Don't eat fake meat grown in a peach tree dish


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 18, 2007
Holy shit why does Georgia insist on electing the absolute dumbest f*cking pieces of human trash alive. These people make goodknightfl look almost capable.

Have you seen the location of her district? She is likely the cream of the crop.
Holy shit why does Georgia insist on electing the absolute dumbest f*cking pieces of human trash alive. These people make goodknightfl look almost capable.
Wow. :oops:

I wonder how her 'our-evil-government-is-trying-to-spy-on-us-and-control-everything-we-do' spiel abruptly shifts gears when she's asked about abortions?
Well if Joe Biden can be president she and AOC surely can be congresswomen.

Shoe sized morons don't put up and fund candidates like the above, Hillary, Obama, or for that matter the Donald. That is simply the choice we are left to vote for. 95% who win are who the party elites want to win, without backing and $$$ they won't win.

There is a reason insiders on both parties went after Trump as hard as they did, He wasn't an approved Republican, They wanted the next Bush in the forest, (see Jeb) and would have accepted a Romney, McCain, or Dole type, that was in line for the approved spot. Dems always figured the Donald was one of them and were butt hurt. When a rare thing happened and American voters told those insiders to shove it, They and the Donald had to be put back in their place. Hillary bought n paid for the Steele dossier, and Obama along with top FBI people helped make it look real. Thus came the Russia hoax, the impeachments and more. What pisses them off most is there is still about 1/2 the population pushing back against them.

As for the Greene, AOC, congress level idiots they serve a purpose for those party elites above, make enough noise to distract the masses so they can quietly run the swamp as they wish it to be run. Throw the dog a bone so he will let you enjoy your steak.