Can you baker act someone from insane postings on a message board?


Obviously the entire board went downhill due to Trump being elected, but bt has to be the one who has gone to shit tier by the largest margin.

Painful "hurr Durr winning" posts, just replace him with a bot that posts Nascar scores and other idiotic nonsensical ramblings.

Basically he has single handedly justified the response of "ok boomer"
seriously downhill. All the loonies came out.
Steve Bannon bragging about creating people like 85 and Wayne:

the power of what he called “rootless white males” who spend all their time online and they could be radicalized in a kind of populist, nationalist way
Does anyone have any experience with this? If you believe someone is deranged to the point that they are a danger to themselves and others what can we do do start the process of getting this individual some help before something bad happens?

Please, serious replies only.
What is your address and real name. I will do my best to get you the help you need.