Originally posted by KnighttimeJoe:
Originally posted by 1ofTheseKnights:
Free time >>>>>>>> $. Maybe not for people who are no fun.
Posted from
Rivals Mobile
I get to spend a ton of time with my kids who are 3 and 1. That matters to me. I wouldn't call what I earn makes me a rich man--even though I do just fine and so does my wife. I would call my life rich, however. Time with my family, the opportunity to hunt with my father, the ability to read gobs and gobs of literature and scholarly articles, time spent researching and writing and teaching--it's a reward that I am thankful for every day. I don't expect someone like Sir Gal to understand a trifle of that. And I don't care.
I have a first cousin who I am close to who is a CPA and works for Ernst and Young. He makes great money. He also never sees his one-year old and hasn't watched a live football game in years. Every time we talk he tells me he'd take a cut in pay just to see his boy more. I'll be damned if I let that happen to me.
So rip me all you want because you think I can't do, or that I sit on my ass collecting institutional welfare. Whatever makes you happy! I cannot tell you how utterly I could not care less about what you think. I don't answer to you and never will.