Of course not proof of replacing, but it’s on the radar and noted as an issue which is a good thing.I’m not sure that’s proof they will be replacing the existing lights. They’re talking about it.
Va creeper or Kudzu should do the trick.yeah use the chainlink fence as a trellis and grow a hedge against it.
yeah that chain link is probable the ugliest aesthetic of the StadiumShade and vegitation around the vertical perimeter to the field. I love UCF and our stadium but we really need soften the environment.
Our stadium and crowd would look a hell of a lot better with cameras stationed on the opposite (visitors) side but then our midfield logo would be upside down on TV. 😏Hopefully some day they also flip the tv cameras to the other side of the field.
Cameras looking into the Sun (west) would be bad. Probably why they did not do it.Our stadium and crowd would look a hell of a lot better with cameras stationed on the opposite (visitors) side but then our midfield logo would be upside down on TV. 😏
Do any other schools do this?