Big Bo commits

Can't find a fist pump pic.

It would be great if could snag Marcus Tatum up next.
Can't find a fist pump pic.

http:// http://
Offer list is weak. I thought Frost was this magical coach thst is going to bring in nothing but 4 star talent from FL. Personally, I'd like to see 7-8 more OL commits....some of them will work out and provide us starters or depth. Another commit who isn't even ranked yet....the skies the limit.
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Offer list is weak. I thought Frost was this magical coach thst is going to bring in nothing but 4 star talent from FL. Personally, I'd like to see 7-8 more OL commits....some of them will work out and provide us starters or depth. Another commit who isn't even ranked yet....the skies the limit.

Well after the previous staff's outstanding success of 0-12, I'm surprised anyone would come here this year. You've got to be really stupid if you think we'll have only 4 stars. No one can be that stupid.
mattropolis stop being so butthurt. GOL is gone, get over it
I just want people on here to be realistic about what we are. We're a P5 program and our recruits/recruiting ranking is going to shake out like it has always been. There is a pecking order and no coach or amount of wins is going to move the needle much until we're actually in a P5 conference. You use the term "butthurt" alot so you must have some experience or familiarity with it..
I just want people on here to be realistic about what we are. We're a P5 program and our recruits/recruiting ranking is going to shake out like it has always been. There is a pecking order and no coach or amount of wins is going to move the needle much until we're actually in a P5 conference. You use the term "butthurt" alot so you must have some experience or familiarity with it..
just my observation on the tone of your posts since the enthusiasm of the Frost hire.

seems like you are rooting against him in Recruiting battles to prove some sort of validation of the past regime's weak recruiting the last several years. Taggart, Herman, and others have proven that you can win those recruiting battles even not in the P5
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I just want people on here to be realistic about what we are. We're a P5 program and our recruits/recruiting ranking is going to shake out like it has always been. There is a pecking order and no coach or amount of wins is going to move the needle much until we're actually in a P5 conference. You use the term "butthurt" alot so you must have some experience or familiarity with it..

Not true. Sure we won't get a top 10 class without the P5 tag. But I believe we can get a top 25 class. Houston is doing pretty well right now. What's the best ranked class we've have had? Top 50?
Not true. Sure we won't get a top 10 class without the P5 tag. But I believe we can get a top 25 class. Houston is doing pretty well right now. What's the best ranked class we've have had? Top 50?
Houston is closing in on a Top 25 class.

The signing day after UCF's Fiesta Bowl Victory Taggart brought in the #39 ranked recruiting class at USF at a losing program w no fans playing off campus, UCF's class was ranked 74th.....
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Exactly, it's all upside at this point. Play makers last week and some OL and DL players this week is progress from my perspective. Get us a decent QB and RB and teach the players the new system. I'm sure there will be more pleasant surprises in January :)
Houston is closing in on a Top 25 class.

The signing day after UCF's Fiesta Bowl Victory Taggart brought in the #39 ranked recruiting class at USF at a losing program w no fans playing off campus, UCF's class was ranked 74th.....

Wow! Houston is killing it right now on their commitment list. Very impressive.
Houston is at #48 using avg stars per player. I don't pay attention to "total points" because that is skewed based on a couple of different factors. Their player average is 2.85. Right now we're at 2.63. We might catch up by signing day. They're solid. We will be as usual.
just my observation on the tone of your posts since the enthusiasm of the Frost hire.

seems like you are rooting against him in Recruiting battles to prove some sort of validation of the past regime's weak recruiting the last several years. Taggart, Herman, and others have proven that you can win those recruiting battles even not in the P5
I like the long as he remembers playing defense wins titles. Not seeing much of any focus on defense so far but he has until signing day. Btw, last year we were the #1G5 class based on avg points per player. In 2014 we were the#3 G5 class based on avg points per player. I would expect that even after 0-12 we end up top 5 for G5 schools (probably all from the AAC as well, except for BYU).
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Offer list is weak. I thought Frost was this magical coach thst is going to bring in nothing but 4 star talent from FL. Personally, I'd like to see 7-8 more OL commits....some of them will work out and provide us starters or depth. Another commit who isn't even ranked yet....the skies the limit.
It's been a week and a half. The important thing is that we need to sign 25+ players and increase competition in summer camp. Give Frost a full year to get the big recruits in.
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After last season, I like that they are bringing in some JUCOs. If they can find about 5 or 6 worth signing I'd try to recruit them.
Things are going to be different with the O-line now as far as the type of player and recruit.

We are actually going to see more athletic guys who will get playing time quickly and less of the type of players that we had in the past that had NFL potential. We may recruit a lot of off the radar type of players that will be better for this offensive system. UCF may not now be a desirable place for a recruit who is an offensive lineman, but may be a better fit for a smaller, athletic guy with good explosion and stamina. This is not a system that prepares offensive lineman for the NFL.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are there a lot of offensive lineman in the NFL who played at Oregon in the past several years?
Compare them to USC and Stanford.

Even UCF has had a few and the best in the game in Sitton.
It's been a week and a half. The important thing is that we need to sign 25+ players and increase competition in summer camp. Give Frost a full year to get the big recruits in.
yeah Frost has already offered class of 17 and 18 players. His summer camps will help the next class

This was an all linemen visit weekend
It's been a week and a half. The important thing is that we need to sign 25+ players and increase competition in summer camp. Give Frost a full year to get the big recruits in.
I'm giving him 2-3 years based on the QBs we currently have to implement a new system, along with tge rest of the roster. I think we can win 4-5 games next year. Next year will probably be a struggle and then we'll probably end up playing the kind of QB he is looking for...."his guy" finally.
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"We're fast. We play fast. We have fast guys. Those guys are right here to be had, and if I was a fast kid in the State of Florida and I knew we were going to play this type of offense here, this place would look really good to me."

Swanson is exhibit A. Almost a year ago, Swanson measured in at The Opening Miami regional at 6-4, 234 pounds. At that size he ran a 5.06 40-yard dash and had a 29 inch vertical. Those are strong numbers for a player even at 234 pounds. He's clearly an athlete first and a lineman second. Since then, Swanson has bulked up, reportedly, to close to 280 pounds. You can be sure that his athleticism remains even if his 40 time has dropped a tick or two.
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"We're fast. We play fast. We have fast guys. Those guys are right here to be had, and if I was a fast kid in the State of Florida and I knew we were going to play this type of offense here, this place would look really good to me."

Swanson is exhibit A. Almost a year ago, Swanson measured in at The Opening Miami regional at 6-4, 234 pounds. At that size he ran a 5.06 40-yard dash and had a 29 inch vertical. Those are strong numbers for a player even at 234 pounds. He's clearly an athlete first and a lineman second. Since then, Swanson has bulked up, reportedly, to close to 280 pounds. You can be sure that his athleticism remains even if his 40 time has dropped a tick or two.

Exactly!!! It's a whole different system.
Doesn't mean we are going to have 250lb offensive lineman, but nobody is going to confuse us with Wisconsin. It's college football. You can get away with this stuff. Will this system beat everyone? No.., but it's proven and it wins a lot of games and it's fun to watch. Oregon doesn't win a national championship every year and either does Baylor, but I'll take it over what we have now anyday.
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You also have to realize Houston has been recruiting all year with the same coaching staff, Frost hasn't even been here a month and NSD is in Feb. Can't really compare anything with such a late start, next year you can.
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I am also glad for the hire. But I think we need to be realistic about 1) how quickly Frost will be able to get the players he needs and 2) the quality of recruits that have committed. The only difference I see at the moment is that Frost is recruiting Florida players. I don't see a marked difference in the quality of recruits (from star rating anyway). That difference will only be seen once this players are in, bulk up and are coached up.
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I am also glad for the hire. But I think we need to be realistic about 1) how quickly Frost will be able to get the players he needs and 2) the quality of recruits that have committed. The only difference I see at the moment is that Frost is recruiting Florida players. I don't see a marked difference in the quality of recruits (from star rating anyway). That difference will only be seen once this players are in, bulk up and are coached up.

Remember.., we are coming of an 0-12 season and that's very unattractive to most recruits. GOL had a fiesta bowl win and a 9-4 record. Frost really has done a good job to get any quality whatsoever from any state.

Still lots of uncertainty as well in the program. New coach without coaching experience, no coordinators named yet, etc.
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Remember.., we are coming of an 0-12 season and that's very unattractive to most recruits. GOL had a fiesta bowl win and a 9-4 record. Frost really has done a good job to get any quality whatsoever from any state.

Still lots of uncertainty as well in the program. New coach without coaching experience, no coordinators named yet, etc.

He appears to be doing better than GOL did his first season (coming in on a 10 game losing streak) but George came in January and also had a heart attack. Frost has much more to work with in terms of money, facilities, reputation, history and players on the roster. It is late in the game and I think he is doing a bang up job, I just don't like signing JUCOs.
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No team has ever built a great program that was sustained with a bunch of JUCO players This is just a temporary fix. We need bodies and we need them quickly. If some of them are under the radar guys and we can find a gem or two, then great. It may be easier to find a guy that other schools may not want because of SF's system requirements.
You also have to realize Houston has been recruiting all year with the same coaching staff, Frost hasn't even been here a month and NSD is in Feb. Can't really compare anything with such a late start, next year you can. Herman's first class last Feb was average at best...but having been there for an entire off-season, spring, summer and fall season, his recruiting has sky-rocketed.
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I'm giving him 2-3 years based on the QBs we currently have to implement a new system, along with tge rest of the roster. I think we can win 4-5 games next year. Next year will probably be a struggle and then we'll probably end up playing the kind of QB he is looking for...."his guy" finally.

Agreed...but he better not go winless There is just no excuse for that in any conference yet alone a G5.
Some of the lineman who haven't played so well (Campbell) might be perfect for this offense.
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GOL's philosophy was to face up to teams and blow them over. With our recruiting impacted by sanctions and graduation we couldn't execute as a team like he wanted (throw in bad QBing on top).

The Frost era is going to bring in an era of more finesse. The lineman are going to include movement plays in addition to hit the guy in front of you and the offense is going to try to get the ball outside the tackles as quickly as possible with west coast short passing.

Our record will be based on how the players adapt to new philosophy and QBing. I believe Frost will have most of the players he needs in season one if he can get a QB who fits his style of play.

Realistic goal for season one is 6-6. The Michigan game probably shouldn't be used as a measuring stick for next season. If Frost has us competing against them closely we can get excited but we would need a star transfer QB for that to happen.
The minimum for me is six. The likely number is 8. The bottom of this conference just isn't any good.
I say NY6 bowl or fire everyone!

Let's be realistic, we lost to an FCS school this year, 2 if you count FIU. Making a bowl game next year with a completely different offensive (and probably defensive) philosophy would be an incredible accomplishment.