Can you baker act someone from insane postings on a message board?


Diamond Knight
Jan 27, 2011
Does anyone have any experience with this? If you believe someone is deranged to the point that they are a danger to themselves and others what can we do do start the process of getting this individual some help before something bad happens?

Please, serious replies only.
Does anyone have any experience with this? If you believe someone is deranged to the point that they are a danger to themselves and others what can we do do start the process of getting this individual some help before something bad happens?

Please, serious replies only.
if i knew who ninja was in real life, i would seriously consider trying to get him baker acted.
if i knew who ninja was in real life, i would seriously consider trying to get him baker acted.


Because I embarrassed you so badly you had to run and claim to put me on ignore, only to not actually do it?

You snowflakes are hilarious. Your best bud 85 has no shit threatened to kill someone over this message board, and harassed sirdingys wife so much on Facebook she had to unfriend him and he stopped posting here...but you can't name a single thing I've done other than "embarass Wayne's ignorant positions and hurt his feelings"
It's good to see Shook Chicken finally having a sliver of self-awareness. Good job pal, admitting you have an issue is a good first step.
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Meh. He's about as dangerous as a 14 year old boy with braces who spends too much time playing fortnite and obsessing over who the most powerful sith lord is.
Don't open the most powerful Sith Lord conversation with Wayne. He's an adult star wars cosplayer. You'll be talking sith all day.
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Meh. He's about as dangerous as a 14 year old boy with braces who spends too much time playing fortnite and obsessing over who the most powerful sith lord is.
hes bragged multiple times about the massive gun collection he has. if he were to snap, it would be on the news.
Don't open the most powerful Sith Lord conversation with Wayne. He's an adult star wars cosplayer. You'll be talking sith all day.
yea i know, its terrible that those star wars cosplayers do charity events all the time.*
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hes bragged multiple times about the massive gun collection he has. if he were to snap, it would be on the news.

yea i know, its terrible that those star wars cosplayers do charity events all the time.*
There is a 50% chance you have bumper sticker on your car that says "My other ride is an AT-AT" Until they make real star wars blasters you're not dangerous enough to be baker acted, and even then with the storm trooper costume you'd probably miss if you tried anything.
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I wonder what it's like to make that purchase.

It must feel like you're taking a big leap when you purchase your first full adult sized storm trooper costume. Like once I click this button there's no going back. I'm going to be one of them. It's a permanent transition almost like a gender reassignment. Except M2F gender reassignment individuals probably have an easier time getting laid.
I wonder what it's like to make that purchase.

It must feel like you're taking a big leap when you purchase your first full adult sized storm trooper costume. Like once I click this button there's no going back. I'm going to be one of them. It's a permanent transition almost like a gender reassignment. Except M2F gender reassignment individuals probably have an easier time getting laid.

It's got to be easier coming out to your parents, society today is slowly getting better at accepting people like that thankfully. But imagine having to look your own father in the eye and tell him you have a $200 replica of a lightsaber as a grown ass adult. Yikes.
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FWIW, Darth plagieus is the most powerful sith lord and it's not even close.

Ahahahaha there's TWO of them! Lmao what is up with this board.

Don't get me wrong I love the free comedy, but it is terrifying inbred incels like yourselves are allowed to vote.
It's got to be easier coming out to your parents, society today is slowly getting better at accepting people like that thankfully. But imagine having to look your own father in the eye and tell him you have a $200 replica of a lightsaber as a grown ass adult. Yikes.
My dad would have told me to pack my shit and get out as a single tear rolled down his face. My mom would be devastated that she wasn't going to have grandkids. We need protections in place for people like Wayne. Life's not easy for wayne but God made him this way and we need to find a way to become a society that understands that star wars cosplay isn't a choice, it's genetic.
My dad would have told me to pack my shit and get out as a single tear rolled down his face. My mom would be devastated that she wasn't going to have grandkids. We need protections in place for people like Wayne. Life's not easy for wayne but God made him this way and we need to find a way to become a society that understands that star wars cosplay isn't a choice, it's genetic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging him, I know he can't help it. It's a genetic character flaw which is why he is attracted to false machoism, probably a coping mechanism to make up for his own inability to get an erection without the prequels playing in the background.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging him, I know he can't help it. It's a genetic character flaw which is why he is attracted to false machoism, probably a coping mechanism to make up for his own inability to get an erection without the prequels playing in the background.
I would bet money that he has tried to surprise his significant other by walking out of the closet in full storm trooper gear with just the dick section off thinking she would be into it and she dried up faster than the dunes of Tattooine.
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I would bet money that he has tried to surprise his significant other by walking out of the closet in full storm trooper gear with just the dick section off thinking she would be into it and she dried up faster than the dunes of Tattooine.

I'd suk
There is a 50% chance you have bumper sticker on your car that says "My other ride is an AT-AT" Until they make real star wars blasters you're not dangerous enough to be baker acted, and even then with the storm trooper costume you'd probably miss if you tried anything.
I wonder what it's like to make that purchase.

It must feel like you're taking a big leap when you purchase your first full adult sized storm trooper costume. Like once I click this button there's no going back. I'm going to be one of them. It's a permanent transition almost like a gender reassignment. Except M2F gender reassignment individuals probably have an easier time getting laid.
My dad would have told me to pack my shit and get out as a single tear rolled down his face. My mom would be devastated that she wasn't going to have grandkids. We need protections in place for people like Wayne. Life's not easy for wayne but God made him this way and we need to find a way to become a society that understands that star wars cosplay isn't a choice, it's genetic.
I would bet money that he has tried to surprise his significant other by walking out of the closet in full storm trooper gear with just the dick section off thinking she would be into it and she dried up faster than the dunes of Tattooine.
lol thats some quality posting right there. thanks for the laughs.
I wonder what it's like to make that purchase.

It must feel like you're taking a big leap when you purchase your first full adult sized storm trooper costume. Like once I click this button there's no going back. I'm going to be one of them. It's a permanent transition almost like a gender reassignment. Except M2F gender reassignment individuals probably have an easier time getting laid.
You think you are cute but in reality you are just a douchebag.
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You think you are cute but in reality you are just a douchebag.
Shut that dumb ass up. Every time a normal conversation is happening on this board you jump in with a twatish "#tiredofwinningyet? get ready for 4 more years libtards" response. If you're going to derail actual discussion with shitposts every time people are discussing stuff then don't be mad when they give up and start having fun. Ya fugly old grump lighten up.
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Shut that dumb ass up. Every time a normal conversation is happening on this board you jump in with a twatish "#tiredofwinningyet? get ready for 4 more years libtards" response. If you're going to derail actual discussion with shitposts every time people are discussing stuff then don't be mad when they give up and start having fun. Ya fugly old grump lighten up.
Shut that dumb ass up. Every time a normal conversation is happening on this board you jump in with a twatish "#tiredofwinningyet? get ready for 4 more years libtards" response. If you're going to derail actual discussion with shitposts every time people are discussing stuff then don't be mad when they give up and start having fun. Ya fugly old grump lighten up.


Obviously the entire board went downhill due to Trump being elected, but bt has to be the one who has gone to shit tier by the largest margin.

Painful "hurr Durr winning" posts, just replace him with a bot that posts Nascar scores and other idiotic nonsensical ramblings.

Basically he has single handedly justified the response of "ok boomer"
Y'all can go back and forth on each other . It's fun.
My middle son had meningitis at 24 days old and killed his occipital lobe. He is severely disabled and is cortically blind. He is now 21 years old. It's been a long road friends.

At the age of 18 I had to peition the courts to declare him incompetent and then peition to be his legal guardian. I have to say the process was difficult and very frustrating. I felt the courts were just damn insensitive and cold to us. My son had a guardian ad litem to protect his interest.

Going through the process I realized it was largely created to protect the rights of the elderly and to keep greedy ass kids from trying take over their parents money and estate. While it's not the same as Baker Acting, there are legal protections in place to keep the innocent protected from potential abuse. Even the Baker Act protects those being acted upon.

My advice is seek a family attorney and get their opinion if this is serious. Posting crap on line venting as a keyboard cowboy doesn't seem to meet any kind of standard regarding incompetency.
Ok Thanks for clearing that up. I thought it was a Sh#t Lord misspelled. There are quite a few of those on here...
That would make for an even more interesting conversation. Who is the most powerful sh#t lord on this site? I'd start a poll-thread but it would be a debacle I'm sure.
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