Let's just say it: the media, Hollywood, and many of these very same women are all f*cking hypocrites and goddamn liars.
Yep. The US media has been a staple of racism and sexism, especially when it comes to not just lead actors, but control of the industry. White males dominate ... more than corporate America these days.
Then you have women like Meryl Streep mouthing off in Germany about how Hollywood represents other cultures for them. Established women in Hollywood really can screw it just as bad too.
I'm honestly tired of the subjective application, and the SJW type can be the worst. It's the honest, quiet, hardworking person -- of any culture and sex -- that should be served. But honesty goes the least distance in the US media.
The media swept this under the rug and many of these very same women chose to defense this cretin as they "marched for womens rights".
Bill Clinton will always be the king posterchild of what's wrong with Progressives in the New World Order.
It's more than even Hillary's
"believe all women by default" attitude got tripped up, and she re-phrased it as,
"real accusations." What's a
"real accusation" then? Did she just undermine everything? That's why people were saying,
"This isn't about your husband, it's about your platform ... it's lip service to women."
It's also the head of NOW, back in the '90s, who asked women to 'look past' Bill Clinton's transgressions, and countless other things over the years, because of what he's done for them.' It's comments you see from various 'leaders' that just undermine any standing.
And that's what gets to me ... it's often political BS ... except for the women violated. They are the victims of the politicking. And it's "sexual extortion," not just "harassment," in this case -- huge difference too.
Hollywood can burn and rot. Quickly.
We'll see. I have a feeling this is going to continue until we finally see some people turn on one another. Then it will finally all come out.
Might take the FBI. Then again ... you're right, the US media 'takes care of its own.' No one seems to get charged ... just special treatment. Which is why a lot of Conservatives didn't care ... they didn't mind putting up a man with questionable morals, who talked like the US media too, and totally incorrect, politically.
Not to represent them. But to not be silent ... like they have to be, because of their careers.