Mayor Pete decided to weigh in on Trump’s animals quote and condemn him for being racist. Of course, he’s ignoring the fact that’s Trump was responding to a statement about MS-13 and calling the gang members animals. So it ends up coming out like he’s defending MS-13 once you put it in context. The comments on his tweet are interesting.
Almost as interesting as seeing how he is going to court both the moderates and the radicals in the next 6 months.
This is why incumbents are hard to defeat. The primaries are a race to the extreme, then the general is a race back to the middle. It creates a sense of uncertainty for voters, not knowing what to really believe. Its why a guy like Jim Webb actually would have had a chance to beat Trump but the dems ran him out of the party. The rest of these yahoos are just going to spend the next 12 months trying to out-socialist each other and then spend the next 6 months trying to undo it.