Cannot say "Male" or "Female" in growing number of colleges...

The best part of this is the irony of the class "rule" directly above the one in question:
"Avoid using anecdotal evidence in any debate."


That is the bycicle designed for POTUS by secret service after Bush's presidency. They also took all knives and pointy objects out of the white house
Serious answer? I'm a motherfukcing United States citizen. I was fukcing born that way, not some god damn wetback.
Coola answer? Blow me.

Serious answer? I hope your not fukcing stupid and know for a fukcing fact that Puerto Ricans are United States citizens.
Coola answer? Blow me.

To fix SS, Medicare, food stamps and all the other welfare programs, Congress just have to eliminate citizenship for Puerto Rico. Rick Scott is going to cry next time he sees the number of people in Medicaid once all the PRs move to Kissimmee
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This is why I am scared for the future of my children. This is the cruel anti white world we live in. This is why we have to have solidarity amongst ourselves.
Washinton state came out and said that they were telling the professors to STFU for the most part yesterday and change the syllabus. they said that free speech trumps their views...dont have the article
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Going to make for good police alerts,
A human student, was molested by a human this morning. Description, Human attacker, aprox 5'8 to 5'10 tall, and 150 to 175 lbs. Was seen running North on blah the blah highway.
by pointing out one of the humans was a student you dont point out if it was that humans choice to be a student of if that human was a student because that was the label pushed on their personhood by an intolerant conservative society
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by pointing out one of the humans was a student you dont point out if it was that humans choice to be a student of if that human was a student because that was the label pushed on their personhood by an intolerant conservative society

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by pointing out one of the humans was a student you dont point out if it was that humans choice to be a student of if that human was a student because that was the label pushed on their personhood by an intolerant conservative society
What if the other human actually chose to be identified as a dog?
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