China has sold defective test kits all over the world

A Communist Dictatorship lying? We need to separate as much as possible from them.
Waiting for the doomers on this board to retract their invalid point about slow response and mishandling by the USG because of their unwillingness to use the WHO (this Chinese) test and ambiguous methods like chest CTs. Especially when they were told contemporaneously what was happening but nevertheless, they persisted. Also waiting for DaShuckster to come in and double down on the invalid point because, why change?
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Waiting for the doomers on this board to retract their invalid point about slow response and mishandling by the USG because of their unwillingness to use the WHO (this Chinese) test and ambiguous methods like chest CTs. Especially when they were told contemporaneously what was happening but nevertheless, they persisted. Also waiting for DaShuckster to come in and double down on the invalid point because, why change?

@DaShuckster just yesterday said the Chinese did a great job in responding to the virus that they themselves unleashed. In a way of course that bitches about the President.

He has been praising for days a communist regime that has faked their entire “containment” of this virus and is now peddling defective/fake shit to the hardest hit countries in Europe.
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Remember that time yesterday when GINA reported that they only had 36 news cases of the Corona?

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Waiting for the doomers on this board to retract their invalid point about slow response and mishandling by the USG because of their unwillingness to use the WHO (this Chinese) test and ambiguous methods like chest CTs. Especially when they were told contemporaneously what was happening but nevertheless, they persisted. Also waiting for DaShuckster to come in and double down on the invalid point because, why change?
Of course he will double down. I already pointed out that the tests the WHO were faulty and he acted like it was a fart in the wind.
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Wait, so because China sold bad tests that means what exactly for the WHO protocol that we rejected only to write our own and produce our own tests that couldn't tell the difference between distilled water and corona virus?

These things are not related.

We made bad tests ourselves because we rejected working testing protocols to write our own.
Wait, so because China sold bad tests that means what exactly for the WHO protocol that we rejected only to write our own and produce our own tests that couldn't tell the difference between distilled water and corona virus?

These things are not related.

We made bad tests ourselves because we rejected working testing protocols to write our own.

Sure doesnt seem like the WHO protocol worked very well throughout europe.
Wait, so because China sold bad tests that means what exactly for the WHO protocol that we rejected only to write our own and produce our own tests that couldn't tell the difference between distilled water and corona virus?

These things are not related.

We made bad tests ourselves because we rejected working testing protocols to write our own.

The early WHO tests were based upon what they were getting out of China, working with China, and from results based upon Chinese tests. We now know that China sold massively defective tests to Europe and has probably been using defective tests internally for a long time now.

I'd rather have a test take time to get out than rush a test out that is throwing off false positives or negatives. I guess you wouldn't.
The early WHO tests were based upon what they were getting out of China, working with China, and from results based upon Chinese tests. We now know that China sold massively defective tests to Europe and has probably been using defective tests internally for a long time now.

I'd rather have a test take time to get out than rush a test out that is throwing off false positives or negatives. I guess you wouldn't.
False positives are ok actually. We're all staying home anyway what does it matter if someone thinks they need to stay home when they don't?
Don’t worry guys. We are dealing with probably the biggest event on Earth since WW-2. Who needs any accuracy in fighting this enemy? No big deal. They did fine in 1918 and the 14th century with those pandemics. Who needs a stinking test? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
They aren't dangerous to anyone.

Then why don't we just rig a test to tell 100% of people who take it that they're positive? Accuracy is the cornerstone of good science but screw it - just tell everyone they have it and we're good, right?
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Then why don't we just rig a test to tell 100% of people who take it that they're positive? Accuracy is the cornerstone of good science but screw it - just tell everyone they have it and we're good, right?
False positives are bad because people think they are immune and act recklessly. They don’t get checked and when they do, they say they’ve already had it. Meanwhile, they’re spreading the virus like crazy.
If every one stayed home for 2 weeks, who would have the virus?

False positives aren't that big of a deal, even in your exaggerated example the just don't contribute to the spread.

Supposedly the cruise ship still tested positive after 17 days. Who knows if that virus only stays for 2 weeks. Good luck getting Americans to stay inside for two weeks too...btw. Or any other country which is why it's spreading.
Supposedly the cruise ship still tested positive after 17 days. Who knows if that virus only stays for 2 weeks. Good luck getting Americans to stay inside for two weeks too...btw. Or any other country which is why it's spreading.
This thing has spread to boats? Damn, I really hope cars can’t catch it. I don’t even want to think of my car catching COVID in the Target parking lot while I’m on my daily quest for any toilet paper that the seniors may have missed during their exclusive hour.
This thing has spread to boats? Damn, I really hope cars can’t catch it. I don’t even want to think of my car catching COVID in the Target parking lot while I’m on my daily quest for any toilet paper that the seniors may have missed during their exclusive hour.

Joke fell flat. COVID-19 is active on the boat after no individuals on it for 17 days. So the two week thing might be invalid.
No bailouts for cruise operators with stimulus bill. They purposely used other countries to get into lower tax brackets. That came back to bite them in the @ss.
I'm sure that somehow Trump will be attacked over this.
I'm sure that somehow Trump will be attacked over this.
Trump HAS been attacked over this -- because he's on record as SUPPORTING bailout money for the cruise industry!!!

Trump has had the gall to specifically mention bailouts for cruise lines for over a week now. It's pretty obvious that he and/or his friends have serious investments in the industry.

I challenge any Trump supporters here to give any good reason why the industry should be entitled to bailout money.
Trump HAS been attacked over this -- because he's on record as SUPPORTING bailout money for the cruise industry!!!

Trump has had the gall to specifically mention bailouts for cruise lines for over a week now. It's pretty obvious that he and/or his friends have serious investments in the industry.

I challenge any Trump supporters here to give any good reason why the industry should be entitled to bailout money.
Fun challenge. I mean, literally nobody here has voiced support for bailing them out, so it's quite the challenge.
Joke fell flat. COVID-19 is active on the boat after no individuals on it for 17 days. So the two week thing might be invalid.
The two week thing is a safe-sided isolation because of the up to 2 week incubation period not because of viral load on surfaces. Yes, they found viral RNA traces on that ship, but they could not tell whether that genetic material posed a threat or not. Genetic traces and actual viable virus are two different things.

Of course, that didn't stop the following headlines from going out:
KTVU Fox2: CDC report: Novel coronavirus survived up to 17 days on Diamond Princess cruise ship

KRON 4: CDC: Coronavirus stayed on Diamond Princess cruise 17 days after passengers disembark

NY Post:
Coronavirus found on Diamond Princess surfaces 17 days later

and many others. I will hand it to some outlets for more accurate headlines:

ABC News:
Diamond Princess had traces of coronavirus 17 days after ship emptied: CDC

USA Today: Coronavirus genetic material stayed on surfaces for up to 17 days on Diamond Princess cruise, CDC says

CNBC: CDC says coronavirus RNA found in Princess Cruise ship cabins up to 17 days after passengers left