I started looking stuff up regarding the NPR story how Trump places had more COVID deaths . I guess you could cross tab voter registration against death rates or you could specifically get death records and look up party rolls and then ask was Richard Head who from COVID a republican or democrat ?
I read there were 5 states that went for Trump that had also highest death rates. Oklahoma was a big one. Then I was scratching my head and asked, weird, Oklahoma has more native peoples than any other state . am I to believe they all vote Republican? I then searched some data . Native people have a death rate of over 13,000 per 100,000 cases while white people it was around 8,000 per 100,000 . Of course not knowing voter registration by race I cant assume Trump or Biden. It's interesting though in Oklahoma more native Americans died and Hispanics than white people . THE MEDIA would lead you to believe all the Hispanics and natives are Democrat . If that's largely true for Oklahoma , then while the state went for Trump those more likely to die from COVID have been Democrat and not Republican. Or, the media is just wrong on voter demographics and truly more Republicans are dying.
I bet when you break Florida down the data tells a different story. Either way , most people I know both democrat and republican are vaccinated and the one person I know who died from covid was vaccinated and he tended to vote R . He was 65 years young . I think my county here in NC went for Trump. I don't think NPR results actually mean much one way or the other
Historical time series of race and ethnicity data in Oklahoma.