Colorado might pass bill to eliminate their own votes

Maybe they dont understand how many Republicans in california dont vote because they know it doesn't matter. Add another 5 million Republican votes and things look a lot different
Based on the design of the Constitutional and the Electoral College, Colorado is more than entitled to do this.

And it also means many of them won't vote any more, since California will largely control the popular vote ... especially based on how it's now counting non-citizens.

It's amazing how we teach the 3/5ths Compromise, and how it had to be 'negotiated,' in schools, but California can just do what it wants to skew its representation.

And it's fitting since the 'peoples' they are counting are usually underpaid, without any Green Card to protect them, and they are actually a welfare burden to the taxpayer, instead of being paid what they are worth -- which, coincidentally -- protects wage rates for all.

Slavery has a new form.
i feel really bad for the people of colorado that know know their votes dont actually count.
i can only hope that someone in their state takes the case to their own supreme court and overrule it.
They would have to prove it's a violation of their individual, civil rights.

Unfortunately for them, unless they can prove it's discrimination, the SCOTUS has sided with the right of the state to send its votes to the federal however they want. And I don't see it being discrimination, because they are doing it to everyone, state-wide.

The Constitution was written that way, so the federal cannot override the state except in cases of civil rights, such as discrimination. The state is free to send its electors how they wish.

That's why the 'all' v. 'split' has been upheld as well, in the Electoral College.
They would have to prove it's a violation of their individual, civil rights.

Unfortunately for them, unless they can prove it's discrimination, the SCOTUS has sided with the right of the state to send its votes to the federal however they want. And I don't see it being discrimination, because they are doing it to everyone, state-wide.

The Constitution was written that way, so the federal cannot override the state except in cases of civil rights, such as discrimination. The state is free to send its electors how they wish.

That's why the 'all' v. 'split' has been upheld as well, in the Electoral College.
i wasnt talking about the scotus, theyve made their position clear in the past. i was talking about the colorado supreme court.

for someone that has asked others to read his posts carefully, you didnt read mine very carefully.
The irony here is that colorado legislators are pushing for straight Democracy, but if thats what they want then why wasn't this a ballot initiative?
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This is for them to join a pact of 11 states and DC - they aren’t the first to have the idea. The pact would go into effect once states that equal 270 electoral votes join.
This is for them to join a pact of 11 states and DC - they aren’t the first to have the idea. The pact would go into effect once states that equal 270 electoral votes join.
i wasnt aware of this movement. who are the other states?

honest question for you bq, are you in favor of this? this doesnt seem very democratic to me.
This is by far the most divisive thing to happen in our country for 150 years. The only difference between this and the civil war is a clearly defined geographic boundary.
i wasnt aware of this movement. who are the other states?

honest question for you bq, are you in favor of this? this doesnt seem very democratic to me.

Really haven’t put too much thought into it, just saw the article the other day and knew there were multiple states involved.
I'm sure there's much more to this but on the surface I think it hurts Colorado voters but increases voters in strong red/blue states, for example republicans in CA have a reason to vote now.
I'm confused. We're talking about votes in CO not counting when meanwhile the few million people who voted for Trump in Cali don't count either..
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Another step to ensure the votes of people in Texas New York California Montana Indiana Illinois Nebraska and all other non swing states actually matter.
Think of all those poor republicans in California and New York who's votes every single presidential election count for nothing. This is great news for them. Their votes will count for the same as every other person in America once this passes.
Think of all those poor republicans in California and New York who's votes every single presidential election count for nothing. This is great news for them. Their votes will count for the same as every other person in America once this passes.

This is why every state should do it the same as nebraska
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Other solutions I'm ok with that don't require getting rid of the electoral college

Raise the number of electoral voters to 300 Million and distribute them among the state's based on population like we do now and then have states give their electoral votes proportionally