Chuck Schumer threatens 2 sitting SCOTUS Justices

I've already stated that Trump should not have done that, but there is a difference between making a stupid public statement and trying to intimidate a judge.
Come OOOOOOON, guys. Really? You're honestly saying there's a difference here?

Schumer spouts off his crap at a political pro-choice rally in Washington and Trump tweets his crap to millions of his followers. They are BOTH stupid statements and, at their heart, they are BOTH ham-handed attempts to intimidate.

To insinuate otherwise is disingenuous.
Come OOOOOOON, guys. Really? You're honestly saying there's a difference here?

Schumer spouts off his crap at a political pro-choice rally in Washington and Trump tweets his crap to millions of his followers. They are BOTH stupid statements and, at their heart, they are BOTH ham-handed attempts to intimidate.

To insinuate otherwise is disingenuous.

Yeah they're both stupid, but suggesting that a judge can't be partial isnt the same as telling a judge if he rules a certain way "you wont know what hit you". Try that to your local judge and see how long it takes for the sheriff to have you in handcuffs.
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Yeah they're both stupid, but suggesting that a judge can't be partial isnt the same as telling a judge if he rules a certain way "you wont know what hit you".
….unless, I guess, you're the President of the United States.

You might ask Judge Amy Berman Jackson who presided over the Roger Stone case if she felt any pressure coming from the White House.
….unless, I guess, you're the President of the United States.

You might ask Judge Amy Berman Jackson who presided over the Roger Stone case if she felt any pressure coming from the White House.
I thought she said it didnt affect her. I know she was unhappy about the juror tweet.
I thought she said it didnt affect her. I know she was unhappy about the juror tweet.
If that's the criteria we're using, do you think Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanugh will say they were affected by Schumer's rant?
If that's the criteria we're using, do you think Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanugh will say they were affected by Schumer's rant?
Probably not. I dont want schumer to be arrested, I just think the senate should sanction him because it was very inappropriate and as a body they have the authority to enforce their own rules of decorum. I also think they should have put out a public response to trump.