Bullshit, everyone hates playing in Philly, especially the Phillies.He hates American League baseball and loves playing in Philly
Speaking of Phillies, how'd that ass taste on Saturday? Walk off, biatch!!!!!
Bullshit, everyone hates playing in Philly, especially the Phillies.He hates American League baseball and loves playing in Philly
Bullshit, everyone hates playing in Philly, especially the Phillies.
Speaking of Phillies, how'd that ass taste on Saturday? Walk off, biatch!!!!!
Agreed.No one actually likes the entire shithole known as Philadelphia. Why do you think the people from there are such assholes? Be that as it may, the NFL needs to let those Super Bowl virgins win a damn ring so the trash who currently reside there can burn the whole city down once and for all and be done with it. Move the shitty franchise to Orlando and change the name to the Parramores.