I know this is the red hat talking point but in reality GOP has historically done more spending than Democrats and takes in less revenue. Clinton inherited a deficit of 4.4% GDP and left office with a surplus of 2.3% GDP having lowered the deficit or increased the surplus every year. Obama inherited a global recession and deficit that was 9.8% of GDP and left office with a defect of 3.1% GDP. The deficit as a percentage of GDP has grown each of the last 4 years (2017-2020) from 3.1% to 4.8% this year without Covid19 impact and 17.9% with.I notice you conveniently skipped my post above but that's fine. I'll just address this now.
I know you chuds love to say "It's only this much more tax on those stupid rich people!" every time you want to champion a new program and new spending that will never, ever be cut or scaled back once passed into law. The issue is not whether that is true or not for this program, the issue is that Biden and the left will have at least 6-7 more programs at least this size, or alot bigger, and the rationale will be the same every time. Just a little more tax for the evil rich!
You can only treat high wage earners as a piggy bank so many times before you realize that socialist spending eventually requires pain and taxation at the middle class level. Only the DNC won't ever admit this since it's easier to pontificate the idea that we can pass $15T in new spending and only impact what those "investment bankers" are making.