Big 12 commish Brett Yormark on competing with Big Ten and SEC, adding Arizona, going national

Cool but zero big 12 teams in the NCAA Elite 8 and zero Big 12 teams in the CWS. Conference was done after the SEC poached it’s two national brands.
"What has he done?"

I'm not gonna spoon feed you. I provided the link above. Go watch yourself of Yormack's presentation to Arizona Government. Then get back to me.
Obviously, G5s like UCF are happy going to the BIG 12 but that conference can’t compete with the Big 10 or the SEC and the gap will only increase. Yormark is doing nothing to close the gap. Yormark can’t do a thing.

The ACC cannot compete with the SEC ad B10 either. Once FSU and Clemson leave...and you take a haircut on your TV deal because the only two teams that draw are gone, you'll be begging to get into the B12. 🤣
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The ACC cannot compete with the SEC ad B10 either. Once FSU and Clemson leave...and you take a haircut on your TV deal because the only two teams that draw are gone, you'll be begging to get into the B12. 🤣
Being the 35th ranked revenue-generating athletic department over the last 20 years, the u will be fortunate to get a Big 12 invite. May have to join the PAC-4 with South.
good stay in ACC and help rebuild it.
I love any post that puts arrogant Miami fans in their place. But if the ACC loses three or more of their big brands (FSU, Clemson, N Carolina) there is no way the conference can be rebuilt to anywhere close to it's current level. At least 40% of their conference TV value lies in those three schools. Without them, the per school media value of that conference plummets well below the B12, leading the best remaining schools to look to the B12 for survival.

I wouldn't mind having Miami in the B12. The closest schools to UCF are what, WVU and Houston? Having an in state team to develop a rivalry with would be good. And the conceited arrogance of Miami's fans (the few of them that actually bother to show up for a home game) is a good basis to build a rivalry on.
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My guess Lobo lives a block from his stadium and doesn't even bother going.
I envision bozo as a balding, senile old fart residing in an assisted living apartment complex with a tattered Miami Hurricanes flag hanging out the window of his old and busted '98 sanddrift Corolla in the driveway.
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