Don't you dare yell at Rick Scott!!

There's an interview out there from the guy that posted the video. He doesnt know the lady or have any connection with her. He pretty much came out and straight up says she went over the top, but it would not have happened if Scott would have listened to her or left when the conversation started. He only started filming after Scott wouldn't respond to her and she started to become agitated.

So a self-proclaimed anarchist who gladly takes joy stomping on the flag and one who turned into a ragging lunatic would have been suddenly "reasonable" when the Gov walked into the Starbucks to buy a cup a coffee if he would have just stopped what he was doing and sat down and had a mature conversation with her?

Im just telling you what the dood said. If you don't want to hear it, that's cool by me. I never knew you had a thing for hot fat girls.
Don't know shit about this story. Voted for kookie wyllie. What I love about the last FL gubernatorial race was that literally the o so different "Democrat" was a former R yet cucks woulda loved him if he was an R - all 100% garbage
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What's next? Having your reputation slammed in public if you open carry, oppose abortion, advocate for public health and entitlement reform, free speech, or countless other conservative causes. It excuses what the better funded and better motivated left can do to grassroots conservatives. It's not a path the right wants to go down, because it will lose. And Scott took some steps to make it OK for personal reasons. That isn't good government, good leadership, good politics, or good sense.

It is what you get when you elect people based on 30 second commercials and anger, rather than experience and temperament tested throughout decades of public service. They screw up and try to blame others. No matter how much of an idiot this woman was, he didnt know how to handle it properly and it showed. If he can't learn how to do it in 6 years, he will never learn. He is just not a good leader in the public sector. And his selfish way of handling it after the fact is going to set Republicans back.

Conservatives complain about the liberal media, but they bring it on themselves. They get what they deserve because they tolerate fools like this guy, Christine O'Donnell, Trump, West and all the others who have absolutely no business inserting themselves into public leadership without any experience influencing the public discourse. You don't have to have political experience to run for President or an executive office, but you do have a responsibility to know what the eff you are doing so you don't embarrass other candidates and hurt the Republican brand.

Otherwise you get crap like this ...
You are wasting your time Huffy. Scott can do wharever he wants because she is a "liberal" = anybody who is not their kind of republican
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Here's the thing, I don't agree with many of this woman's policies and I certainly don't agree with her behavior. There's a time, place and manner to properly express your unhappiness with an elected official; ranting at a guy getting his morning coffee is not it.

That being said, I am extremely uncomfotable w/ Scott essentially doxxing this woman. At the very least, it's juvenile to answer ad hominem attacks with more ad hominem attacks. If the facts back up your argument, stick to the issues if you feel you must respond.

At worst, this is an elected official publicly mocking and exposing a private citizen. I realize he's going to get away with it because the attack was supposedly produced by his Super PAC, but the fact he posted the video on his personal Facebook page and referred to it as "our video" makes me question how uncoordinated this was. The speed in digging up the dirt on her makes me wonder if any taxpayer resources were involved. And the mean spirited nature of the attack makes me wonder if other private citizens who dare to critcize Scott can expect a similar reprisal? How can this not have a chilling effect on free speech?
Here's the thing, I don't agree with many of this woman's policies and I certainly don't agree with her behavior. There's a time, place and manner to properly express your unhappiness with an elected official; ranting at a guy getting his morning coffee is not it.

That being said, I am extremely uncomfotable w/ Scott essentially doxxing this woman. At the very least, it's juvenile to answer ad hominem attacks with more ad hominem attacks. If the facts back up your argument, stick to the issues if you feel you must respond.

At worst, this is an elected official publicly mocking and exposing a private citizen. I realize he's going to get away with it because the attack was supposedly produced by his Super PAC, but the fact he posted the video on his personal Facebook page and referred to it as "our video" makes me question how uncoordinated this was. The speed in digging up the dirt on her makes me wonder if any taxpayer resources were involved. And the mean spirited nature of the attack makes me wonder if other private citizens who dare to critcize Scott can expect a similar reprisal? How can this not have a chilling effect on free speech?
This, this, and this.

Pelosi, Reid and Obama have all used similar tactics. Attacking private citizens. It's SOP when they do it...
Is this really still going on? It isn't like he called her a stupid head or anything.
Finally catching up on this:

Scott should've immediately realized this wasn't a good idea to be there & GTFO & he should've let some Scott super fan retort for him.

The poor innocent professional victim woman ceases to be that when she yells & screams at a Governor. She deserves it.

I'll trash cuck politicians all day on the internet, not wasting my breath on them IRL.
Breath and 2 poor are Obama loving liberals that couldn't take the heat of the racists in the cooler. I'd have a lot more respect for Scott if he would have just knocked this bitch out. I'd never hit a woman but I'd be OK with someone else hitting a c unt like that.
It's pretty low on his part. He didn't try to talk to her when it happened. Instead he ran, and responds with a video attacking her.

Do you typically sit down for nice chats when you have a deranged lunatic yelling at you?
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Scott has his issues but you got to hand it to him for being so aggressive with these domestic trade missions trying to convince companies to move to Florida
When he pays them in cash to move here with my tax dollars, he shouldn't. When he cuts them so many incentives that they pay no tax and I have to make up the difference, he shouldn't.
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