Clinton Foundation donors profited on backs of Haiti relief aid


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
Here's an ABC story that chronicles just another example of how utterly corrupt and contemptible the Clinton Foundation is, meaning this story will quickly be ignored by the media at large, so they can continue focusing on the degree to which Trump hates women.

Just some cliff notes:

- A Korean firm received $400M of global aid money, intended for relief to Haitians following the earthquake, to build an industrial park to make clothes for Haitians and employ them. The factory was chronicled for sexual abuse, assault, poor working conditions, and often not paying the workers. This Korean owner became a Clinton Foundation donor and started a company with Clinton's former chief of staff. No consequences ever came to this person or his factory.

- Several projects using the $10B sent by the US went directly to Clinton FOundation donors and supporters and a large amount of that money was deemed to have been squandered or pocketed.

- A wealthy Irish businessman built a luxury Marriott just yards from neighborhoods with tents, starving people, at a time when USAID was barely building any new homes as promised for Haitians who lost everything. Money was re-directed to this Marriott vs. spending it on people down the road. This luxury hotel was commissioned by the Clinton Foundation. The businessman had given anywhere between $10-25M to the Clinton Foundation.

There's more at the link. But hey- just more right wing conspiracy!
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