Hacker threatens to expose 37M cheaters

This all makes sense. The idea that there were 30+ million users on this site was insane to me.

This Canadian sued AM in 2013, stating that they hired her to write up to 1,000 fake female profiles for their Brazilian version of the site. Since then tons of people have come forward stating that the majority of these profiles are faked just to get idiot guys to throw some money around on the site.
This could be him, but I also read that this site had terrible sign up verification and anyone could use any email address to "register". For instance, there's apparently an account using Tony Blair's old email address from his days as PM of the UK. Most sites require a click verification sent to email used to register but AM did not.

I also read that something like 90% of the "females" on AM are faked. It's mostly all dudes who register and the majority of just looked around on the site; the actual active users is really small.
The family and Josh apparently just released a statement on their website. He admits to "developing a porn addiction" and being unfaithful to his wife.
Porn addiction?
Or child porn addiction?
Huge difference!

I.e., the whole US law rests on the fact that a minor has to be exploited to create child porn.

It's one thing to commit adultery, or view pornographic materials. That's an adult issue between adults.
It's another to view pictures of a minor. That's an issue where a minor was exploited at some point.
Although even that is not as bad as actually assaulting a minor, although it's far worse than just adultery or adult porn.

The problem with the media is that they cannot differentiate any more.
It's just like felonies, or sexual offenders ... huge differences between what people do -- non-violence on adult v. non-violence on minor v. violence on adult v. violence on minor.
I wish people wouldn't care. If everyone were more open with their sexual desires, this non-sense wouldn't have much impact.

The new generation will likely change the media on this matter. Because over 80% of them say infrequent affairs are to be expected, and bothers them none.

As the Baby Boomers die, and the much smaller Gen-X replaces them, I see American sexuality finally reaching a level of maturity. Until then, this is more important to the media than the economy.
The family and Josh apparently just released a statement on their website. He admits to "developing a porn addiction" and being unfaithful to his wife.

Don't know how anyone would want to stray from this fine piece of woman. Link
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As the Baby Boomers die, and the much smaller Gen-X replaces them, I see American sexuality finally reaching a level of maturity. Until then, this is more important to the media than the economy.
When this happens, nobody will acknowledge or apologize.
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I wish people wouldn't care. If everyone were more open with their sexual desires, this non-sense wouldn't have much impact.

The new generation will likely change the media on this matter. Because over 80% of them say infrequent affairs are to be expected, and bothers them none.

As the Baby Boomers die, and the much smaller Gen-X replaces them, I see American sexuality finally reaching a level of maturity. Until then, this is more important to the media than the economy.

So, it's ok for married people to have an affair? You'd be ok with your spouse having an affair?
I thought one of the rules of getting married is that you stop "dating" other people.
Or you and your spouse become swingers.

So, it's ok for married people to have an affair?
No. I said the new generation has that attitude, overwhelmingly. I.e., that occasional affairs can be allowed.

Unfortunately that is leading to an increase in STD infection rate, once again. So, what Gen-Y will go through is a bit of an exposure, and I think the end will be more honesty and responsibility.

But for now ... the retiring Baby Boomers love their network news sexual gossip. So the network news, and even Internet news, social media, etc... caters to that. Most news is built upon people who watch TV for 8+ hours, usually retirees.

It'll be interesting to watch what happens after the Boomers die off. Gen-X is still recovering from the AIDS scare, and that's why our rates of affairs, and even more so, STD infection rates are abnormally down.

You'd be ok with your spouse having an affair?
It wouldn't be an affair if she told me before she did.

And that's the thing anyone will tell you who have been married awhile. It's not the cheating. It's the fact that your spouse couldn't be honest about their sexual desires and needs, and took it outside the relationship.

We've gone from the sexual revolution to woman's rights to the explosion of STDs to the retardation and (slight) increase in fidelity (all while women reached "parity" in cheating, around 20%, as men by the late '80s) to a new generation that is embracing infrequent, but allowed, external affairs (with a new bump in STDs infection rates).

I thought one of the rules of getting married is that you stop "dating" other people.
What "rules" are there? Who defines these "rules"?

As I hinted in the Jared thread ... this is an issue for those in the relationship, unless you're committing an act where their is a crime with a victim (e.g., even child pornography requires a minor to be photographed and exploited, and is not victimless).

People are going nuts over this whole thing now ... when the reality is, people have a problem they didn't deal with before. But because people are obsessed with gossip, it sticks.

But I noted in 20 years, everything will change. Again, the Boomers will be largely dead or dying off, and the new generation will be dealing with a re-explosion of STD infection rates -- because affairs will move from the historic 20% to beyond 50% (at least if the surveys are correct), forcing a more open, honest, transparent look at "sexual desires" (and related responsibility).

Or you and your spouse become swingers.
There are far more options than just that. It's up to the couple to decide that for themselves.

But they do that ... together. Otherwise, they really aren't a couple. And people shouldn't get into relationships unless they want to involve the other person.

Which is why all of the sexual gossip is so rampant. Because people love to make this about other people, even though they often haven't been honest with themselves. This is usually because humans have one big character flaw they never deal with.

"It's okay for me to do it, because there are worse people doing more things wrong." I see this in the Gen-Y especially, which explains the new attitudes on affairs. But we'll likely have to wait 20 years for most off the Boomers to die off to make this more of a public, exposed issue.

Until then, sites like Ashley Madison will be extremely popular. And we'll still teach kids about "the [subjective] rules" instead of the "Golden [objective] Rule." The US, in general, needs a serious, open, honestly -- responsible -- discussion and exposure of sexual desire, instead of continuing to keep them hidden, with everyone gossiping and blaming others.
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She's a little chunky in that picture, I'm assuming she's pregnant, but she is pretty good looking in other pictures I've seen.
An even if not, while I'm not one for those common, "belli'sh" type curves in a typical full figured woman (prefer hourglass or top heavy apple), she is not unattractive neck-up. I mean, I think she's a step-up for him.

Then again, a lot of people think Christina Hendricks is obese, and even nothing special neck-up. To me, she's perfection in every way, extremely rare for an actress. But some people don't realize what they have.

And their cheating is not as much about the sex or attraction, but more about the risk.
Yeah, they're not that bad for Jesus freaks. One of them is married to Aaron Rogers' stunt double.

This Canadian sued AM in 2013, stating that they hired her to write up to 1,000 fake female profiles for their Brazilian version of the site. Since then tons of people have come forward stating that the majority of these profiles are faked just to get idiot guys to throw some money around on the site.

Apparently some guys do get laid on that site though. One guy I was reading somewhere did "research" with his wifes blessing where he met three horny housewives from AM. Lot of married women are craving new salami. It's a fact.
Apparently some guys do get laid on that site though. One guy I was reading somewhere did "research" with his wifes blessing where he met three horny housewives from AM. Lot of married women are craving new salami. It's a fact.
Since the late '80s, women have matched men in the infidelity rates. It's been directly related to income independence. I.e., even if people still feel there is an "earnings gap" between men and women today, the fact that women have had the full ability to be fiscally independent from men since the early '80s made this reality.

Gen-Y is also, and quite heavily, challenging the traditional marriage and status quo. We in Gen-X largely regressed on sexual freedom, due to the appearance of AIDS. It will be interesting to watch how all the dynamics change.

I could care less what people do in their bedrooms. And I'm hoping in 20+ years, with the Boomers dying off, people will stop watching the gossip non-sense, the ratings for these things will die off, so the media will have no interest in covering it.

I mean ... for me, this is a yawn event. The only thing that was troubling about this site was that they didn't do any verification ... of anything, even e-mail and other information. Who knows how many people were meeting up under false names.
Since the late '80s, women have matched men in the infidelity rates. It's been directly related to income independence. I.e., even if people still feel there is an "earnings gap" between men and women today, the fact that women have had the full ability to be fiscally independent from men since the early '80s made this reality.

Gen-Y is also, and quite heavily, challenging the traditional marriage and status quo. We in Gen-X largely regressed on sexual freedom, due to the appearance of AIDS. It will be interesting to watch how all the dynamics change.

I could care less what people do in their bedrooms. And I'm hoping in 20+ years, with the Boomers dying off, people will stop watching the gossip non-sense, the ratings for these things will die off, so the media will have no interest in covering it.

I mean ... for me, this is a yawn event. The only thing that was troubling about this site was that they didn't do any verification ... of anything, even e-mail and other information. Who knows how many people were meeting up under false names.

Don't generalize Gen-X and Gen-Y people.
I know plenty of Gen-X people who have always been promiscuous, and I know many Gen-Y people who believe in monogamy.

And the people who love the gossip-news isn't limited to Boomers. It isn't the Boomers keeping TMZ in business and providing the ratings for shows like the Kardashians, and the Housewives of someplace or other.

Don't generalize Gen-X and Gen-Y people.
I know plenty of Gen-X people who have always been promiscuous, and I know many Gen-Y people who believe in monogamy.

And the people who love the gossip-news isn't limited to Boomers. It isn't the Boomers keeping TMZ in business and providing the ratings for shows like the Kardashians, and the Housewives of someplace or other.


It's not generalizing. It's statistics.

"These scammers claim they will delete your information from the leaked collection of Ashley Madison user data — for a price. Evans said other criminals are contacting people and saying that they have been able to track them via Facebook and will share the Ashley Madison data with the victims’ friends, families, and employers if they don’t pay the extortionists 1.05 bitcoins, or about $225."

1.05 bitcoins? Was there some extra unexpected overhead in the racketeering and extortion business that caused the .05 over the even 1 bitcoin?
My email is on the list and I've never been to the site before. Gossip on that.
Yep, Ashley Madison didn't even verify e-mail addresses.

So as long as your wife announces she is going to start banging other dudes, you would be ok with it? You sound like a cuckold wussy.
Or a man who would do anything to appease his far better half. There's more to my marriage than just the limited, surface value you see.

But hey, given your posts over the years, I can see why that confuses you.
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Don't generalize Gen-X and Gen-Y people.
I know plenty of Gen-X people who have always been promiscuous, and I know many Gen-Y people who believe in monogamy.
It's not generalizing. It's statistics.
For once, we utterly agree. All I can do is look to the statistics.

And the people who love the gossip-news isn't limited to Boomers. It isn't the Boomers keeping TMZ in business and providing the ratings for shows like the Kardashians, and the Housewives of someplace or other..
Oh, no argument there. New people love to judge others as well ... but usually those who reflect their own issues, because "they're worse" than they themselves are. But sexually they are far, far more open than Boomers.

So ... my greater point was that the Boomers are the last generation where a supermajority of people have the view of "absolute values" and too many of the "I never" types. Gen-X tend to be more relative, plus it also had the AIDS scare. Gen-Y has been regressing on the STD front, unfortunately.

So ... as more of the Boomers die off, the media will find itself switching to a more relative, tolerant Gen-X viewpoint. And that will, hopefully, bring about a new "sexual revolution" that focuses on "responsibility," than "absolute values." Because we're still far too immature of a nation, where we hide our sexual ambitions instead of being honest and forward with them ... especially those we love the most, but could hurt by not disclosing them.

This hack is just exposing how extensive this still is. At the same time, the new round of gossip is forming. Everyone loves to kick a "do as I say, not do as I do" celebrity or politician. But at the same time, too many people are still hypocrites in general when it comes to honesty. It's time to "get real" in that regard.

Kinda like the fact that I love my wife for being honest and forward with me about everything. But to me, that's what defines a marriage, that we came to that agreement long ago, before we were married. I not only don't feel the need to define what anyone else's marriage is ... but I honestly don't care what people think of our marriage either.
^^^ "She was bored with me and wanted to play. It was very simple."

And there you have it. Women bitch and moan about not getting enough attention, not feeling passion, and all sorts of other lame reasons for stepping out while the husband is faithful. At the end of the day, the above quote about sums up reality.
Yep, Ashley Madison didn't even verify e-mail addresses.

Or a man who would do anything to appease his far better half.
Sorry dude, but knowingly and willingly allowing your wife to bang other dudes (as long as she tells you first) is the definition of a cuckold wussy. Justify it however you want, but only cucks would allow it.
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Sorry dude, but knowingly and willingly allowing your wife to bang other dudes (as long as she tells you first) is the definition of a cuckold wussy. Justify it however you want, but only cucks would allow it.
What is the definition of a wife that allows her husband to bang other bitches, as long as he tells her first?