CNN tv ratings are hitting a 5 year low

Here's the problem. Bernie Sanders supporters are convinced that MSNBC is biased against Sanders. They certainly are more critical of Sanders and Warren on policy than candidates closer to the center.

My point is that if you're really far left, sources that are only moderately left appear biased to you. So if you're a conservative, a straight-down-the-road centrist giving you the news is going to appear biased. The further right you are, the more biased they appear. So much of how much bias you perceive is based on where you're anchored.

Have POTUS beat into your head that CNN and the like are the "enemy of the people" and eventually you'll start to believe.

Trying to say CNN is balanced is laughable. They are all never trump'ers over there. Maybe not as obvious as msnbc but as close as you can get.
Trying to say CNN is balanced is laughable. They are all never trump'ers over there. Maybe not as obvious as msnbc but as close as you can get.
I'm not saying they're balanced, just that out of the 3 major cable news network, they are the closest to balanced. I agree that none of them play down the middle, but I think CNN goes out of their way to bring on someone to represent the opposing viewpoint far more often than Fox or MSNBC does.

But again, if you watch MSNBC prime time, you get a heavy-left lean on all your news. If you watch Fox News you get an alternate reality where run-of-the-mill bureaucratic leaders who didn't bend the knee to trump have been turned into deep state villains. A world where anyone that lacks unwavering loyalty to POTUS is a never Trumper, therefore bias taints all their actions. It's a fictional narrative.
cnn is almsot as far left as msnbc. fox is right wing all the way. but lets not forget, CBS, ABC, NBC, and most newspapers are all left wing.

but fox news is really the problem. lol
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I'm not saying they're balanced, just that out of the 3 major cable news network, they are the closest to balanced. I agree that none of them play down the middle, but I think CNN goes out of their way to bring on someone to represent the opposing viewpoint far more often than Fox or MSNBC does.

But again, if you watch MSNBC prime time, you get a heavy-left lean on all your news. If you watch Fox News you get an alternate reality where run-of-the-mill bureaucratic leaders who didn't bend the knee to trump have been turned into deep state villains. A world where anyone that lacks unwavering loyalty to POTUS is a never Trumper, therefore bias taints all their actions. It's a fictional narrative.

I guess we found one of the 1,000 CNN viewers.
The entire US Media talking about Trump sounds like Fox News when Obama was President.

And as far as Sanders and other 'outlier' Democratic candidates ... of course the US Media demonizes them when they 'cross' their 'preferred' Democratic candidate(s)! Heck, Sanders went on Fox News for a reason! I'll always give him credit for that. Sanders is far more truthful than most of the left field -- and right for that matter, as even Boehner said he was the most honest man in Congress. Of course, Sanders keeps trying to re-write his 'socialist' history and what he said about the Soviet and red American revolutionaries over the decades. That's the main thing that pisses me off about Sanders, he's feeding too much BS that he knows has never worked.
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