Cuomo is the fastest moving governor East of New Jersey


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jun 6, 2015
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said today that New York will receive 1,140 ventilators from China and Oregon.

The Chinese government has facilitated a donation of 1,000 ventilators that are expected to arrive at JFK Airport today, Cuomo said moments ago during a press conference.

"This is a big deal and it's going to make a significant difference for us. Also, the state of Oregon contacted us and is going to send 140 ventilators," Cuomo added. "Which is I can tell you just astonishing and unexpected. And I want to thank Gov. Brown, I want to thank all of the people in the state of Oregon for their thoughtfulness."

Interesting that China is being so nice
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Great job governor. Right on top of things. It only took 125,000 cases to get off your ass

But,but, Trump is slooooooow to respond, right guys?

Dr “Fucti” thinks Trump responded quickly, but Shookster is the expert
Everyone right now has enough ventilators except for NY and the governor did NOTHING to mobilize them from other states. He whined for weeks
Dr “Fucti” thinks Trump responded quickly, but Shookster is the expert
So NOW you're paying attention to Dr. Fauci?

Funny, the good Doctor also said this week 'it's crazy' we don't have a nationwide stay-at-home order.
Interesting that China is being so nice
Yeah, screw international cooperation and support.

We need more of our leaders getting into public pissing matches like Trump and Schumer.*
You're talking to yourself again. Take a deep breath and put all your thoughts in one post. You can do it.
Settle down and try English there, Amy.
Ok Betty. Pretty weak autocorrect police. Is that all you got? You’re not very good at this.

Keep being a lone wolf sociopath
Maybe you need to get outside and get some air
Oh.. so now you love China. Maybe you should pay them a visit
Classy. The Chinese government facilitated a donation of a 1,000 much-needed ventilators but never pass up an opportunity for a xenophobic comment.
Classy. The Chinese government facilitated a donation of a 1,000 much-needed ventilators but never pass up an opportunity for a xenophobic comment.
It only took how long for Cuomo to get off his ass?

But, Trump is acting toooo slow
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No, I got a dick, remember, Alice? Jesus Christ you're stupid.

My God, it's like I am conversing with a cave woman here...
Hope your pregnancy goes well Susan. I know it’s effecting your mood. Tough time to give birth
Hope your pregnancy goes well Susan. I know it’s effecting your mood. Tough time to give birth


Original. Hey your lover Ninjaknight has woke up. Maybe you need to post some of his quotes since he has a caveman’s intellect and you have no original thoughts


I get the feeling Mike is about 16 and gets his ass kicked a lot. I really feel sorry for you.

God Bless.


I get the feeling Mike is about 16 and gets his ass kicked a lot. I really feel sorry for you.

God Bless.
That’s all you got. You probably have the IQ of a Neanderthal. I don’t think you yet qualify for Cro-magnon status. Probably from all those years of drinking, so I’m sure your brain is fried. Still waiting on your first intelligent post, but I have my doubts


I get the feeling Mike is about 16 and gets his ass kicked a lot. I really feel sorry for you.

God Bless.

Why do I get the impression that you project your resentment over being raped repeatedly by your father on Mike? Characterizing him as a woman is probably a demonstration over the hurt you felt when mom left the two of you alone because she didnt love either of you. Referencing your penis is probably a way of expressing fear of it after one caused you so much pain.
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Why do I get the impression that you project your resentment over being raped repeatedly by your father on Mike? Characterizing him as a woman is probably a demonstration over the hurt you felt when mom left the two of you alone because she didnt love either of you. Referencing your penis is probably a way of expressing fear of it after one caused you so much pain.
Why do I get the impression that you project your resentment over being raped repeatedly by your father on Mike? Characterizing him as a woman is probably a demonstration over the hurt you felt when mom left the two of you alone because she didnt love either of you. Referencing your penis is probably a way of expressing fear of it after one caused you so much pain.

Cuomo has been working his ass off.

Clearly should have worked harder with hindsight. ;)

Shutdown his city...shut down airports. Limited travel instead of encouraging more folks to get out and party in Chinatown. ;)

I'm giving him a pass though with hindsight being easy.
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Clearly should have worked harder with hindsight. ;)

Shutdown his city...shut down airports. Limited travel instead of encouraging more folks to get out and party in Chinatown. ;)

I'm giving him a pass though with hindsight being easy.
Cuomo gets a pass, but Trump? No freaking way! ;)
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Clearly should have worked harder with hindsight. ;)

Shutdown his city...shut down airports. Limited travel instead of encouraging more folks to get out and party in Chinatown. ;)

I'm giving him a pass though with hindsight being easy.
A real leader would have shut down the wet markets in wuhan back in november and imposed martial law in counties in Wyoming that dont have a single case yet. Duh.

How is it that I keep having to explain things to you inbred moron redhats?
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How is it that I keep having to explain things to you inbred moron redhats?
If you weren’t so fukcing stupid, you would realize how dumb you are. It just amazes me how you MAGA-hats are allowed to vote
If you weren’t so fukcing stupid, you would realize how dumb you are. It just amazes me how you MAGA-hats are allowed to vote
Amazing response.

So what's it like being the only person in history to have been abandoned at the doorstep of a monastery only to have the nuns say "**** this shit" and throw you into a trash can?
Amazing response.

So what's it like being the only person in history to have been abandoned at the doorstep of a monastery only to have the nuns say "**** this shit" and throw you into a trash can?
It would be terrible, but since I’m an inbred MAGA-hat, God has my back
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Gov. Andrew Cuomo said today that New York will receive 1,140 ventilators from China and Oregon.

The Chinese government has facilitated a donation of 1,000 ventilators that are expected to arrive at JFK Airport today, Cuomo said moments ago during a press conference.

"This is a big deal and it's going to make a significant difference for us. Also, the state of Oregon contacted us and is going to send 140 ventilators," Cuomo added. "Which is I can tell you just astonishing and unexpected. And I want to thank Gov. Brown, I want to thank all of the people in the state of Oregon for their thoughtfulness."

Interesting that China is being so nice

That is because he is pulled by his nipple rings..