Florida must not put Hillary and the liberals in the White House

I know you're beyond saving, but I'll bite.

Trump is a dickshit- I agree. Fully. However, there is a MASSIVE difference between a dickshit buying horrid properties or launching awful businesses, only to see them fail, and leaving a lot of people on the hook and/or without jobs because of it, and the outright Pay for Play for access and influence with the US Government for corrupt foreign shadow leaders that write the correct number to the Clintons on a check.

Trump f*cked over people who were stupid enough to believe in Trump U; Clinton f*cked over the American people when she put US uranium rights to the Russians up for sale, or had her Foundation peddle backdoor deals for foreign interests when she herself was negotiating deals as Sec of State.

Let's not forget that after Hillary was toasting champagne to her brokered destroying of Libya, one of her closest allies and donors was busy racking up no-bid State Dept contracts to build shelters and consulates in Libya that weren't specifically required or asked for.

My point- it is categorically impossible to call Trump a huckster without also admitting that CLiton is every bit as big of a huckster, with the difference being that she did her swindling through back channels of US foreign power and influence.

She is every bit as repugnant as Trump.
I agree but Clinton comes off as sane, Trump does not. Or his strategy is just beyond me.
I know you're beyond saving, but I'll bite.

Trump is a dickshit- I agree. Fully. However, there is a MASSIVE difference between a dickshit buying horrid properties or launching awful businesses, only to see them fail, and leaving a lot of people on the hook and/or without jobs because of it, and the outright Pay for Play for access and influence with the US Government for corrupt foreign shadow leaders that write the correct number to the Clintons on a check.

Trump f*cked over people who were stupid enough to believe in Trump U; Clinton f*cked over the American people when she put US uranium rights to the Russians up for sale, or had her Foundation peddle backdoor deals for foreign interests when she herself was negotiating deals as Sec of State.

Let's not forget that after Hillary was toasting champagne to her brokered destroying of Libya, one of her closest allies and donors was busy racking up no-bid State Dept contracts to build shelters and consulates in Libya that weren't specifically required or asked for.

My point- it is categorically impossible to call Trump a huckster without also admitting that CLiton is every bit as big of a huckster, with the difference being that she did her swindling through back channels of US foreign power and influence.

She is every bit as repugnant as Trump.

So, one is a mushy POS, while the other is a stinky POS. Got it.
