Frosty's not the only man back.. POK in the house..

I kind of remember you now cause your pic looks familiar. Welcome back ⚔⚔⚔
I wish I knew how to put pictures on these threads because I would add more pictures...
Me and my buddy Ed used to tailgate at UCF baseball softball everything.. we were kind of the first people to tailgate at the new baseball stadium.. and when I say tailgate we got there four hours early each had a case of beer we go to that little gas station by the fire department and get another case for the two of us after the game... Oh yeah we got er done..
If they would have had a chess team we would have tailgated it.. we tailgated women's tennis, when they open The boathouse at Lake Pickett we tailgated that, basketball both women's and men's...
I think we even did volleyball once or twice LOL...
Was really good friends with a bunch of the Rowdy Knights...
Matter of fact I have a shirt because they made me an honorable Rowdy Knight.. doesn't fit anymore... It's vintage and I might even put it up for auction for a charity sponsored by the Rowdy Knights if they wanted...

Go Knights!!!
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Reactions: Central Floridave
@Prince of Knights , you finally got bored with life and returned to the Kingdom. Life comes full circle. @Brandon should create a medal for ya! *
Yeah I tried my password one day just for a goof and it worked...
For about 7 years I was working up in New Jersey doing gas services for PSE&G the can utility company..
You know time just flies when you're having so much fun LOL..