Hillary & Co now insulting another 70M people...

Bob the Citronaut

GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
Aug 29, 2007
They just can't help themselves. I thought Trump was supposed to be the name caller? Catholics shall heretofore be known as the "Severely Backwards".
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Considering Catholics have voted democrat since 1984, some people just deserve the government they get.
Bob, were you in St. Pete yesterday? My parents have a Clinton\Kaine sign in the front yard and someone drove by and yelled f#$k Hillary, n#$$er, while my mother was sitting on the front porch.
Yet if you say a single thing about Islam these same morons will call you a bigot.
Were you the guy that cut through the fence at my work and broke out all the windows in a truck, pried open the tool boxes and stole a few thousand dollars in tools and parts?

See how that works? You seem to be awful defensive calling me a racist and all. What's next?
Were you the guy that cut through the fence at my work and broke out all the windows in a truck, pried open the tool boxes and stole a few thousand dollars in tools and parts?

See how that works? You seem to be awful defensive calling me a racist and all. What's next?
That sounds like the crime of a non-voter. I'm team Hillary.
Bob, were you in St. Pete yesterday? My parents have a Clinton\Kaine sign in the front yard and someone drove by and yelled f#$k Hillary, n#$$er, while my mother was sitting on the front porch.
I've heard much worse with my Trump flag.
I agree this is bullshit on their part. It would've been much better in my eyes if they just said that all religion is severely backwards.
Yes but the big problem is, there are a lot more catholics and they lean democrat 50 - 47.

Look at you, moving the goalposts yet again.

Your original post was "they get the government they vote for" as a dig on Catholics. You were now presented with the fact that Jews vote for Democrats by a massive margin, typically somewhere from 70-79 percent.

Total numbers mean nothing; the fact is that the Jewish community in this country votes massively overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Jews therefore "deserve the government they vote for".
Look at you, moving the goalposts yet again.

Your original post was "they get the government they vote for" as a dig on Catholics. You were now presented with the fact that Jews vote for Democrats by a massive margin, typically somewhere from 70-79 percent.

Total numbers mean nothing; the fact is that the Jewish community in this country votes massively overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Jews therefore "deserve the government they vote for".
I've never denied that Jew's vote democrat, and I have always criticized Jews on this and everywhere else I speak as to why Jews support the democratic party when they could care less about them, kind of like why Black Americans support the democratic party. There are also two very distinct group of Jews in the Country, reform and conservative. Reform Jews are your democrats, they mostly live in the northeast. Conservative Jews mostly vote republican are generally outside the northeast. Either way, while I view Hillary as anti-semitic she nor her staff has been caught at this point trashing Jew's during this campaign like they just with with the catholics. I doubt there will be any push back by a religion that has turned very liberal as of late.
I must have missed where Hillary said any of these things. Looks like some people associated with her campaign (who are Catholic) said some rather innocuous things and it got blown out of proportion.

This is her closest most inner advisor and strategist. If she isn't "quoted" she still absolutely agrees with what this clown is saying and doing.
This is her closest most inner advisor and strategist. If she isn't "quoted" she still absolutely agrees with what this clown is saying and doing.
First off, no. Have you actually read the emails?

Hillary wasn't included in the quoted email chain from 2011, which was from 4 years before the campaign, and probably didn't see them until this week. These were hacked email's from John Podesta's account (a Catholic) and the one who really made the "damning" statement about Catholics was John Halpin, who worked for Podesta at a think tank and does not work for the HRC campaign, and was not really all that bad. The exact quote is question is:
“Friggin' Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus,” Halpin wrote. “Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the media and social groups. It's an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”

Jennifer Palmieri (another Catholic), who does work for the HRC campaign replied to say that

“I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion,” she wrote. “Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals.”

Nowhere were Catholics themselves criticized other than Rupert Murdoch and Robert Thompson. There is some criticism of the Catholic church, but it took Fox News to parse the words out of context to make it bigoted.
First off, no. Have you actually read the emails?

Hillary wasn't included in the quoted email chain from 2011, which was from 4 years before the campaign, and probably didn't see them until this week. These were hacked email's from John Podesta's account (a Catholic) and the one who really made the "damning" statement about Catholics was John Halpin, who worked for Podesta at a think tank and does not work for the HRC campaign, and was not really all that bad. The exact quote is question is:

Jennifer Palmieri (another Catholic), who does work for the HRC campaign replied to say that

Nowhere were Catholics themselves criticized other than Rupert Murdoch and Robert Thompson. There is some criticism of the Catholic church, but it took Fox News to parse the words out of context to make it bigoted.


Oh sure- 2 left wing "Catholics" just happen to detest the actual beliefs of Catholicism, vowing to infiltrate the church via their left wing social justice warriors, and along the way call those who actually believe in the tenants of the Faith as being "medieval". but no- they didn't criticize!

It's fitting though that these "Catholics" think the Church simply needs to be reformed to the point that they're attending gay pride parades and pledging support for ultra late term abortions. THEN the Church would really be something!

Oh sure- 2 left wing "Catholics" just happen to detest the actual beliefs of Catholicism, vowing to infiltrate the church via their left wing social justice warriors, and along the way call those who actually believe in the tenants of the Faith as being "medieval". but no- they didn't criticize!

It's fitting though that these "Catholics" think the Church simply needs to be reformed to the point that they're attending gay pride parades and pledging support for ultra late term abortions. THEN the Church would really be something!
LOL They didn't say any such things.
This is her closest most inner advisor and strategist. If she isn't "quoted" she still absolutely agrees with what this clown is saying and doing.
Maybe he missed where they said she hates "everyday Americans." Hey Bob, would that be you?
Eva Longoria was outside of the Student Union today campaigning for Hillrod


I must have missed where Hillary said any of these things. Looks like some people associated with her campaign (who are Catholic) said some rather innocuous things and it got blown out of proportion.

Well its our news's what they do...:rolleyes: