Baltimore, Part 4

There aren't enough people inside these communities that hold this perspective, so large scale change won't happen quickly just from within. Rapid change will also take people from outside of the communities being able to build a level of trust that they can share this perspective. Youth are more likely to be open to this than older teens and adults, so that's a good place to start .

Why in the hell do you think ANYTHING done at the Federal or even State level will change things then? If there's no one inside these communities willing to push for a change of culture, there's absolutely nothing that can be done on a governmental level.
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Why in the hell do you think ANYTHING done at the Federal or even State level will change things then? If there's no one inside these communities willing to push for a change of culture, there's absolutely nothing that can be done on a governmental level.

I see where you're going, but still not a case for apruptly cutting federal social programs... but I guarantee that as more people get involved at the local level to give kids a better perepctive, the need for federal welfare programs (in their current form) will drop pretty significantly
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It's called unintended consequences, dumbass. I highly doubt a 19 year old from the inner city WANTS to raise a child in poverty, but it's a common story where she gets knocked up by some random guy anyways, he disappears, and voila we have a baby born into poverty with no father to speak of. She doesn't purposely seek this out, but she also didn't do anything constructive to avoid this.

But simply saying "well, I didn't want this but it happened so screw it, I don't care!" isn't a real response either. Eventually there needs to be a coordinated campaign, from leaders inside these communities, to start directly confronting the breakdown of families and applying pressure on people to get their shit together and stop the trend.

I'm sure this involves first stopping the violence and drug culture ingrained in these communities. But beyond that, there IS a culture of absolute wreckless abandon. How many stories have we heard of men in inner cities who have 8 different kids with 6 different mothers?
An unintended consequence? Of what?

Black people just magically became so stupid that they made babies without fathers...thus making them poor, under educated, lacking employment options, high drug rates, etc?
It was just a magical "unintended consequence?"

Lack of traditional families causes all these problems, and lack of traditional families is just an "unintended consequence" of some other magical thing.
Well, it is abundantly clear that he deserved the death penalty without trial.
Yes, one less criminal off the streets. Now they gotta do the same with a white criminal and we can call it even. Problem is, THERE ARE NO WHITE CRIMINALS!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

I see a common theme here... avoid acknowledging and thinking about serious problems by focusing on things that are relatively small potatoes. Focus on the small minority of idiots doing damage and ignore the bigger message of protestors. Focus on four words that were an unfortunate mantra of the people protesting PROVEN institutional racism and discrimination by their police department, and ignore the reasons that made people believe a cop would kill a man while not in danger in the first place.

See, conservatives can be lazy.
Actually it is you that is focusing on a small minority of cops who may have done this compared to the hundreds of not thousands of rioters.
An unintended consequence? Of what?

Black people just magically became so stupid that they made babies without fathers...thus making them poor, under educated, lacking employment options, high drug rates, etc?
It was just a magical "unintended consequence?"

Lack of traditional families causes all these problems, and lack of traditional families is just an "unintended consequence" of some other magical thing.

Let's try this again. It's long but it should help you understand...

Actually it is you that is focusing on a small minority of cops who may have done this compared to the hundreds of not thousands of rioters.

Perceptions are flawed on both sides of this debate, driven by media with an agenda. On the whole cops aren't nearly as bad as the protesters think and protesters aren't nearly as bad as the general public thinks.

Aside from the fringes, I think just about everyone wants to see the same thing: less black people dying in police custody and less of an overreaction when it does occur.
How many black people died at the hands of drugs being pushed on them by Freddie Gray?
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Gray is just an innocent entrepreneur murdered by KKKops. If this was Steve Jobs all you white crackers would be rioting and burning down Starbucks and Trader Joes.
I really can't comprehend how you people refuse to see the forest for the trees. You're allowed to recognize views that are in minor opposition to your ideology. Ignorance > willful ignorance.
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Meanwhile they approved $30m for a youth jail and took $12m out of the city's school budget to fund pensions. Gotta make sure you keep feeding the "school-to-prison pipeline"!!!! Burn that mother****ing city to the ground.
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close
Round the time that the school doors close
Round the time that the doors of the jail cells
Open up to greet you like the reaper"

Baltimore is basically a Rage Against the Machine song.

Meanwhile they approved $30m for a youth jail and took $12m out of the city's school budget to fund pensions. Gotta make sure you keep feeding the "school-to-prison pipeline"!!!! Burn that mother****ing city to the ground.

While I certainly agree with you on the funding issue for pensions , the prison is obviously a necessity . But just wow on your final statement . Sorry but that's ignorant bull shit
IDGAF, I'm still wearing all my Yankees gear when I go watch them beat the shit out of the Orioles. Riot that shit, bitchfukcs.
While I certainly agree with you on the funding issue for pensions , the prison is obviously a necessity . But just wow on your final statement . Sorry but that's ignorant bull shit

Yes. Prisons are most definitely the primary concern.
And I'd hope you're smart enough to understand that LITERALLY burning the city down is not what I advocate. But **** Baltimore and their horrendous history and the situation they've created...THAT my friend is ignorant bullshit.
And I'd hope you're smart enough to understand that LITERALLY burning the city down is not what I advocate. But **** Baltimore and their horrendous history and the situation they've created...THAT my friend is ignorant bullshit.

It is not isolated to Baltimore. I understand what you are saying, and it's pervasive in the entire US of A. Blame the feds and dumbass politicians (and a bunch of other shit).
"Ain't it funny how the factory doors close
Round the time that the school doors close
Round the time that the doors of the jail cells
Open up to greet you like the reaper"

Baltimore is basically a Rage Against the Machine song.
"Hungry people don't stay hungry for long."

Everything is basically a Rage Against the Machine song.