Conference Revenue Gap Widening

Like most uninformed cfb fans your lack of knowledge of the UCFacts is leading you to false conclusions.

Since I'm a nice poster, I'll help you out.

  • You're conflating TV $ with athletic budgets - they are not the same
  • While UCF gets 1 / 15th of TV $$$ as other P6 schools we rank 53rd in all FBS athletic budgets.
  • Our budget
  • The disparity between our Athletic budget and the #1 is 1 / 4 th.
  • The very bottom of FBS to the #1 Athletic budget is 1 / 10th vs the ~ 1 / 100th of the TV $ disparity
  • You're making an assumption some top prospects don't go to the schools with the top 10 athletic budgets already. They almost all do with very rare exception like Ed Oliver.
  • So the money disparity is not between us and Texas A&M is not 10 or 20 times

In the end there are basic laws of economics that ensure your chicken little fears when it comes to paying players - which is really just a stipen like we have and allow players to make money off of their likeness - won't happen.

I don't have time to teach you economics. But just look at FBS coaches salaries that are currently not capped.

Hopefully, this summary of real numbers opens your eyes.


You did not post a single thing in that long diatribe to show that your proposal would not hurt UCF.

For the most part, UCF and other AAC teams had to make some significant sacrifices to afford the new "cost of living" stipend paid to athletes. Adding onto that the burden of paying players (even if it is a reasonable, flat amount that is the same for every P5 and G5 school) will hurt all G5 schools...including UCF..
I'm sure we are all relived that with conference revenue and coaches' salaries doubling over the last 10 years, that player's are also enjoying the double of the value of their education and twice as much room & board.

For kids with no education or marketable skills making over 70k a year in benefits is a pretty good deal. Especially when you factor in the long term payout of a college degree. When you factor in what they would have to pay for the education, room board, the average amount of student loans and interest cost from that. Also add the current value of the income boost they receive from being a college graduate over their lifetime it all starts to add up. The income per capita of the Orlando area is $25,664. so they are tripling the average income of others in the area.

Or maybe a profit sharing arrangement, which for all but the top 10% of college programs would be non-existent. The cost of doing business for UCF athletics far exceeds the income. That is why it is subsidized with athletic fees. So now what you are saying is that UCF student body should pay the football team's professional pay. They are already paying the coaches and administration and other costs of business. We should also pay the players who are coming to the school for free.

Paying the players would close the final chapter on the death of college football. At that point I would rather see UCF in a Div III non-scholarship league than to watch professional UCF football.
You did not post a single thing in that long diatribe to show that your proposal would not hurt UCF.

For the most part, UCF and other AAC teams had to make some significant sacrifices to afford the new "cost of living" stipend paid to athletes. Adding onto that the burden of paying players (even if it is a reasonable, flat amount that is the same for every P5 and G5 school) will hurt all G5 schools...including UCF..

The Wall Street journal for years has broken down how not paying players leads to inflated coaches salaries. Coaches salaries are not capped. All player salaries in American sports are capped.

So by not paying players causes a competitive disparity in coaches salaries. Not paying players helps the other P6 conferences.

Does that make sense or do I need to link several very lengthy economic articles?
For kids with no education or marketable skills making over 70k a year in benefits is a pretty good deal. Especially when you factor in the long term payout of a college degree. When you factor in what they would have to pay for the education, room board, the average amount of student loans and interest cost from that. Also add the current value of the income boost they receive from being a college graduate over their lifetime it all starts to add up. The income per capita of the Orlando area is $25,664. so they are tripling the average income of others in the area.

Or maybe a profit sharing arrangement, which for all but the top 10% of college programs would be non-existent. The cost of doing business for UCF athletics far exceeds the income. That is why it is subsidized with athletic fees. So now what you are saying is that UCF student body should pay the football team's professional pay. They are already paying the coaches and administration and other costs of business. We should also pay the players who are coming to the school for free.

Paying the players would close the final chapter on the death of college football. At that point I would rather see UCF in a Div III non-scholarship league than to watch professional UCF football.

What’s the value of 3 years of education without a degree?

You did not post a single thing in that long diatribe to show that your proposal would not hurt UCF.

For the most part, UCF and other AAC teams had to make some significant sacrifices to afford the new "cost of living" stipend paid to athletes. Adding onto that the burden of paying players (even if it is a reasonable, flat amount that is the same for every P5 and G5 school) will hurt all G5 schools...including UCF..

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ALL but about 20 FBS programs operate at a loss annually. FACT
Paying players would hurt schools unequally. FACT
Those who make the least and operate at the largest deficit will be impacted the most. FACT

If you start paying football players you will need to pay all others, even if it is revenue generating based it is still a boat load of money annually. While it would benefit MY #1 team(hurt at least my 2b and 2c teams) it would hurt 84% of schools would diminish the product on the field.

Talk about economics, find how it would be sustainable!!!

Anybody who thinks paying players is a good thing spent too much time on the short bus licking the strawberry flavored windows.
ALL but about 20 FBS programs operate at a loss annually. FACT
Paying players would hurt schools unequally. FACT
Those who make the least and operate at the largest deficit will be impacted the most. FACT

If you start paying football players you will need to pay all others, even if it is revenue generating based it is still a boat load of money annually. While it would benefit MY #1 team(hurt at least my 2b and 2c teams) it would hurt 84% of schools would diminish the product on the field.

Talk about economics, find how it would be sustainable!!!

Anybody who thinks paying players is a good thing spent too much time on the short bus licking the strawberry flavored windows.

"The report did not specify which 20 FBS athletic departments had higher revenues than expenses."

Most (almost all) university athletic depts. are legally set up where they can't make a profit.

Any other grossly misunderstood UCFacts about college athletics that you need clarity on?
"The report did not specify which 20 FBS athletic departments had higher revenues than expenses."

Most (almost all) university athletic depts. are legally set up where they can't make a profit.

Any other grossly misunderstood UCFacts about college athletics that you need clarity on?
Your post does not account for the rest who are operating at a LOSS, significant loss especially when outside the p5. Thanks for showing your ignorance on the topic once again.

"The average loss among the Power 5 conferences was $2.3 million. At all other FBS schools, it was $17.6 million."
Clearly there are many of you that need to do some reading and need to reevaluate you're arbitrary opinions.

I'll help everyone out.

The Case for Paying College Athletes

Big-Time College Athletes Ask, 'Who's the Amateur?'

Stop Giving College Athletes Million-Dollar Locker Rooms. Start Paying Them

Your post does not account for the rest who are operating at a LOSS, significant loss especially when outside the p5. Thanks for showing your ignorance on the topic once again.

"The average loss among the Power 5 conferences was $2.3 million. At all other FBS schools, it was $17.6 million."

It's called accounting and understanding GAAP. Do you know about it?
I respect Player's Rights and Constitutional due process. Who is with me?

It's called accounting and understanding GAAP. Do you know about it?
Clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. Explain how a school that operates at 17.6m deficit can afford to go into more debt and wont hurt the school, athletics (all of them), or the product on the field. I am waiting for your extensive response on how that makes sense in your little brain.
Clearly there are many of you that need to do some reading and need to reevaluate you're arbitrary opinions.

I'll help everyone out.

The Case for Paying College Athletes

Big-Time College Athletes Ask, 'Who's the Amateur?'

Stop Giving College Athletes Million-Dollar Locker Rooms. Start Paying Them

Because the WSJ is such an expert on everything. You must be a libturd
the WSJ is hardly a liberal publication.
keep the millenial political slang out of this conversation. we have the water cooler for that.
Fair enough. The way he argues relentlessly about what he Wants even though it will hurt everybody is why i assumed that. Pie in the sky ideas are wonderful, until the reality of who it hurts is exposed. If every school could afford to pay every athlete 20-30k a year that would be a different story, but clearly that isnt the case.
Can you show me the "million dollar locker room" UCF operates out of?!?!?

If this sham system continues for another 20 years, UCF will certainly have a million dollar locker room. We are building a $1,500,00 lazy river after all.

Why do you think some colleges have nicer facilities than most professional teams?
Fair enough. The way he argues relentlessly about what he Wants even though it will hurt everybody is why i assumed that. Pie in the sky ideas are wonderful, until the reality of who it hurts is exposed. If every school could afford to pay every athlete 20-30k a year that would be a different story, but clearly that isnt the case.

I think me using numbers and math is hurting your feelings, snowflake.

Paying all the football and basketball scholarship athletes $30k is $2.9m - year or or 6% of the meidian Athletics budget of an FBS school.

It’s clear that you know nothing about about accounting. So I’m telling you, 6% labor cost is tiny for most businesses. In professional sports around the world, player salaries are ~50% of revenue.

I know that hurt. Do you want to point to the pain?
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If this sham system continues for another 20 years, UCF will certainly have a million dollar locker room. We are building a $1,500,00 lazy river after all.

Why do you think some colleges have nicer facilities than most professional teams?
and thus my point....
we have lazy rivers, free room and board thats South Beach inspiring, free entertainment on campus, 24/7 free food, etc. Frost's staff sold the vision of the daily football life at UCF. This is where you play, this is where you live, where you eat, where you train, etc. Let me know what i said is true or not.
I think me using numbers and math is hurting your feelings, snowflake.

Paying all the football and basketball scholarship athletes $30k is $2.9m - year or or 6% of the meidian Athletics budget of an FBS school.

It’s clear that you know nothing about about accounting. So I’m telling 6% labor cost is tiny for most businesses. In professional sports around the world, player salaries are ~50% of revenue.

I know that hurt. Do you want to point to the pain? this is only for football and basketball (only men's basketball I presume). I am sure the Title IX folks will LOVE that idea!
I think me using numbers and math is hurting your feelings, snowflake.

Paying all the football and basketball scholarship athletes $30k is $2.9m - year or or 6% of the meidian Athletics budget of an FBS school.

It’s clear that you know nothing about about accounting. So I’m telling you, 6% labor cost is tiny for most businesses. In professional sports around the world, player salaries are ~50% of revenue.

I know that hurt. Do you want to point to the pain?

Assuming the NCAA could legally only pay the male players in the significant revenue generating sports, what $2.9 million per year that UCF is currently spending could they cut out?

UCF is already amazingly successful with the limited funds we have. I don't know where the additional money would come from.
I think me using numbers and math is hurting your feelings, snowflake.

Paying all the football and basketball scholarship athletes $30k is $2.9m - year or or 6% of the meidian Athletics budget of an FBS school.

It’s clear that you know nothing about about accounting. So I’m telling 6% labor cost is tiny for most businesses. In professional sports around the world, player salaries are ~50% of revenue.

I know that hurt. Do you want to point to the pain?
You didnt use any numbers or math. When a school is annually 17.6m in debt, it just creates more debt. Paying athletes will serve as a catalyst to create a new Division of football, plain and simple. Clearly you dont know what you are talking about. The kids are getting an education for free, they can get out of school debt free. More debt isnt the answer here kiddo. It isnt sustainable and you have yet to explain how it would be. You continually ignore every fact i have posted. so you want to add 2.9m to the annual deficit of an athletics program. Operating at a loss is excusable when you can set a clear path to solvency. You havent said HOW it is feasible for schools operating at a loss year over year without any end in sight can possibly maintain additional loss.
Assuming the NCAA could legally only pay the male players in the significant revenue generating sports, what $2.9 million per year that UCF is currently spending could they cut out?

UCF is already amazingly successful with the limited funds we have. I don't know where the additional money would come from.

I guess you missed the several times that I've stated that coaches salaries have doubled in the last 10 years and how coaches salaries are inflated by not paying players.

Again, professional sports pay their player ~50% of revenue. Paying student athletes 10% of revenue should not even be a debate.
and thus my point....
we have lazy rivers, free room and board thats South Beach inspiring, free entertainment on campus, 24/7 free food, etc. Frost's staff sold the vision of the daily football life at UCF. This is where you play, this is where you live, where you eat, where you train, etc. Let me know what i said is true or not.

Sounds like communism. Is that the utopia that you aspire for?
I guess you missed the several times that I've stated that coaches salaries have doubled in the last 10 years and how coaches salaries are inflated by not paying players.

Again, professional sports pay their player ~50% of revenue. Paying student athletes 10% of revenue should not even be a debate.
That revenue supports ALL athletics, and also goes back into the school itself when a program can afford it that is generally where the "profit" goes to. Schools operating at a loss cannot afford to pay 10% of revenue when it is already operating at substantial losses!!

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That revenue supports ALL athletics, and also goes back into the school itself when a program can afford it that is generally where the "profit" goes to. Schools operating at a loss cannot afford to pay 10% of revenue when it is already operating at substantial losses!!


Go take some accounting classes before you attempt to talk about accounting concepts like a "loss" again.
Well stop describing communism, and I'll stop calling out your post as communist
Not true. I'm describing adding more value to whatever scholarship is offered to the student athlete. And im just asking if its even possible or not.
I guess you missed the several times that I've stated that coaches salaries have doubled in the last 10 years and how coaches salaries are inflated by not paying players.

Wow...I must have missed the press release announcing that UCF's coach was going to be paid $5 Million per year!!! [laughing]

You are describing a situation that applies to a dozen...maybe two dozen schools in the country....not to the other 100+ schools.
Sounds like communism. Is that the utopia that you aspire for? don't even know what communism is? This is like debating a child who is throwing a temper tantrum.

No one is forcing people to play football. They are being told that if they play football at ________ school, they will receive a free education, free unlimited tutoring, free living quarters, free food, a "cost of attendance" stipend (if they go to a P5 or AAC school), and free networking opportunities that can benefit them post college.

They then have the opportunity to decide if they want to accept...or not.
75k each year. still a good deal

Just thought provoking question, why does nobody complain that the value of Stanford or Duke or Northwesten scholarship is way way more valuable than one from a MAC or SEC school? If we really wanted a level playing field, every student athlete would get the same $75k or whatever, and have to pay for tuition which can be way different out of the $$$ received?
They are being told that if they play football at ________ school, they will receive a free education, free unlimited tutoring, free living quarters, free food, a "cost of attendance" stipend (if they go to a P5 or AAC school), and free networking opportunities that can benefit them post college.

And i'm not even vouching for one or another. I mentioned being ok with student athletes being paid, but also mentioned value added features(?) to the scholarship. I'm just trying to get others who might know more to respond beyond one word accusations.