take longer to recover from.

Per Danny Whites’s Wikipedia page:
“He has vowed to The University Of Central Florida that he would never let Scott Frost leave to become a Florida Gator.”

So that’s not a legitimate concern :p