Can someone explain why the tackle during our fair catch was not a penalty??

Home cooking refs.

Also, I listened to the game on the radio and Marc Daniels was very adamant about a whistle being blown on the Randy Pittman catch and 'fumble'. While they stopped play and went to video replay to see if it was a fumble, Marc was besides-himself on saying that the play was whistled dead and it can't be reviewed because of that. Not so sure on what happened. But, when I watched replay on dvr the next night, I didn't hear a whistle and the tv announcers didn't mention it.
Home cooking refs.

Also, I listened to the game on the radio and Marc Daniels was very adamant about a whistle being blown on the Randy Pittman catch and 'fumble'. While they stopped play and went to video replay to see if it was a fumble, Marc was besides-himself on saying that the play was whistled dead and it can't be reviewed because of that. Not so sure on what happened. But, when I watched replay on dvr the next night, I didn't hear a whistle and the tv announcers didn't mention it.
Remember he can see the whole field, the camera does not. Additionally, the FOX sounds sucks
Home cooking refs.

Also, I listened to the game on the radio and Marc Daniels was very adamant about a whistle being blown on the Randy Pittman catch and 'fumble'. While they stopped play and went to video replay to see if it was a fumble, Marc was besides-himself on saying that the play was whistled dead and it can't be reviewed because of that. Not so sure on what happened. But, when I watched replay on dvr the next night, I didn't hear a whistle and the tv announcers didn't mention it.
The whistle would not have mattered any ways. Whistles blow all the time and they can still go review. The only thing that would negated an opportunity for review is if the ref had indicated his forward motion had been stopped prior to the ball coming loose which was not the case.
I don't understand that either. You have to give the guy the ability to catch the ball AND not touch him. I would think if he fumbled then you can lay him out. If I were Gus I would ask the B12 for a review.

I did a quick search and everything I've read said you can't tackle a player that has signaled for a fair catch.
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If you fair catch signal, you have to catch it cleanly. It’s a judgement call by the ref, but in that moment, he did not think Xavier caught it cleanly.

If you go back and watch, he did misjudge the catch (I’m just glad he came down with it, however he had to do it). But he did get turned around 180 degrees, and there was a little bit of a bobble when he caught it. That’s likely what the refs were discussing, and in real-time, the ref didn’t think it was a clear clean catch.

Probably not a great call, but not an egregious one either. I probably would have been more upset if he fumbled it after the hit lol.
If you fair catch signal, you have to catch it cleanly. It’s a judgement call by the ref, but in that moment, he did not think Xavier caught it cleanly.

If you go back and watch, he did misjudge the catch (I’m just glad he came down with it, however he had to do it). But he did get turned around 180 degrees, and there was a little bit of a bobble when he caught it. That’s likely what the refs were discussing, and in real-time, the ref didn’t think it was a clear clean catch.

Probably not a great call, but not an egregious one either. I probably would have been more upset if he fumbled it after the hit lol.
This isn’t the rule at all. The player signaling the fair catch can bobble. As long as the ball doesn’t hit the ground they cannot be tackled. My guess is they somehow ruled the signal wasn’t clear.
This isn’t the rule at all. The player signaling the fair catch can bobble. As long as the ball doesn’t hit the ground they cannot be tackled. My guess is they somehow ruled the signal wasn’t clear.
You are correct. When the ball hits the ground it is live (regardless of the wave). Not on the bobble though, I was mistaken. Thank you for pointing that out.

I was thinking bobble instead of muffed for some reason.

So maybe they didn’t think he wave was definitive or early enough (seemed early enough). Who knows?
I don't understand that either. You have to give the guy the ability to catch the ball AND not touch him. I would think if he fumbled then you can lay him out. If I were Gus I would ask the B12 for a review.

I did a quick search and everything I've read said you can't tackle a player that has signaled for a fair catch.
I would ask for the review too. Maybe an ask Marc question on 740 the game