Chelsea Clinton gets Board seat with Expedia

When you spend money in a business and it doesn't ever bring any additional revenue in, that money comes out of your profits. It's simple . No amount of discussion can possibly change that

btbones, there are ways to generate value and impact net earnings that do not increase revenue

that said, chelsea clinton does not add value in any capacity or regard
So like I said when you add expense that adds no value it's a hole period
Just heard from local news that some major cities in CA would stop doing business with the construction companies that sign up on building trump's wall. That reminded me the government needs to spend the money stolen from me and also made me ponder whether clinton would be a great asset for Expedite winning government travel business.
Just heard from local news that some major cities in CA would stop doing business with the construction companies that sign up on building trump's wall. That reminded me the government needs to spend the money stolen from me and also made me ponder whether clinton would be a great asset for Expedite winning government travel business.
Well the cities that do that would could be sued. I'm pretty sure the each city has strict guidelines on vendors used.
Just heard from local news that some major cities in CA would stop doing business with the construction companies that sign up on building trump's wall. That reminded me the government needs to spend the money stolen from me and also made me ponder whether clinton would be a great asset for Expedite winning government travel business.
Mexico has made that threat. I hadn't seen CA make it, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Well the cities that do that would could be sued. I'm pretty sure the each city has strict guidelines on vendors used.
They do, and often those guidelines include listing projects the firm has previously worked on. And the reputation of those projects is used during technical scoring. And lots of protests get filed, but in most cases they're not very fruitful.