Cuomo is the fastest moving governor East of New Jersey

Unbelievable. Cuomo has blood on his hands
He singlehandedly has murdered thousands.
It just amazes me how stupid these liberals are that actually support for and vote for this guy
What amazes me is how the media is praising Cuomo for his response but his state has 3.5 times more cases and 4 times more deaths than any other state. New jersey comes in a distant 2nd with nobody else being close to them. If theres a governor who should be praised for having impressive results it should be Gavin Newsome.
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What amazes me is how the media is praising Cuomo for his response but his state has 3.5 times more cases and 4 times more deaths than any other state. New jersey comes in a distant 2nd with nobody else being close to them. If theres a governor who should be praised for having impressive results it should be Gavin Newsome.
What amazes me is how you and your buddies here want to play a red state-vs-blue state Covid-19 scorecard.

When all is said and done and this virus finally runs it's course, we're ALL screwed, blue or red.
What amazes me is how you and your buddies here want to play a red state-vs-blue state Covid-19 scorecard.

When all is said and done and this virus finally runs it's course, we're ALL screwed, blue or red.

I literally just praised a blue state governor.
When have you made one positive remark about Trump...waiting... waiting.... partisan
I applaud Trump for listening to virus experts like Dr. Fauci instead of his economic advisors when he announced yesterday that he is extending the covid-19 guidelines to April 30th instead of sticking to his "we'll all be packing the churches on Easter Sunday" comments.
The Gov. had nothing to do with the ventilators from Oregon. The Gov. of Oregon had more than needed and just shipped them to NY. Cuomo was not even aware they were coming until after the fact.
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The Gov. had nothing to do with the ventilators from Oregon. The Gov. of Oregon had more than needed and just shipped them to NY. Cuomo was not even aware they were coming until after the fact.

Cuomo trying to make it look like he is the big hero. Let's ignore that his state has 123,000 infected and almost 500% more dead than the next state ( which is right next door). Instead of encouraging people to party in Chinatown, he should have been more proactive. I'm assuming this is the take of the board since hindsight is so easy. You know because it is woke to allow flights back and forth to Wuhan in a pandemic.
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The Gov. had nothing to do with the ventilators from Oregon. The Gov. of Oregon had more than needed and just shipped them to NY. Cuomo was not even aware they were coming until after the fact.
Darn. I tried to give him some credit and even that was disproven. Lol