Free speech again loses to left wing terrorists


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
A legally sanctioned free speech rally was cancelled today after Antifa and other left wing thugs threatened violence against speakers and carried out actual violence against police.

An elderly woman had an American Flag ripped out of her hands by a black masked left wing terrorist.

But just remember- these left wing terrorists are blameless. Implicating them for ANY blame is wrong!
Help me understand this. If you're against free speech, how is that acceptable in the United States? What ground does the left stand on? Isn't the NY Times running some sort of BS about in the dark or something like that?
People will find whatever they need to excuse conflict. The US media loves it too.
In case anybody needed further proof, this is EXACTLY why Trump won.

I'm not a Trump fan .... and I think he has some serious mental issues ... but I get it. The average person is sick of the left wing radicals.
That same stupid senator would lose her chit if someone were to say "Obama should be assasinated".
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A member of Antifa stabbed a random innocent man in Colorado simply because he had a "Nazi haircut". Aka short hair.

The man was stabbed through the hand since he brought his hands up to defend against the assault at who was attempting to stab him in the head.
Oh man. As bad as Trump is the Dems keep embracing the alt left. I love it. Support riots and assault. Support elected officials calling for assassination because they're just too mad. Roflcopter. I was getting worried about 2018 because of all the cry baby Republicans being never Trumpers but it's going to be a landslide if the left keeps it up.


LOL, what's next?
Oh man. As bad as Trump is the Dems keep embracing the alt left. I love it. Support riots and assault. Support elected officials calling for assassination because they're just too mad. Roflcopter. I was getting worried about 2018 because of all the cry baby Republicans being never Trumpers but it's going to be a landslide if the left keeps it up.
LOL, what's next?
I read the mainstream US media ... and it's like, "Okay, isn't this what the left was complaining about the far-right media doing to Obama?" Case-in-point, the recent "that's too bad" in a passing comment about 10 sailors, when he even hadn't been briefed on the incident yet.

The US media has lost all objectivity.

Yes, Trump's support base is falling because he failed to call out the white nationalist in a car -- a clear domestic terrorist act -- as quick as he would have a Muslim, and that is well deserved.

But I don't think the US media realizes they are falling just as fast. Americans are getting old of it all.
Obama was good though.


Yup, healthcare prices skyrocket, double the national debt, open hunting season on Police Officers.... guy was great!! :uzi:

And my personal favorite (only 2009-2013):


You don't have to like Trump, or conservatives in general, but to say Obamacare was good is laughable.
Whats the limit for free speech?

Yup, healthcare prices skyrocket, double the national debt, open hunting season on Police Officers.... guy was great!! :uzi:

And my personal favorite (only 2009-2013):


You don't have to like Trump, or conservatives in general, but to say Obamacare was good is laughable.
You made some excellent points, how do I possibly counter those?*
1. Free speech ends when it endangers other people (threaten lives, shouting fire in a movie theatre, etc.). If it doesn't endanger anyone then it's fair game whether it hurts someone's feelings or not.

2. I agree.
1. Would you be ok with ISIS speaking on college campuses as long as they didn't call for violence?
2. 8 years and no replacement plan, what a joke!
1. Would you be ok with ISIS speaking on college campuses as long as they didn't call for violence?
2. 8 years and no replacement plan, what a joke!

What exactly would isis be calling for if not violence? Wouldn't happen since you know, we are at war with them etc. If someone wants to speak pro-ISIS without calling for violence that's their right. Like I said earlier, you don't have to agree with it, you can hate it, but if they're Americans and not preaching violence then it's their right.

And I agree, it's ridiculous that Obamacare hasn't been replaced yet. I hope it's fixed (properly) very soon.
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1. Would you be ok with ISIS speaking on college campuses as long as they didn't call for violence?
2. 8 years and no replacement plan, what a joke!

What exactly would isis be calling for if not violence? Wouldn't happen since you know, we are at war with them etc. If someone wants to speak pro-ISIS without calling for violence that's their right. Like I said earlier, you don't have to agree with it, you can hate it, but if they're Americans and not preaching violence then it's their right.

And I agree, it's ridiculous that Obamacare hasn't been replaced yet. I hope it's fixed (properly) very soon.
What would neo-nazis\white supremacist be calling for if not violence?
1. Would you be ok with ISIS speaking on college campuses as long as they didn't call for violence?
2. 8 years and no replacement plan, what a joke!

Your attempts at examples are absurd and nonsensical. It's painfully obvious you don't fully grasp what our own 1st Amendment actually is. Which makes you a threat to trample it.
1. Would you be ok with ISIS speaking on college campuses as long as they didn't call for violence?
2. 8 years and no replacement plan, what a joke!

Your attempts at examples are absurd and nonsensical. It's painfully obvious you don't fully grasp what our own 1st Amendment actually is. Which makes you a threat to trample it.
Thanks Alex!
1. Would you be ok with ISIS speaking on college campuses as long as they didn't call for violence?
2. 8 years and no replacement plan, what a joke!
They do by other names. There are dozens of hate groups who speak on campuses all the time, you just don't hear much about them because they fall under the liberal umbrella. USA Today ranked Cal Berkeley the most anti Semitic University in the country. So the most liberal college is also the most against free speech and is also the most anti Semitic. Not hard to see the connection between liberalism and fascism.
They do by other names. There are dozens of hate groups who speak on campuses all the time, you just don't hear much about them because they fall under the liberal umbrella. USA Today ranked Cal Berkeley the most anti Semitic University in the country. So the most liberal college is also the most against free speech and is also the most anti Semitic. Not hard to see the connection between liberalism and fascism.
How do you quantify something like that?

Do they other rankings like this? Which campus is the most full of Christmas cheer?
I agree, but it's easy to tap dance around not calling for harm to others, yet still mean it.

Luckily our system of law is not based around trying to play mind reading games. It's dictated by what is lawful and isn't.

Another 1st Amendment lesson for MAC.
How do you quantify something like that?

Do they other rankings like this? Which campus is the most full of Christmas cheer?
It was a Brandise University study, the full study actually included UCF as well. Interesting read but not surprising where you find the hot spots.
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Keep slurping down the lies that feed your beliefs you sad sack.

Lol hey shithead how many of those false "hate attacks!" Did you push after Trumps inauguration? You're becoming just another insufferable prick.
World must be coming to an end...check out this headline in the Washington Post today:

Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

Someone from the DNC must have asked for this story as its obvious even to most Dems that the Antifa Anarchist are hurting the Dems message (if they had one).

Washington Post even posted video links of many of these attacks on peace demonstrators.
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A member of Antifa stabbed a random innocent man in Colorado simply because he had a "Nazi haircut". Aka short hair.

The man was stabbed through the hand since he brought his hands up to defend against the assault at who was attempting to stab him in the head.

Police became suspicious of his story because surveillance video did not show anyone running from the scene, as Witt had claimed

They also looked at video from a nearby sporting goods store, which showed Witt buying a small knife minutes before the alleged attack.

Where he was confronted with the all the information listed above. Mr. Witt subsequently admitted to accidentally cutting himself with the knife while parked in his car in front of the sporting goods store and admitted making up the story about being attacked," Sheridan police said in their statement

Literally fake news, and like the 4th time you posted shit like this.
That guy that stabbed himself is a pos. Why in the hell would someone do something like that. I hope they lock him up for a little bit to help set him straight.

that said, it doesnt take away from the vary real violence caught on video through out the weekend from antifa to regular people who believe in free speech. remember its not just the right that believes in free speech, there are plenty on the left that do as well. those people are all being targeted. but im sure they are just like those soldiers on d day.
Police became suspicious of his story because surveillance video did not show anyone running from the scene, as Witt had claimed

They also looked at video from a nearby sporting goods store, which showed Witt buying a small knife minutes before the alleged attack.

Where he was confronted with the all the information listed above. Mr. Witt subsequently admitted to accidentally cutting himself with the knife while parked in his car in front of the sporting goods store and admitted making up the story about being attacked," Sheridan police said in their statement

Literally fake news, and like the 4th time you posted shit like this.
Now they are probably looking for indications that the guy is a liberal in his FB and other social media platforms