No one should be pressured to carry. I don't. I don't think I'll ever.
Now I'm considering a gun to protect my dog from packs of coyotes that roam the creek along my homestead regularly. Nost people get hurt or even killed when they try to pry their dog(s) from coyotes. But I won't ever carry off my property.
If I could recommend one thing to
@bqknight, it's have friends who do carry when you go out. The
Pink Pistols are a consideration, and are active in Florida. I personally hang around with people who carry for a reason.
You should never have to feel like you should carry. But be warned, a lot of people feel the way you do, and think no one should carry around them.
Until an event happens, and then they realize why people should be able to carry. Hence why I recommend you hang around people who carry.
That's what I do, because I'll never carry. But I do
not ever "feel safe" unless I'm around people who
do carry. That's the only thing I would point out.
In all honesty, whenever you post about guns, you make me cringe.
Here you are, pressuring someone to carry. Sigh ...
But when people state complete falsehoods about firearms, like
@sirdingydang , you're going to ignore them, and argue with someone over me on whether energy always kills fast like it can wound greatly.
I honestly give up on you. Because when a person like
@sirdingydang basically proves what's wrong with the entire view of guns in the Progressive media, and their sheep, you are going to argue with me instead.
kill in
close ranges, and they are
just as fast as rifles (even
faster full auto).