Great pub for UCF*

If UCF doesn't shut this down and punish the terrorist who started it, I'm dumping my donations to UCF. Including football.

I'd rather miss out on games than support a school that owes grotesque shit like this to take place on their campus.
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I'd like to see the stats about hate crimes going up, unless they're including liberal's constant rioting, propaganda and assaults as hate crimes.
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They're socialists until they get a job and have to pay taxes. The creation of political boogiemen has gone through the roof since Trump became our newest dictator. I thought conservatives were paranoid, but man, liberals have taken their game to a new level.
I'd like to see the stats about hate crimes going up, unless they're including liberal's constant rioting, propaganda and assaults as hate crimes.

I think you could definitely make a case for considering them as hate crimes.
They're socialists until they get a job and have to pay taxes. The creation of political boogiemen has gone through the roof since Trump became our newest dictator. I thought conservatives were paranoid, but man, liberals have taken their game to a new level.

I have a job and pay taxes. I would probably consider myself a democratic socialist if you had to place me somewhere on a scale.
I have a job and pay taxes. I would probably consider myself a democratic socialist if you had to place me somewhere on a scale.
Well, I hope I too someday have a job where I'm comfortable giving up 45 percent of what I make. I'll use what my socialist leaders let me keep of my earnings to pay for self defense classes, so I can stop the government from raping me.
The actual name of the Nazi party is the National Socialist party.

The name of University of South Florida is University of South Florida, what's your point?

Nazi's were fascists - not socialists. The Socialist party in Germany were the ones that resisted the Nazi party the most when they rose to power. Hitler and the Nazi's were VERY anti-socialist or communist.
Huh? Did you ever crack a history book? NAZI stood stood for National Socialist Workers Party.

Nazi's were VERY anti-socialism and communism. I did crack open history books, did you? This isn't really a debate - to what level of fascism it was may be - as it wasn't pure Italian fascism but it definitely was not socialism or communism - one of the main pillars of the Nazi Party was against those ideologies....

Do a quick Google search and your answer will be found very easily. Just because you name something a certain thing - doesn't mean it's automatically that. (FYI - Hitler did not name the party what it was, he just never changed it).
I have a job and pay taxes. I would probably consider myself a democratic socialist if you had to place me somewhere on a scale.

In other words, a socialist. This "Democratic Socialist" nonsense is an invented term by the Sanders crew to make him being a socialist less unappealing.
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In other words, a socialist. This "Democratic Socialist" nonsense is an invented term by the Sanders crew to make him being a socialist less unappealing.

It was around way before Sander's started using it. It's a European term. And sure - think whatever you want - you're too hard headed to even listen to opposing views.
It was around way before Sander's started using it. It's a European term. And sure - think whatever you want - you're too hard headed to even listen to opposing views.

Dude, stop being a little fukking bltch about everything. Geez.
It was around way before Sander's started using it. It's a European term. And sure - think whatever you want - you're too hard headed to even listen to opposing views.

Here's what I know as fact from experience- socialists always love huge government programs and massive tax increases, so long as it's on anyone who makes more than them.
The name of University of South Florida is University of South Florida, what's your point?

Nazi's were fascists - not socialists. The Socialist party in Germany were the ones that resisted the Nazi party the most when they rose to power. Hitler and the Nazi's were VERY anti-socialist or communist.

Well, we can at least agree on one thing . . . even though a name may not be the most accurate description of an organization, that organization still identifies by that name regardless. So now, what's your point?
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The name of University of South Florida is University of South Florida, what's your point?

Nazi's were fascists - not socialists. The Socialist party in Germany were the ones that resisted the Nazi party the most when they rose to power. Hitler and the Nazi's were VERY anti-socialist or communist.
I think you really need to go back and read a history book on the beginnings of the Nazi party.

Nazism more closely aligns with facism, not socialism.

Well pal, by your own logic what's your point? It doesn't matter what it "more closely aligns with." This is a point that you clearly made yourself with the USF example.

That's right, you just got caught talking out of both sides of your a s s .
Well pal, by your own logic what's your point? It doesn't matter what it "more closely aligns with." This is a point that you clearly made yourself with the USF example.

That's right, you just got caught talking out of both sides of your a s s .

Huh? No - their policies were more fascist in nature - it's already happened, it's fact. It has nothing to do with what they named themselves - it has to do with the policies they put forth.

The Nazi party was not a left-wing socialist or communist party. It was called what it was called because the party was meant to lift the social stature of the working class German away from the evil Jews and non-Aryans. Hitler wanted to destroy communism and socialism.

My mind is literally blown.
Well, Bush called himself a member of the
"Social conservatism"
That doesn't mean he was either.
BTW, people like to use the term RINO, I guess the Nazi party was SINO (socialist in name only)
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Its weird that the idea of big business as bad, national health care, national education, and other social progams dont qualify as socialism to bq
Its weird that the idea of big business as bad, national health care, national education, and other social progams dont qualify as socialism to bq

Big business=for profit. Profit is bad.
Big Government=For the people, by the people. Nanny state is good.
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Its weird that the idea of big business as bad, national health care, national education, and other social progams dont qualify as socialism to bq

I think you're mistaking what socialism, communism and fascism are. On the left, we have Marxist Socialism/Communism, which believe in providing for the betterment of ALL. Fascism takes some of those principles but they believe in the betterment of the FEW.

The concept of socialism isn't just an economic principle. Hitler was a fascist. He believed that the state and a select few businesses (that he decides) get all the profits, for the betterment of the select few he deemed worthy. The vast majority of people are obviously left out of this and subsequently killed or put to work until they died. You cannot have socialism when you're excluding vast swaths of the people you're "ruling".
I think you're mistaking what socialism, communism and fascism are. On the left, we have Marxist Socialism/Communism, which believe in providing for the betterment of ALL. Fascism takes some of those principles but they believe in the betterment of the FEW.

The concept of socialism isn't just an economic principle. Hitler was a fascist. He believed that the state and a select few businesses (that he decides) get all the profits, for the betterment of the select few he deemed worthy. The vast majority of people are obviously left out of this and subsequently killed or put to work until they died. You cannot have socialism when you're excluding vast swaths of the people you're "ruling".
The goal of socialism is communism. - Vladimir Lenin

They are all slightly different shades of the same color. Why you are arguing fascism is slightly darker shade than socialism or communism I have no idea.

I guess its easier to argue semantics than doing the mental gymnastics required to overlook the violence they are suggesting.
The goal of socialism is communism. - Vladimir Lenin

They are all slightly different shades of the same color. Why you are arguing fascism is slightly darker shade than socialism or communism I have no idea.

I guess its easier to argue semantics than doing the mental gymnastics required to overlook the violence they are suggesting.

I'm not arguing that to some people they may all seem horrible, I responded to someone saying Hitler was a socialist - when he wasn't. He is on the record very much hating socialism and communism. These are facts....but I forgot, those don't exist anymore.

I don't believe in full socialism, I don't believe in communism and I don't agree with Fascism, they're all "bad".
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Those advocating to "go read a history book" remember who writes history? Specifically who writes the history books, for profit? What are the leanings of these folks that write, edit approve etc. The indoctrination of a very particular narrative is "history"
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Bq is actually right to many degrees here.

Communism was the "goal" of reaching a classless society in which everyone "had ownership" of the means of production. Communism in theory actually devalues the State itself and calls for a joint-classless ownership system. The problem with Communism is that it's entirely unrealistic and to actually achieve any of this, you wind up with a dictatorship that replaces any notion of "joint ownership".

Fascism on the other hand is a system that values, at premium, the fact that there are different classes and roles in society on a Ladder which start with an all powerful dictator. Businesses are private and owned by the chosen wealthy elite within the party, but are directed on what to do by the dictator.

The goal for facism is conquest, glory, and the advancement of the State.

The goal for communism is a classless society that essentially erodes the State and all private ownership.
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I would probably consider myself a democratic socialist if you had to place me somewhere on a scale

I don't believe in full socialism, I don't believe in communism and I don't agree with Fascism, they're all "bad".
mental gymnastics
question for @ bqknight and other fans of Democratic Socialism, with current demographics somewhere in the middle between the Nordic Nations and Venezuela what makes you think it would work here?