Florida must not put Hillary and the liberals in the White House


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 10, 2002
Hillary? Pocahantas? Tim "Mr. WallStreet" Kaine? What a mess if the libs get the White House. The big banks and wall street are licking their chops trying to get their puppets in the White House.

Once again, Florida could be the deciding state for the Presidency. GET IT DONE!! Not much I can do here with the libs in control.
Hillary? Pocahantas? Tim "Mr. WallStreet" Kaine? What a mess if the libs get the White House. The big banks and wall street are licking their chops trying to get their puppets in the White House.

Once again, Florida could be the deciding state for the Presidency. GET IT DONE!! Not much I can do here with the libs in control.

No vote for Killary Here! Actually two household votes coming in.
I'm cancelling you out.

Even after she selected Tim "Mr WallStreet" Kaine? You know, probably one of the biggest beneficieries of the corrupt and out-of-control financial industry and the crooked banks?

You know the crooked banks and wall street are stroking off phat checks for the dems. Four more years of easy money courtesy of the liberal Fed. Trump has an uphile battle from the $$$ side that is for sure.
Right. So instead you are asking people to vote for a guy who just actually encouraged Russia to commit espionage against Americans.

Boo f'ing hoo. Newsflash: The Russians already have the emails. Everybody knows that. Trump calls it as he sees it . No politics, no sugarcoating. All this 'outrage' by the establishment (on both sides) is pitiful. Just more of the same politics business as usual. We spy on them, they spy on us. Big deal. That's the way the world works.
Boo f'ing hoo. Newsflash: The Russians already have the emails. Everybody knows that. Trump calls it as he sees it . No politics, no sugarcoating. All this 'outrage' by the establishment (on both sides) is pitiful. Just more of the same politics business as usual. We spy on them, they spy on us. Big deal. That's the way the world works.

We aren't talking about spying. We are talking about the Republican nominee encouraging a foreign power and US enemy to hack DNC emails. Nixon was impeached for his spying. But we are supposed to vote for Trump who is encouraging it. Fcuk that!!
>US enemy

Why do you feel the Russians are a U.S. enemy? I'll tell you why. Because you've been brainwashed by the Obama warmongering political machine. Here is what our most influential ally in Europe had to say about U.S. foreign policy as it relates to our influence with NATO:

The German foreign minister has broken ranks with Nato allies, accusing the alliance of “warmongering” against Russia.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier spoke out against recent Nato military exercises in Poland and the Baltics, describing them as “sabre-rattling”.

“The one thing we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation with loud sabre-rattling and warmongering,” the minister told Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

I'm with Trump. Let's work with the Russians to get rid of ISIS and terrorist jihadi's.
Why can't liberals control their email? And why are they so racist in emails towards blacks and Jewish people? I can care less about his comments. Let's talk about the content of emails and Killary confidential emails.
Did you see the Bernie supporters put the warmongering Obama speech givers in their place? Trump is messaging let's work with the rest of the world and get rid of ISIS and terrorists. The libs are messaging let's start wars . wtf? My how the political landscape has changed. I know Bernie is a big lib, but I like him much more and would have been a tough decision between he and Trump for me.
Why can't liberals control their email? And why are they so racist in emails towards blacks and Jewish people? I can care less about his comments. Let's talk about the content of emails and Killary confidential emails.

Because it doesn't sadly, those 2 groups of people are mostly brainwashed to always vote Democrate (90% or more African American...probably 75% or more of the Jewish group).

Dems know they can treat them (and Israel supporters) like dogs for 3 years and 11 months...then they say nice things for 30 days to secure most of their that's how their previous generations voted.
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Because it doesn't sadly, those 2 groups of people are mostly brainwashed to always vote Democrate (90% or more African American...probably 75% or more of the Jewish group).

Dems know they can treat them (and Israel supporters) like dogs for 3 years and 11 months...then they say nice things for 30 days to secure most of their that's how their previous generations voted.
Africans-Americans tended to go Republican prior to the party losing its mind and you forgot Asians and Latinos. What happened to the GOP outreach program created after 2012? Instead the GOP has chosen to focus on their "religious liberties" and kicking people out the country.
Sounds like you were voting for Killary anyway.
Would've taken it to the bank.

Russia is an "enemy of the US" lolz. They're the ones shooting up Pulse, California, beheading people & shooting up Europe?

The real problem is the religion of the peace. They are real ones waging the war on women & gays. Not "yea fûckin rite" Conservative Donald Trump. Democrats are really gonna make it seem like the Donald is conservative?...
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Would've taken it to the bank.

Russia is an "enemy of the US" lolz. They're the ones shooting up Pulse, California, beheading people & shooting up Europe?

The real problem is the religion of the peace. They are real ones waging the war on women & gays. Not "yea fûckin rite" Conservative Donald Trump. Democrats are really gonna make it seem like the Donald is conservative?...

+1. Did you see Trump totally on message about working with Russia to get rid of ISIS? Yet the war mongering Obama military-industrial complex wants to start wars with just about anybody and everybody. Imagine the disaster that would have been if we went into Syria. 90% of the American public was against it , but Obama was within a hair of pulling the trigger because of a supposed "red line" that was crossed.

Of course, this supposed gassing of his own people by Assad was nothing more than another false flag. (i.e. WMD part II).
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+1. Did you see Trump totally on message about working with Russia to get rid of ISIS? Yet the war mongering Obama military-industrial complex wants to start wars with just about anybody and everybody. Imagine the disaster that would have been if we went into Syria. 90% of the American public was against it , but Obama was within a hair of pulling the trigger because of a supposed "red line" that was crossed.

Of course, this supposed gassing of his own people by Assad was nothing more than another false flag. (i.e. WMD part II).
You need to put the bong down.
As much as I hate it, Santa Clinton gave a good speech last knight.

Free College, forgiveness of student loans, free trade school, biggest public works bill ever, expanding Social Security, Protecting all women outside of Bills office at white house, amnesty for illegals. She is the candy woman..
As much as I hate it, Santa Clinton gave a good speech last knight.

Free College, forgiveness of student loans, free trade school, biggest public works bill ever, expanding Social Security, Protecting all women outside of Bills office at white house, amnesty for illegals. She is the candy woman..
If I have some free time this afternoon I may go back and read the post you and Sir G made prior to the last election. End the week with a good laugh.
And just like what's his name, you obviously missed my pro Gary Johnson posts these last few weeks.

Hillary told me all women are voting for Hillary since it's history.

Me thinks there's a lot of "doth protest too much" w supposed Johnson voters who r just closet cucks and/or Hillary fanbois. We'll see.
If I have some free time this afternoon I may go back and read the post you and Sir G made prior to the last election. End the week with a good laugh.
And what would that be, I've said from day one that a republican can't win, way too much free stuff promised to those that don't want to work hard.
Clinton Cash:

What an embarrassment, the corruption of the Clintons. Now Trump might be a kook, but he's not crooked like Crooked Hillary.
Pay to play. Some pretty damning stuff you have to admit. Still waiting for the trump vid. Oh wait, the worst thing they have on him is he isn't as rich as he says he is.

Clinton foundation still under investigation . what a shit show
Yep, Trump has never screwed people out of their money.

I know you're beyond saving, but I'll bite.

Trump is a dickshit- I agree. Fully. However, there is a MASSIVE difference between a dickshit buying horrid properties or launching awful businesses, only to see them fail, and leaving a lot of people on the hook and/or without jobs because of it, and the outright Pay for Play for access and influence with the US Government for corrupt foreign shadow leaders that write the correct number to the Clintons on a check.

Trump f*cked over people who were stupid enough to believe in Trump U; Clinton f*cked over the American people when she put US uranium rights to the Russians up for sale, or had her Foundation peddle backdoor deals for foreign interests when she herself was negotiating deals as Sec of State.

Let's not forget that after Hillary was toasting champagne to her brokered destroying of Libya, one of her closest allies and donors was busy racking up no-bid State Dept contracts to build shelters and consulates in Libya that weren't specifically required or asked for.

My point- it is categorically impossible to call Trump a huckster without also admitting that CLiton is every bit as big of a huckster, with the difference being that she did her swindling through back channels of US foreign power and influence.

She is every bit as repugnant as Trump.
She is every bit as repugnant as Trump.
After this week I figured the educated members (not Boston, obviously) of this board would finally drop this rhetoric and realize how much of a threat to democracy and human decency Trump actually is.

Hillary isnt perfect by a long shot but if you are still equating the two.....

I know you're beyond saving,
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