It's not lost on me. I respect it and am in a committed loving and religious marriage and wouldn't have it any other way. The sanctity of my marriage is not sullied by gay people getting married to each other. In fact, I'd rather they get married than run around in an orgiastic lifestyle. The church used to condemn divorce, which I think is a much bigger threat to traditional marriage than gay marriage, but now it's an accepted practice. The church has changed and can change. The church is also softening their stance on homosexuality, slowly, but it's changing. I don't think it's for me to judge the actions of others and condemn them for their legal actions or advocate for the denial of services based solely on my beliefs. I certainly wouldn't want to live in a society where my lifestyle is perceived as distasteful or immoral due to things out of my control, and as such I am persecuted by those with different beliefs.