Dads of the WC, how involved were you in the birth?

I was in the room but at my wife's head the entire time.
I did not look anywhere below the equator. No thanks.
I encouraged her as she pushed.
I let her mother cut the cord. Again, no thanks.

I didn't even hold him until he was 2 days old. To this day I won't hold anyone else's baby. No thanks.
I was in the room but at my wife's head the entire time.
I did not look anywhere below the equator. No thanks.
I encouraged her as she pushed.
I let her mother cut the cord. Again, no thanks.

I didn't even hold him until he was 2 days old. To this day I won't hold anyone else's baby. No thanks.
My plan was to be north of the equator until the nurse came in and said it's time to push grab he other leg, you have to help until the other nurses arrive. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Once you look you cannot look away.
I don't just recommend an epidural for child birth, I recommend it for all aspects of life. If we all had one there would be no wars.

My wife was in labor for 36 hours before she had a c-section (any natural births in this thread??). I was in the room the entire time. They let me come around the curtain to where they measured/weighed her and all that good stuff. I peaked over to my wife to see the doctor holding her uterus and blood everywhere. I have no issues with stuff like that and even wanted to be awake to watch my own knee surgeries but seeing my wife like that scared me. She's due again next month so I'll look again anyway.

1: Whatever dingy wants to eat, add it to your order. The only day I paid for food was when she had a limited diet.
2: Steal everything. Don't leave a diaper or blanket behind.
3: Bring wipes!! They give you diapers but not wipes.
4: Bring something you can throw. My wife threw shoes at me because as a guy I am not trained to wake up for a crying baby. After the surgery she couldn't sit up to grab her and I wouldn't wake up until I got hit with 2 pillows and 2 slippers.

Great thread btw, reminded me to bring a lamp and pillow for myself.
Agreed on taking everything from the room. We still have like 4 blankets from the hospital and my son is almost 3. Your insurance paid for it, may as well bring it home.

My wife was completely natural, btw.
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Almost had to deliver the both kids, she had babies very quickly. Got to hospital with first one, fell a sleep minutes after getting to waiting room, Nurse woke me up threw a gown on me and said don't touch anything, was not enough time to clean up. Went into labor at 5:30 Am, daughter was born 7:20 am. Son came even quicker, Had to run red lights getting her to hospital. Dr remembered the first time and met us at emergency room door. Total labor for #2 was less than 1.5 hours.

Strange but true story, wife was 3 to 4 mos along and I woke up at 2AM and told her the date she would be born.( no she didn't appreciate the info) That day was 3 weeks early according to Drs. The night before the day I predicted, my wife asked if I would shave her legs the next day, being she couldn't anymore. Told her I would have to do it that night because she wouldn't be home the next night. Approx 9 hours later labor started.
My plan was to be north of the equator until the nurse came in and said it's time to push grab he other leg, you have to help until the other nurses arrive. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Once you look you cannot look away.

Dingy: take note, don't look south.
These are amazing and helpful answers, thanks guys!

Side question: was it just you and the mom in the delivery room (aside from healthcare professionals), or was her/your mother (or other relative) there, too?
if you are going to go the formula route, be sure to ask the techs for extra so that you can take it home. that shit is expensive and might as well get as much of it for free as you can.
One hundred percent the call of the mother...My wife wanted only me to be in there....
It is up to YOUR comfort level. If you don't want anyone in there, let your husband be the bad guy and tell them to leave.....You don't need any more stress in the room...
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