Do you think the socialist Killary or the Bern watch Venezuela?

ACA was based on a Republican plan from the 90's.
Heavily modified, as in drastically. Sorry, but that's just disingenuous. I'm quite familiar with many plans, from Hillary's '90s plan to McCain's '08 tax credit approach. In every case, the media loves to twist things.

E.g., in McCain's case, they stated it would "take away the pre-tax benefit." Well, duh, yeah ... everyone gets a flat tax credit, and then decide what they want to spend.

The current ACA is designed to break the system, and force socialized medicine. The President used the Interstate Commerce Clause to say it wouldn't cost anything, because he was pushing the cost down to the states ... which is why the state AG's sued, and the SCOTUS agreed.

I.e., State-level doesn't mean Federally-mandated, State-funded. That was never in the Republican plan, among other things. But what do you expect from a President who pushed "IV fertilization" as "medically necessary" in Illinois? Seriously f'd up voting history for anyone who bothered to research the President's own history back in '07-08.

Understand I'm not against socialized medicine, I'm only against single-player, "lowest common denominator" socialize medicine. Frankly, I think base, socialized medicine would bring costs down, as we catch things earlier for more simple issues. So that could appeal to the Libertarian in me, as long as there's a supplemental free market.

E.g., I don't mind paying $20K/year to get the best options and coverage available for my wife and I, and would pay such in a supplement to any "lowest common denominator" socialized medicine. If you think waiting lists won't exist, and everyone will get million dollar procedures with socialized medicine, then you're not any better than the average Liberal viewpoint.
Included in the '93 bill, where I have seen these recently?

An individual mandate; Creation of purchasing pools; Standardized benefits; Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance; A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.
Short version (top post) ...

Other than the Individual Mandate, 100% of what you say here are generic to all proposals from anyone over the last 25+ years. So ... what you're saying is that insurance changes have been proposed by everyone. Wow! Can you be any more generic?

Long version (bottom post) ...
Included in the '93 bill, where I have seen these recently?
An individual mandate;
Romney care included those as well. That's been ruled legal by the SCOTUS too. Frankly, I've never been against that. And yes, it was hypocritical for Republicans to be against that.

Working in Red Hat, where Red Hat's #2 office is Westford, MA, there were Liberals making, on average, $90K/year and belly aching. They shut up pretty quick when I made those points. Especially being that Red Hat already had a "buy up" plan, and I paid for it ... because it was worth it. The cost of medical literally is that, and should not be an issue for $90K+/year folk.

Certainly better than Hillary's suggestion to pay for things by taking away the pre-tax benefit. However, you're so wrong on everything else ...

Creation of purchasing pools;
Oh, don't get me started on that one! What we have is an aberration. Heck, I turned down personally getting sucked into that fiasco. I was under NDA for awhile, but now that it's over, I'll mouth off about it all I want.

We do not have free market! Period. That is an aberration. Don't even correlate that to what was proposed by Republicans. Or let me put it another way ... 100% of insurance companies hate it.

Standardized benefits;
WTF?! Okay, now you're just pulling things out of your @$$ and being 100% generic ...

Every insurance program has "standardized benefits." It's the extent involved. Again, I'll refer to the President's own voting record in Illinois. This is what we mean by "Libtards" ... requiring things that are not medically necessary as "standard benefits."

No limit on benefit ... that one was beyond stupid.

Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance;
Like McCain's tax credit approach.

The only politician to not argue a tax break or tax credit has been Hillary, and she was lambasted by the (still early at the time) left leaning media then too.

So ... shat is your point here?

You're literally talking about all proposals from just about anyone! That's not "Republican" but basically your being so generic, it's basically everything!

A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition.
So ... where do "pre-existing" conditions come from? They come from the fact that people change insurance. Why do people change insurance?

Here's the key ... you're part of the left-right non-sense that is part of the problem! We do not have free market healthcare! If we did, people wouldn't need to change insurance and pre-existing conditions wouldn't be the problem it is. ;)

Did you just make all my points for me? The Libtards won't talk about real solutions, and the right-wingers are more than willing to stupidly argue on the Libtards agenda. So we don't get actual solutions.

The only thing in the ACA that the Republicans also advocated for was the Individual Mandate. Everything else is so generic, it applies to all proposals![/Spoil]
Our ruling
Qualls said the Affordable Care Act "was the Republican plan in the '90s." The bill she had in mind did have a strong roster of Republicans behind it, and it did share many major features with the Affordable Care Act. There were some significant differences but in a side-by-side comparison, the similarities dominate.

However, to call it the Republican plan, as though a majority of Republicans endorsed it, goes too far. The House Republicans took a different path, and there was opposition from more hard-line members of the Republican coalition. It is telling that the Chafee bill never became a full blown bill and never came up for a vote.

We rate the statement Half True.
Maduro came out today to endorse Bernie Sanders for President and called him an advocate of the revolution.


One shithead socialist can always spot a true believer and fellow comrade.