Did CNN ever get in trouble for rigging the election?

Yes, indeed, I'm SURE it was. Therefore, if the Trump campaign worked with a foreign enemy of the United States to defeat Clinton, it's simply 'tit for tat', right Husk? [eyeroll]

Tit for tat? That entire election was garbage between how the Democrats tried to block Bernie, CNN trying to collude with Hillary, to what happened with Russia. Nobody's hands are clean. Even Obama tried to tell Russia after the election he would have more flexibility. What exactly does that mean if they are such an "enemy"?
Tit for tat? That entire election was garbage between how the Democrats tried to block Bernie, CNN trying to collude with Hillary, to what happened with Russia. Nobody's hands are clean. Even Obama tried to tell Russia after the election he would have more flexibility. What exactly does that mean if they are such an "enemy"?

And let's not forget the biggest LMMFAO moment of the whole 2016 election: Deborah Wassermann Schultz is fired (on a Friday) as the head of the DNC because wikileaks reveals in her emails that she is intentionally conspiring against Bernie to help out Hillary. Three days later, Hillary hires her to run her campaign. NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!!
This thread has been very informative!

When the Mueller Report comes out and the sh*t hits the fan, I’ll know that the real culprit is Debbie Wasserman Schultz!!! :)
This thread has been very informative!

When the Mueller Report comes out and the sh*t hits the fan, I’ll know that the real culprit is Debbie Wasserman Schultz!!! :)

You really are a special kind of stupid. How on earth anyone could infer what you did from what I posted takes true effort.
You really are a special kind of stupid. How on earth anyone could infer what you did from what I posted takes true effort.

When the Mueller Report comes out and the sh*t hits the fan, I’ll know that the real culprit is Debbie Wasserman Schultz!!! :)
No special investigator has ever been hired to investigate Hillary Clinton (at least not this century). So they won't investigate the Podesta Group, why the Russians hacked Podesta's account prior to him becoming Clinton's campaign manager, the now defunct Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), etc...

People really need to recognize reality ... no special investigator has been hired to investigate Hillary, none, nada, zip. That's the only difference.
People really need to recognize reality ... no special investigator has been hired to investigate Hillary, none, nada, zip.
Who gives a sh*t?!??!? Hillary is a has-been politician who was nationally relevant TWO years ago for crying out loud!!! It boggles the mind how obsessed this crowd still is with that old broad. You people still use her as your go-to excuse for anything and everything.

I can hear it now when the Mueller investigation wraps up: “B-B-But what about Hillary?”
lol at shookster trying to play it off like it was just a joke. the guy really cant admit when hes wrong. the next 5 years are only going to make his tds worse.
lol at shookster trying to play it off like it was just a joke.

My bad. The three-year old grievances of red hats towards a wash-up politician and her campaign manager are really serious and no joking matter, right guys?