Chemmie has refrained from launching into some unnecessary attack thus far and what we have is a productive thread
Who is losing quality?
Isn’t it a bit racist to assume that brown people can’t make quality things?
I don't want to hurt your feelings and have you run off in a tizzy again.Chemmie has refrained from launching into some unnecessary attack thus far and what we have is a productive thread
I don't want to hurt your feelings and have you run off in a tizzy again.
Thanks but I’m winning here
My big question is still out there, too...
At the current rate, where our wealth gap is still increasing, wages for more than 90% of the population are stagnant, money being poured into the economy by the Federal Reserve and now tax cuts, and poverty also increasing...
Is this sustainable?
Our GDP is set to expand by more than 3% this year. Wealth is being built. Even if you don't like the wage gap, you cannot keep citing the false claim that 90% of wages are stagnant. Every economic data we have shows wages are making meaningful gains.
Because I sure as hell can show you 35 years of sources that show wages are stagnant, and it takes a lot more than one good quarter to negate 35 years.
My big question is still out there, too...
At the current rate, where our wealth gap is still increasing, wages for more than 90% of the population are stagnant, money being poured into the economy by the Federal Reserve and now tax cuts, and poverty also increasing...
Is this sustainable?
Well, at least somebody around here seems to have a handle on things...No, not even close. Some of the things you mentioned have context though that should be examined. The first and easiest is that poverty isnt measured the same in America as it is elsewhere so its probably not a good metric. The 2nd is the federal reserve dumping cash into the system, but this is ridiculously complex. Dumping cash into the economy is questionable to begin with, but they did it under the premise that trickle down economics actually works (hint: it doesn't). Whereas Friedman toyed with the idea of helicopter money, the post-Keynesians used the idea as an opportunity to dump money into a recessionary economy based on the premises of trickle-down and it was an EPIC fail. We literally added to cash reserves in commercial banks ten-fold in 6 years and by using QE it didnt even affect inflation on any level. All it did was to mortgage the future earnings of 100% of people with 90% getting the benefit. Now we turn around and say that the burden is spread equally among the 100%? Thats bullshit and as transparent of an upward redistribution of wealth as we have seen since the fuedal systems were still a thing. Its only different today because we arent conscripting people to produce raw products in favor of conscripting them to consolidate currency. In truth, outside of the ag economy a days work is still worth a days work, but we don't have the currency needed to make those transactions that we once did so the demand for it diminishes our buying power.
So what do we do about it? Minimum wage increases do jack crap so why bother? Increase income taxes on high earners only affects taxable income, which in itself is a joke of a solution. I guess we could confiscate wealth above a certain amount and distribute it accordingly among the populace but that just opens a door for communism. Print more money and proportionately distribute that among the people who got jacked by the earlier QE, but of course the lower earners spend money disproportionately than high earners so M2V just skyrockets and inflation explodes.
No good answers.
Well, at least somebody around here seems to have a handle on things...
No good answers? Shiiiit, they just added to it by giving a huge tax handout to the same people who have been benefitting from QE, making things even worse.
There will be financial turmoil no matter what is done to fix it, and guess who will be the people affected most by that?
The best answer is we see actual wage growth, voluntarily. We all know (well, some of us) that won't happen.
What is the next good answer? Exactly what FDR did. Tax the shit out of them, break them apart, strengthen labor laws, invest heavily in infrastructure, and pass regulations to hopefully prevent this the next time.
What is the only other good answer? Violent revolution.
I've said time and time again these are the three possible outcomes, and I still stand by it.
LMAO at #3.
You guys should probably get over your phobia of guns if you intend to lead a left wing socialist overthrow of the government.
FDR taxing rich people helped the economy? Really? Or was it the small fact that there was a global war for which America turned every dormant factory into a tank/ship/aircraft production line?
Which is the irony- you're so hysterically against any/all defense spending, yet it is arguably the absolute best industrial jobs apparatus in this country. And unlike the other companies that you love to crap on for moving jobs, these jobs stay here and exclusively go to American workers.
You are the most ill-informed dolt on the planet.
You’re the guy who just said that it’s likely that we either get another FDR or an armed socialist movement will overthrow the government.
That isn't even close to what I wrote. Another case of you making up a false premise to validate your false conclusions. You're an imbecile.
I tried being nice to you for a couple days, but you really are that huge of a moron.At least you’re back to name calling
I tried being nice to you for a couple days, but you really are that huge of a moron.
as witnessed to all the recent unrest and the left wing people harassing republicans i think this is a possibility. as 85 and anyone with a brain will point out, one side has a ton of guns and the other side is adverse to them. now i know plenty of democrats that have guns and they defend the second. that said they are out numbered by republicans with guns.What is the only other good answer? Violent revolution.
as witnessed to all the recent unrest and the left wing people harassing republicans i think this is a possibility. as 85 and anyone with a brain will point out, one side has a ton of guns and the other side is adverse to them. now i know plenty of democrats that have guns and they defend the second. that said they are out numbered by republicans with guns.
no one in their right mind would actually want that to happen. we live amazingly luxurious lives and no one wants to swap that for dodging bullets.
When it happens, it isn't going to be left vs. right. It will be a united front against our government, wealth consolidation, and corruption. It has to get a lot worse before this happens. But, as long as the can keeps being kicked and people like 85 keep thinking there is no problem with our current economic trends, it will keep getting worse.
When it happens, it isn't going to be left vs. right. It will be a united front against our government, wealth consolidation, and corruption. It has to get a lot worse before this happens. But, as long as the can keeps being kicked and people like 85 keep thinking there is no problem with our current economic trends, it will keep getting worse.