Axios: Trump considering pulling out of WTO

Poolside Knight

Todd's Tiki Bar
Apr 2, 2007


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at first i didnt like the hearing about trump pulling back from the funding and membership with the un and different councils. then i read up more about and and i fully supported those moves.

on paper i dont like this move but i will need to learn more about the wto and our role within it.
at first i didnt like the hearing about trump pulling back from the funding and membership with the un and different councils. then i read up more about and and i fully supported those moves.

on paper i dont like this move but i will need to learn more about the wto and our role within it.
it would be way more damaging than pulling out of a Climate agreement, it's like he's so drunk with power & he's purposely being wreckless to see if any Republican will finally say enough
it would be way more damaging than pulling out of a Climate agreement
We never joined any climate agreement, not Kyoto, not Paris, just like we never joined the League of Nations.

No one says Harding 'pulled out of the League of Nations,' even though he campaigned on not trying to convince Congress to ratify it after it had 'stalled' after 2 years -- no different than Trump on Paris, or W. on Kyoto before that.

Under Clinton, the Senate voted 0-98 to ratify Kyoto -- not a single Democratic Senator voted for it.

Under Obama, he didn't even bother sending it to Congress, as he didn't want to be embarrassed by his own party voting against it.

it's like he's so drunk with power & he's purposely being wreckless to see if any Republican will finally say enough
And a lot of Democrats voted against Kyoto as well, and would not have voted for Paris! Have you actually read them?

Don't blame Trump for something don't Democrats want either.

Same with the 'Space Force,' came out of a bi-partisan appropriations committee 60-1 -- all but 1 Democratic Representative voting for it ... last year.

Can we stop blaming Trump for everything Democrats agree with as well?

^^^ This is why Clinton-MSM-Progressives have lost all credibility.
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Aren't we in the WTO because Congress voted to enter?

This is dumb rhetoric either way, but I don't think he can just snap his fingers and take us out.
Good. We dont need and shouldn't have any political body over the US for trade deals. I'm against tariffs and for free trade, but that should come from 1-on-1 agreements. When you are the big dog on the block and your currency is used by default for energy trading we should act like we are equal to any other country.
it would be way more damaging than pulling out of a Climate agreement, it's like he's so drunk with power & he's purposely being wreckless to see if any Republican will finally say enough

I think he's finding where to draw the line in the sand...I'm surprised people haven't grasped this concept and used it against him.
RT runs some story designed by the Russian to stir up shit here, whether true or not. Nine days later, Axios runs a “private sources” what if it’s true story? Then people go crazy.

It has never been easier in the history of this country for foreign nations to sow discontent in the US. We bend over backwards to tear ourselves apart at even the most ridiculous planted story, even when run by blatant foreign and enemy propaganda outfits. Add that to the negative stigma that has now been applied to anyone showing national pride in the US. Not a good sign for our future.
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RT runs some story designed by the Russian to stir up shit here, whether true or not. Nine days later, Axios runs a “private sources” what if it’s true story? Then people go crazy.

It has never been easier in the history of this country for foreign nations to sow discontent in the US. We bend over backwards to tear ourselves apart at even the most ridiculous planted story, even when run by blatant foreign and enemy propaganda outfits. Add that to the negative stigma that has now been applied to anyone showing national pride in the US. Not a good sign for our future.
It's actually always been like this since the mid '00s.

Remember when W. moved Coast Guard Cutters into the Black Sea to deliver humanitarian aid to Georgia? The US media was reporting it was an 'act of war,' even though W. moved the required number of NATO warships out to maintain treaty obligations.

Why? The Czechs made their BIS (intelligence) reports publicly available following the Georgian War, and every year since. Read it. Sound familiar? ;)

Same with Obama when he refused THAAD to our allies, even as the Russians rolled out S-300VM in North Korea, and S-400 (it's direct equivalent) to the western border as well as China. And people wonder why the EU voted to raise a standing army and pool defense R&D after that?
Now it is being leaked that Trump wants is going to present the Fair and Reciprocal Trade act, or the FART act.

This is a good thing, unless we nogotiate a deal with the western eurpoean countries. I have no problem with the FART, but if it becomes the western european treaty- fair and reciprocal trade act (WETFART), I will probably distance myself from that.