Asshat Orlando Sentinel Editor Trashing UCF

2nd time in a week, how stupid is that paper? You don't belittle the largest University in this State that is located in your market. They deserve to go under
2nd time in a week, how stupid is that paper? You don't belittle the largest University in this State that is located in your market. They deserve to go under

Start a campaign on twitter, disagree directly with him and his tweets....he's allowed his opinion but so are you...and IMHO, tweeting against the hand that feeds you is not you want his views to negatively impact the Orlando market with local residents who are needed to support UCF? Challenge him with your views, let him know how you feel and welcome him to the world of social'll be interesting how he responds...or better yet for how long....
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I used to work the news desk at the Sentinel and believe me, this guy is a complete fukking moron that doesn't know his head from his ass. Everyone used to call him "Skinhead-ski" behind his back. This guy is an overweight POS who's just another link in the Auburn circle jerk.
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The Mercers and Colorado States really strike fear into UCF’s heart along with the La. Monroe’s, Tennessee’s, Vandys, LSUs (who couldn’t even beat Troy). Let me ask you an objective question, do you think UCF could have beat Mercer on their home field by more than 24-10? I do, In Fact I’d bet the Farm on it. Don’t let these elitist cowards tell you anything, Auburn’s schedule and Alabama’s schedule don’t scare me. I say bring the coward pussies on. Hell I think Memphis and even USF could beat them on a good night. Check out Auburn’s and Alabama’s schedule and tell me how much better they are. This talking douche is full of shit! I say put up or shut up, we’ll play any of them in any bowl and let it be settled on the field, not by some morbidly obese limp wristed Queen.
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Herbstreit just said on the ND broadcast that Auburn should be #1 on Tuesday. He doesn’t care about two losses
The Mercers and Colorado States really strike fear into UCF’s heart along with the La. Monroe’s, Tennessee’s, Vandys, LSUs (who couldn’t even beat Troy). Let me ask you an objective question, do you think UCF could have beat Mercer on their home field by more than 24-10? I do, In Fact I’d bet the Farm on it. Don’t let these elitist cowards tell you anything, Auburn’s schedule and Alabama’s schedule don’t scare me. I say bring the coward pussies on. Hell I think Memphis and even USF could beat them on a good night. Check out Auburn’s and Alabama’s schedule and tell me how much better they are. This talking douche is full of shit! I say put up or shut up, we’ll play any of them in any bowl and let it be settled on the field, not by some morbidly obese limp wristed Queen.
I promise you that your insults can be equally as effective without embarrassing yourself with your 1950’s-era homophobia.
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What a freakin loser!

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I promise you that your insults can be equally as effective without embarrassing yourself with your 1950’s-era homophobia.

Has nothing to do with homophobia, it has everything to do with a male possessing feminine characteristics (ie. No balls) irrespective of sexual orientation. Stop with the default “homophobia” crap. I have no clue as to the dude’s sexual proclivities nor do I care. GFYS
FrostTroll is a woman. She broke the news yesterday. She’s 51 and retired

Hmmm...that kinda explains the obsession she has with teenage boys and what guys really do in the cornfields. The McDonalds thing, the pathetic trailer park existance, and no education must still be true though.
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2nd time in a week, how stupid is that paper? You don't belittle the largest University in this State that is located in your market. They deserve to go under
Exactly why I don’t buy the sentinel. I’m not giving my money to a paper that doesn’t have enough sense to cater somewhat to UCF. Over 200,000 alumni locally. I hate the fact that they never gave Brandon the UCF beat job, they don’t want anyone who’s going to consistently write objective, pro or nuetral UCF articles. Belitting UCF now in this town isn’t a good recipe for success. Just like the City decided to give UCF no revenue for being at the citrus bowl. They said we added no value in the market. That was dumb move. The same goes for the sentinel. Keep trashing and igonoring UCF’s large and growing Alumni base. I guarantee in the end the Sentinel and others in this town that want to dismiss us will regret it.
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Has nothing to do with homophobia, it has everything to do with a male possessing feminine characteristics (ie. No balls) irrespective of sexual orientation. Stop with the default “homophobia” crap. I have no clue as to the dude’s sexual proclivities nor do I care. GFYS
Get some intellect and grow the hell up. Your, “Parliament House” comment showed exactly what you were insinuating about his sexual orientation. The man’s an idiot and a moron. But trying to degrade him for “feminine” characteristics and trying to infer his sexuality about him being at a gay bar shows that you’re, unfortunately, more of an idiot and moron than he is.
Get some intellect and grow the hell up. Your, “Parliament House” comment showed exactly what you were insinuating about his sexual orientation. The man’s an idiot and a moron. But trying to degrade him for “feminine” characteristics and trying to infer his sexuality about him being at a gay bar shows that you’re, unfortunately, more of an idiot and moron than he is.

So you bigoted fascist, every feminine male is a homosexual? You’re the Moron with your weak ass identity politics. I got it, every eunuch is a homosexual. What the hell are you even talking about when YOU interject your own (Parliament House/gay bar) crap into someone else’s post. That says a hell of lot more about you than me. Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it. Project much? Again I say GFYS Mr. weak ass social justice warrior.
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Auburn played a big boy schedule. How many ranked wins does UCF have? How many number 1s has Auburn beat? They made the playoff system to get the best teams in. I do hope one day UCF is in a P5 so they can showcase their ability against better competition on a weekly basis.
Auburn played a big boy schedule. How many ranked wins does UCF have? How many number 1s has Auburn beat? They made the playoff system to get the best teams in. I do hope one day UCF is in a P5 so they can showcase their ability against better competition on a weekly basis.

In case you haven’t figured it out, this is exactly why UCF fans are pissed. So called “big boy” schools are too scared to schedule us and without those wins we will always have the naysayers. Auburn did play a very tough schedule with loses to Clemson and LSU both on the road, and did beat then #1 ranked Georgia and Alabama. They also struggled (24-10) over mighty Mercer at home. UCF can only play and beat the teams on their schedule, not the teams that won’t schedule them. We’ve played and beat two ranked teams (Memphis and usf) as well as every other team on our schedule. There are only two undefeated teams at the FBS level and UCF is one of them (the other not surprisingly is being consider for the playoffs). Until somebody beats us we are one of the best schools in the country. In the NFL if one team has a weaker schedule and wins their games they make the playoffs. Only in college football can an undefeated team be denied access to a “chance” at competing for a championship not based upon their record but based upon subjective opinion and Inherent bias.