Conference Revenue Gap Widening


Golden Knight
Jan 19, 2012
We thought it was bad when UCF was only $20 million a year below the P5 in revenue distribution. Just wait.

There appears to be a growing revenue gap that threatens to widen the divide -- not between the haves and have nots, but between the haves and haves. Jon Wilner lays it out:

Fiscal year 2015 school distributions (all figures confirmed):

SEC: $32.7 million
Big Ten: $32.4 million
Pac-12: $25.1 million

Fiscal year 2016 school distributions

SEC: $40 million (confirmed)
Big Ten: $35 million (approximate)
Pac-12: $27 million (approximate)

That looks bad … that is bad … but it’s about to get much worse for the Pac-12.

Remember: The Big Ten’s new Tier 1 deal begins in 2017-18, and it’s also a whopper, averaging $440 million per year.

Which brings us to …

Fiscal year 2017-18 school distributions …

Big Ten: $45 million (estimate)
SEC: $43 million (estimate)
Pac-12: $31 million (estimate)
How much do the athletes getting concussions and wrecking their bodies get? I'm sure it's a fair amount.

Oh yeah, I'm about two changes in CFB. All division 1 teams having access to the playoffs and the players being fairly compensated for their work. If it needs to be in the form of a monthly stipend or a check when they graduate, it doesn't matter to me.

I absolutely don't disagree. That said based upon current revenues would a P5 player get compensated significantly more than a G5 player. If so would any recruit want to play G5 if they had an opportunity to play P5???
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I absolutely don't disagree. That said based upon current revenues would a P5 player get compensated significantly more than a G5 player. If so would any recruit want to play G5 if they had an opportunity to play P5???
That has been the argument for quite some time. Even in the p5 more teams are in the red than in the black when balancing the books. Some schools even if allowed to pay players cant afford it, it also then becomes every athlete not just football. All it will do is serve to widen the already large divide between top p5 bottom p5 and g5 schools. While i think it is only fair players be compensated, it is hard to come up with a fair way of doing it that doesnt negatively impact other schools. I would imagine a lot of schools would drop non revenue generating sports, i dont think that would be good for anybody.
How much do the athletes getting concussions and wrecking their bodies get? I'm sure it's a fair amount.

I'm sure we are all relived that with conference revenue and coaches' salaries doubling over the last 10 years, that player's are also enjoying the double of the value of their education and twice as much room & board.
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I absolutely don't disagree. That said based upon current revenues would a P5 player get compensated significantly more than a G5 player. If so would any recruit want to play G5 if they had an opportunity to play P5???

Would anyone ever work jobs that pay less than $150k when there are jobs that pay $150k?

We really need to start teaching how markets work.....
Oh yeah, I'm about two changes in CFB. All division 1 teams having access to the playoffs and the players being fairly compensated for their work. If it needs to be in the form of a monthly stipend or a check when they graduate, it doesn't matter to me.

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Would anyone ever work jobs that pay less than $150k when there are jobs that pay $150k?

We really need to start teaching how markets work.....

NOPE, WRONG.....not a good analogy, your logic is completely flawed there Mensa, or perhaps you completely missed my point. Basically what you are saying is that a recruit like Snelson who had offers to play at Alabama, Auburn, and Clemson would have committed to UCF despite an opportunity to make significantly more money at a P5 school than at UCF???? Compensation eliminates the other considerations that make a highly sought after recruit choose a UCF over an Alabama. If compensated significantly more, not a snowballs chance in hell he would have committed to UCF. That is precisely the point, so spare me your condescending psychobabble about teaching how markets work!
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NOPE, WRONG.....not a good analogy, your logic is completely flawed there Mensa, or perhaps you completely missed my point. Basically what you are saying is that a recruit like Snelson who had offers to play at Alabama, Auburn, and Clemson would have committed to UCF despite an opportunity to make significantly more money at a P5 school than at UCF???? Compensation eliminates the other considerations that make a highly sought after recruit choose a UCF over an Alabama. If compensated significantly more, not a snowballs chance in hell he would have committed to UCF. That is precisely the point, so spare me your condescending psychobabble about teaching how markets work!

I too use a statistical outlier to prove broad ranging ramifications of potential changes.
I too use a statistical outlier to prove broad ranging ramifications of potential changes.

Son don't be so insecure, you are trying way too hard to substantiate your intellect. That would be intuitively obvious to anyone by just looking at your signature block....

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less."
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Son don't be so insecure, you are trying way too hard to substantiate your intellect. That would be intuitively obvious to anyone by just looking at your avatars....

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less."
Paying players would be the worst possible thing that could happen to us. Any of you who don't think that is true are kidding yourselves.
Exactly! Just like I tell my kids. Don’t worry about what is Right or Wrong. Only worry about way could hurt you. Life is best lived in constant fear.
lol Jesus dude......Nothing you say or do will change anything on this subject. It's your prerogative to believe or hope for what ever you want. What I am saying is if you are hoping for players to be paid then don't be mad on the effects that it will have for UCF. Again are you really trying to say that it would not hurt us?!?!?!
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Exactly! Just like I tell my kids. Don’t worry about what is Right or Wrong. Only worry about way could hurt you. Life is best lived in constant fear.

It is obvious that you are looking at this issue as a black or white, right or wrong, cut and dry issue. You are being myopic and certainly not looking at the big picture and all the associated underlying considerations. From a G5 UCF perspective no bueno. And BTW room, board, and free education is adequate compensation..........
OK let's pay the players and then make them buy their own books, pay for their own classes, own food and apartments. Plus they already do get stipends.If we straight up just pay them we will get outbid by every P5 school even worse than now.We'd never get any transfers because they wouldn't want to lose the extra pay.
Exactly, Lets say there is a hot prospect in Orlando, we can offer him $2,500. and then the SEC and B1G 10 schools can offer $30,000.00. it would open up a can of worms. Hell that new Big Ten tv right thing they just signed will give them close to 50 MILLION per school per year....
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I'm for a stipend as long as there's a limit across the board - G5 or P5.

Curious though what about additional benefits a student athlete like say in football can get if offered a scholarship. I hear stories about kids being hungry, not fed enough. Does schools these days offer 24/7 free cafes and discounted rates for say non-nutritional items? Questions i'm sure someone on here know about because i couldnt quickly visit a website that can answer that for me.
lol Jesus dude......Nothing you say or do will change anything on this subject. It's your prerogative to believe or hope for what ever you want. What I am saying is if you are hoping for players to be paid then don't be mad on the effects that it will have for UCF. Again are you really trying to say that it would not hurt us?!?!?!

It is obvious that you are looking at this issue as a black or white, right or wrong, cut and dry issue. You are being myopic and certainly not looking at the big picture and all the associated underlying considerations. From a G5 UCF perspective no bueno. And BTW room, board, and free education is adequate compensation..........

A basic economics paradox is that people only focus on the costs or benefits that suits their point.

Real understanding is realizing that everything has both benefits and costs. It’s the yen and yang of the universe, if you will.

Focusing only on a potential cost is the real definition of being myopic.

Literally some you sound like Bamers talking about the postseason. They don’t want a change towards a legit playoff because it could hurt them. They will ignore all benefits just as you’re doing.

A basic economics paradox is that people only focus on the costs or benefits that suits their point.

Real understanding is realizing that everything has both benefits and costs. It’s the yen and yang of the universe, if you will.

Focusing only on a potential cost is the real definition of being myopic.

Literally some you sound like Bamers talking about the postseason. They don’t want a change towards a legit playoff because it could hurt them. They will ignore all benefits just as you’re doing.

So let me get this straight. A 17-19 year old top prospect in your opinion would turn down 10 times the money, and say a free paid for degree from like a Stanford, Northwestern, or Vandy. Or top prospect would turn down say 10-20 times the money to play for Ohio State, Texas, or a Notre Dame? GTFO
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So let me get this straight. A 17-19 year old top prospect in your opinion would turn down 10 times the money, and say a free paid for degree from like a Stanford, Northwestern, or Vandy. Or top prospect would turn down say 10-20 times the money to play for Ohio State, Texas, or a Notre Dame? GTFO

A basic economics paradox is that people only focus on the costs or benefits that suits their point.

Real understanding is realizing that everything has both benefits and costs. It’s the yen and yang of the universe, if you will.

Focusing only on a potential cost is the real definition of being myopic.

Literally some you sound like Bamers talking about the postseason. They don’t want a change towards a legit playoff because it could hurt them. They will ignore all benefits just as you’re doing.


Man you need to quit with your rhetorical bullshit. And do yourself a favor and be a better role model for your kids....get rid of the self serving, contemptuous, disrespectful sig block. Bottom line, grow up.
Man you need to quit with your rhetorical bullshit. And do yourself a favor and be a better role model for your kids....get rid of the self serving, contemptuous, disrespectful sig block. Bottom line, grow up.

There would be no need for my posts if you would stop with your potato posts.
There would be no need for my posts if you would stop with your potato posts.

Wow you are a legend in your own mind. I am not gonna get into a pecker measuring contest with the queen of peckers and a sophomoric amateur . Im done with you Alice.......
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I'm for a stipend as long as there's a limit across the board - G5 or P5.

Curious though what about additional benefits a student athlete like say in football can get if offered a scholarship. I hear stories about kids being hungry, not fed enough. Does schools these days offer 24/7 free cafes and discounted rates for say non-nutritional items? Questions i'm sure someone on here know about because i couldnt quickly visit a website that can answer that for me.

So, you want the exact system we have now. Do you not know there has been a stipend based on cost of living in effect?
Wow you are a legend in your own mind. I am not gonna get into a pecker measuring contest with the queen of peckers and a sophomoric amateur . Im done with you Alice.......

That's because I beat you down with basics elementary logic.

Pro tip: read more. post less until you learn the UCFacts
That's because I beat you down with basics elementary logic.

Pro tip: read more. post less until you learn the UCFacts

You really are a sophomoric amateur. Here is my tip for you Sparky....there is only one thing worse than being arrogant and that is being both ignorant and arrogant. I'm done with you.......
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So let me get this straight. A 17-19 year old top prospect in your opinion would turn down 10 times the money, and say a free paid for degree from like a Stanford, Northwestern, or Vandy. Or top prospect would turn down say 10-20 times the money to play for Ohio State, Texas, or a Notre Dame? GTFO
Yet you won't answer the question about the money difference, and you seem to be the only person who doesn't believe this would be bad for us.

Like most uninformed cfb fans your lack of knowledge of the UCFacts is leading you to false conclusions.

Since I'm a nice poster, I'll help you out.

  • You're conflating TV $ with athletic budgets - they are not the same
  • While UCF gets 1 / 15th of TV $$$ as other P6 schools we rank 53rd in all FBS athletic budgets.
  • Our budget
  • The disparity between our Athletic budget and the #1 is 1 / 4 th.
  • The very bottom of FBS to the #1 Athletic budget is 1 / 10th vs the ~ 1 / 100th of the TV $ disparity
  • You're making an assumption some top prospects don't go to the schools with the top 10 athletic budgets already. They almost all do with very rare exception like Ed Oliver.
  • So the money disparity is not between us and Texas A&M is not 10 or 20 times

In the end there are basic laws of economics that ensure your chicken little fears when it comes to paying players - which is really just a stipen like we have and allow players to make money off of their likeness - won't happen.

I don't have time to teach you economics. But just look at FBS coaches salaries that are currently not capped.

Hopefully, this summary of real numbers opens your eyes.


You really are a sophomoric amateur. Here is my tip for you Sparky....there is only one thing worse than being arrogant and that is being both ignorant and arrogant. I'm done with you.......

You really need to show more respect for your superiors. I'm a member a of Todd's Tiki Bar. You're not even a Knight. And as a prospect, I will treat you as such.

Step up, or go home.
Like most uninformed cfb fans your lack of knowledge of the UCFacts is leading you to false conclusions.

Since I'm a nice poster, I'll help you out.

  • You're conflating TV $ with athletic budgets - they are not the same
  • While UCF gets 1 / 15th of TV $$$ as other P6 schools we rank 53rd in all FBS athletic budgets.
  • Our budget
  • The disparity between our Athletic budget and the #1 is 1 / 4 th.
  • The very bottom of FBS to the #1 Athletic budget is 1 / 10th vs the ~ 1 / 100th of the TV $ disparity
  • You're making an assumption some top prospects don't go to the schools with the top 10 athletic budgets already. They almost all do with very rare exception like Ed Oliver.
  • So the money disparity is not between us and Texas A&M is not 10 or 20 times

In the end there are basic laws of economics that ensure your chicken little fears when it comes to paying players - which is really just a stipen like we have and allow players to make money off of their likeness - won't happen.

I don't have time to teach you economics. But just look at FBS coaches salaries that are currently not capped.

Hopefully, this summary of real numbers opens your eyes.



And its that attitude and lack of knowledge that is keep you as just a prospect.

Yes you have been posting for a long time I'll give you that.....and that stellar 6% "Like" rate you have is extremely impressive (UCFact!!). Like I said a legend in your own mind! Sorry you lose......
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OK let's pay the players and then make them buy their own books, pay for their own classes, own food and apartments. Plus they already do get stipends.If we straight up just pay them we will get outbid by every P5 school even worse than now.We'd never get any transfers because they wouldn't want to lose the extra pay.
^^^ This, and they can get paid based upon merit and what they bring to the table. also they can pay taxes on their earned income. Don't forget that they will have to pay additional money for services such as tutors, trainers, nutritionists, masseuse, etc...

So who would win on this? Mostly the top talent and the teams that have the money to pay. The low level guys who never see the field would end up screwed.
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