Girl selling her FSU degree for $50K, can't find work


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
For just $50,000, you too can own an FSU degree.

Read the story and prepare to laugh. It's a sob story about how a girl with a theater degree can't find higher paying work in LA and has $40K in student debt.

$40 f'ing K to obtain a theater degree.

Somewhere, a left wing blogger is using this to denounce the "cruelty" of student debt instead of calling this girl a dumbass for spending that amount of money to obtain a totally worthless degree.
I am so confused by these types of people. One of the main things I considered when choosing a major is the potential jobs and the expected job market for my degree. Why is that not considered? What did she plan on doing with the degree? A theater degree doesn't make you talented a talented actress. Perhaps it would give you some insight into running a theater or a show, but even then a business admin degree would be better suited for that. You can probably teach, I guess.

This is like planning for the future 101. Maybe that's why she can't get a job. Displaying that degree on a resume shows a lack of forethought and planning.

Sucks for her but she should have thought about this for 5 minutes before spending that kind of money on a degree.
I read that her schooling cost $200k somewhere? Sorry girl, no one will pay $1000 for that degree. I hope this is a lesson to those freshman declaring majors this year.
Why do colleges even offer these degrees? It's no different than all the as seen on TV products.

There are a lot of degrees at UCF that I can't understand why anyone would spend 4 years obtaining. These would include Religion Studies, African Studies, Literature, Latin America Studies, Theater, Art History, Photography, etc
So mo fckin EDGY!!!!! Diploma selling on eBay THAT'S EXTREME!!!!!!*

For people cracking theatre degrees, people act every single day; world is a stage. There's places to work w this degree.

Skilled service industry people (awesome waiter/bar tender etc) prolly crush a lot of folks on this board in terms of after tax cash flow, but that involves work so that's no good for these types of folks.

Exec summary: Work ethic can trump poor diploma choice.
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Her story's even funnier if you read the word "theater" and pronounce it out loud in a British accent as "THEE-AH-TAH!"
All they can do is go become professors teaching their useless knowledge. The circle of useless degrees and career academics.
Her story's even funnier if you read the word "theater" and pronounce it out loud in a British accent as "THEE-AH-TAH!"

Oh you guys are burying the lede here. She's also including her "college experience" in the sale of her diploma. I bet barrister would pay just to get her to show him the "after hours" tour as well. Sounds like she's including a bunch of fapping material as well by giving access to her Facebook albums.

"...she is also selling her experience. Among her experiences include the following:
  • A TOUR of Florida State University including everywhere you would have gone/eaten/partied in your four years at FSU. (Possibly includes but not limited to: Suwanee Hall and a possible Ms. Killings sighting, Jimmy Johns, Mr. Roboto, dinner at Cool Beanz, burgers & beers at Monks, drinks at Poor Pauls)
  • A driving tour of the spots I got speeding tickets in between classes!
  • Access to all of my college memories/Facebook albums for 6 months! (access to any memories by phone or text between 10-7 Sunday-Thursday so you can give someone the most authentic specific memories straight from my brain to their ears)
$40 f'ing K to obtain a theater degree.
Actually, that's not too bad of a debt load. I would say anyone who goes to a public school and gets out with less than $50K has been "responsible," with $25K being "very responsible." I know people with arts degrees that are into 6 figures, but they usually went private school.

That said ... and I will always stress this over and over to anyone in college majoring in an arts or other "limited opportunity" degree ...

Freak'n intern, part-time, at least 2 years in a skilled trade!

It not only gives you something to "fall back on," but differentiates you from other candidates. Furthermore, by working 1,000 year * 2 years * $10/hour ... you'll have $20,000 less (actually closer to $15,000 after deduction) in debt too.

Somewhere, a left wing blogger is using this to denounce the "cruelty" of student debt instead of calling this girl a dumbass for spending that amount of money to obtain a totally worthless degree.
I'm not going to say any degree is "worthless." But I will agree that some are of "limited worth" as far as making money.

In reality ... she does have a job. She just doesn't have the role or compensation she desires. Maybe she should have interned and learned more. Maybe she did, and if so, more power to her.

Furthermore she decided to try to find a job in LA. LA is not the only place where she can make use of her degree. And now she's stuck being an assistant. LA and the media industry isn't exactly "equal opportunity," but that's another debate.[/QUOTE]
How much money did she seriously expect to earn as a theatre actor? No, not once she's on Broadway or some similar sized theatre ...but as a smaller theatre actor?

Le sigh.

Oh you guys are burying the lede here. She's also including her "college experience" in the sale of her diploma. I bet barrister would pay just to get her to show him the "after hours" tour as well. Sounds like she's including a bunch of fapping material as well by giving access to her Facebook albums.

"...she is also selling her experience. Among her experiences include the following:
  • A TOUR of Florida State University including everywhere you would have gone/eaten/partied in your four years at FSU. (Possibly includes but not limited to: Suwanee Hall and a possible Ms. Killings sighting, Jimmy Johns, Mr. Roboto, dinner at Cool Beanz, burgers & beers at Monks, drinks at Poor Pauls)
  • A driving tour of the spots I got speeding tickets in between classes!
  • Access to all of my college memories/Facebook albums for 6 months! (access to any memories by phone or text between 10-7 Sunday-Thursday so you can give someone the most authentic specific memories straight from my brain to their ears)

She left out the best part:

- Authentic assault from an FSU football player
All jokes about theater degrees aside-- there are MANY jobs that just require a B.A., regardless of the track. She actually can't get a job with her degree because she sucks at interviews and has no marketable skills.

It's probably Obama's fault
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My sister-in-law has a theater degree, which she has used to get plenty of jobs in theme parks, marketing positions, and teaching (where she currently works). She gets fed up easily and ends up quitting after a year or so. I don't see what this girl's problem is, but if my sister-in-law is any indication of theater majors, she is hoping for the perfect job, which doesn't exist for her.
The thing is, because she has a theatre degree from FSU, she is entitled to either be a movie star (b list at minimum), or a movie director.

Thanks Obama
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All jokes about theater degrees aside-- there are MANY jobs that just require a B.A., regardless of the track.
Which is American business stupidity at its finest.

She actually can't get a job with her degree because she sucks at interviews and has no marketable skills.
In her defense, the market is pretty crappy for a lot of graduates right now.

But I do think it's her fault she went back to LA and has to "start from the beginning." I'd like to know if she interned or held down any job while in school. That makes all-the-difference ... more than grades. Unless, of course, poor grades keep you from graduating altogether.

It's probably Obama's fault
In all seriousness, the President didn't create the original issue. And as much as he recognizes some of the issues (e.g., private institutions letting students rack up $200K+ in debt for a BA), he's also part of the continued problem (laws that only make it easier for kids to get debt).
So mo fckin EDGY!!!!! Diploma selling on eBay THAT'S EXTREME!!!!!!*

For people cracking theatre degrees, people act every single day; world is a stage. There's places to work w this degree.

Skilled service industry people (awesome waiter/bar tender etc) prolly crush a lot of folks on this board in terms of after tax cash flow, but that involves work so that's no good for these types of folks.

Exec summary: Work ethic can trump poor diploma choice.
Hey, with my Accounting degree I can still get a job acting, but I promise you someone with an theater degree can't get a job as an accountant or any other business degree required job.

See how that works?
So mo fckin EDGY!!!!! Diploma selling on eBay THAT'S EXTREME!!!!!!*

For people cracking theatre degrees, people act every single day; world is a stage. There's places to work w this degree.

Skilled service industry people (awesome waiter/bar tender etc) prolly crush a lot of folks on this board in terms of after tax cash flow, but that involves work so that's no good for these types of folks.

Exec summary: Work ethic can trump poor diploma choice.

I can promise you that no service people are crushing what degreed people on this board are making. I've got 2 friends who are sadly still bartending, at really good local places, and they're not making anywhere near what me or other degreed people are making.

For ever 1 bartender making gobs of money, there are hundreds who work at shitty bars with bad tippers that make little to nothing.
I can promise you that no service people are crushing what degreed people on this board are making. I've got 2 friends who are sadly still bartending, at really good local places, and they're not making anywhere near what me or other degreed people are making.
For ever 1 bartender making gobs of money, there are hundreds who work at shitty bars with bad tippers that make little to nothing.
And yet still ... there are a lot of non-degreed "trades" that are in high demand here in the US, because we're retired a full generation of them without replacement. All out of the argument that professionals that require a college degree are better.

All the more reason why if you get a college degree, it doesn't hurt to have a backup trade ... especially if your degree is in arts. Sadly, because more and more Americans don't grow up with a "trade," these skills are being lost.

I had this very debate with an HR department about 8 years ago, when they shot down my 2nd, desired hire, over him not having a degree. Now understand I wasn't even an employee, but a contractor. But when they started that "well rounded" argument, being that they were business majors, I noted their HP 12 calculator on their desk. That's when I asked their "well rounded" butt to "prove" the "future value" functions in their HP calculator.

Basically my punchline was this ... "It's bad enough you're telling me me who is qualified to work in my department (IT), but keep in mind I actually know more about the theory of the equations you use every day in yours." Working in IT, I've never seen anything that requires an engineering degree. Now there are some industries where an engineering background helps, but for IT itself, none, nada, zip, in my experience.

Which is why, going the other way, I question anyone with a degree who makes the "well rounded" argument ... especially an arts major. Because learning a trade, even as a backup, easily done in an intern position ... is actually being "well rounded."

If this young lady did, or at least interned a couple of years in college, I'd be more understanding. But if she's like most, she just went to school full-time and partied, and never worked, and wonders why she's a personal assistant getting out.

I know the market is tough ... but this has happened over the years, and people learn trades for a reason.
I should have spent 200k on a music degree, then I could have started a business, doing lawn pesticide and used my 200k degree performing gigs where I end up working for food. Boy I screwed that up.
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I do think we've raised a full generation of kids who thought they were going to college to get a good job, instead of bettering themselves. Even late in Gen-X, we had an education system that was pushing that mindset.

It might be hokey to mention this, but my maternal grandmother instilled me with a value on education that I never forgot. "They can take everything away from you ... except an education."

It's the primary driver why I studied engineering instead of CS or MIS. Nothing against those other programs, but once I got into my engineering core, I was glad I stuck with it. I wanted to understand how to describe the world, in a system of equations.