Beer Pong in Hong Kong Has Its Own Kooky Rules—and Purists Hate Them


Sep 5, 2007
Winter Park
Local bars tweak standard rules of the American frat-house drinking game to simplify play—and sell more beer—to the horror of traditionalists; ‘requires absolutely zero skills’


Hong Kong bar owners realized it would be more profitable if beer-pong games were quicker—more games meant more beer sold—and less about skill—so newbies felt they had a chance to win.

They started tinkering with the rules. The biggest innovation: the double-cherry rule, in which six of the 10 cups are eliminated—speeding up the game—if you are able to hit the front cup twice on your first turn. In some bars, hitting the double cherry could even end the game on the first turn.

Other changes for Hong Kong play included “first blood,” where players were rewarded with the elimination of three cups when they scored one ball into the front cup on their first turn; “ball in combo,” three cups eliminated when they scored two balls into two different cups during the same turn; and “single cherry,” four cups eliminated when they scored two balls into the same cup during the same turn—other than the front cup on the first turn.

To Michael Popielarski and other traditional-rule loyalists, the changes were puzzling. “First blood is the oddest to me because it is the easiest cup to hit. So to get awarded for three cups is a lot,” says the three-time WSOBP champion.
So grown ups buy beer and then stick dirty balls in it?
Also, wouldn't having people play a game designed to get them drunk be a huge legal liability?
I think it is a stupid game: you score to make the other guy drink.