Holiday weekend sees massive amount of flight cancellations


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Jun 6, 2015
I would be very concerned about scheduling any flights right now

Seems like it’s worse around the holidays. Hopefully it won’t effect flights during football season and international flights

You literally could get stranded for days and miss work, etc.
I would be very concerned about scheduling any flights right now

Seems like it’s worse around the holidays. Hopefully it won’t effect flights during football season and international flights

You literally could get stranded for days and miss work, etc.
Any idea why? ...staff shortages is the visible 'symptom', thoughts on root cause?
Don't fly simple as that. There is your energy policy. Cry more

If staff is still using COVID as an excuse, they should be fired on the spot. This entire country needs to move back to pre-pandemic conditions NOW. We are dealing with a cold.
Yea that's the problem with the 'culture' of a large proportion of our population... Give an inch, many take a mile (or more). Starts in the home when parenting children, but it takes discipline by the parents to lead by example. Too much social pandering.
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Duh. There were a whole bunch of pilots retiring and taking buy-outs during the pandemic when the airlines were all hurting
Seems like that is readily known information that airline business operations would accommodate for in their future flight scheduling.

I'm curious if this is more mandate related, or cost of fuel related, canceling < 50% capacity flights to consolidate.
Seems like that is readily known information that airline business operations would accommodate for in their future flight scheduling.
You asked, I answered. If you want to discount the obvious answer, that's fine.

By the way, the ABC Evening News had a story tonight on....surprise, surprise.....the lack of pilots available to fly during peak travel this summer.
You asked, I answered. If you want to discount the obvious answer, that's fine.

By the way, the ABC Evening News had a story tonight on....surprise, surprise.....the lack of pilots available to fly during peak travel this summer.
What I mean is, there's got to be more to it, why would they continue to schedule flights knowing this dropoff in manpower? ... We have a 12 month look ahead to forecast needed FTEs based on scheduling demand, knowing it takes 2-3 months for new hire / on-boarding process.

TV news will feed the viewing public the obvious symptoms... Did they mention anything about pilots quitting over vaccine mandate? That's info pro-progressive outlets will conveniently leave out.
What I mean is, there's got to be more to it, why would they continue to schedule flights knowing this dropoff in manpower? ... We have a 12 month look ahead to forecast needed FTEs based on scheduling demand, knowing it takes 2-3 months for new hire / on-boarding process.
when it comes to making money, most businesses are going to error on the side of being more optimistic regarding their schedule. If you don’t believe me, you probably haven’t eaten out lately.
Did they mention anything about pilots quitting over vaccine mandate? That's info pro-progressive outlets will conveniently leave out.
Yeah, the devious ‘pro-progressive outlets’ are always leaving out the real scoop. Those manipulative bastards! :)
Yeah, the devious ‘pro-progressive outlets’ are always leaving out the real scoop. Those manipulative bastards! :)
Take a step back from the political sprectrum and assess the content provided at face value...

I've only seen one "news" outlet question Biden's comments on Putin being "Principally" responsible for the economic conditions we face... And "surprise surprise", it wasn't the Disney-affiliate ABC.

You've agreed yourself that Putin's war 'contributed' to the mess already in existence, but is not >50% of the root cause.

It's this type of selective narrative that outlets publish to influence public opinion that I'm referring to. Half-truths to protect their self anointed agenda warriors... Unfortunately a large portion of the public are sheep and follow the heards without logically and critically assessing / processing information for themselves.
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Take a step back from the political sprectrum and assess the content provided at face value...
You think the White House spinning events is a new thing? Jesus, what the hell did you expect the White House to say? And what do you expect the media to report?
Unfortunately a large portion of the public are sheep and follow the heards without logically and critically assessing / processing information for themselves.
Funny, I'm reading this take of yours while watching the latest public hearing of the Select Committee on January 6th.

You want to talk public 'sheep,' how do you explain national polls that show that the majority of Americans (over 60%) believe that Trump should be charged for his illegal efforts to stay in power after the election. Among Republicans, that figure drops to a whopping 20 percent. Hmmmm...tell me, who are the people who aren't logically and critically assessing & processing information for themselves?
You think the White House spinning events is a new thing? Jesus, what the hell did you expect the White House to say? And what do you expect the media to report?

Funny, I'm reading this take of yours while watching the latest public hearing of the Select Committee on January 6th.

You want to talk public 'sheep,' how do you explain national polls that show that the majority of Americans (over 60%) believe that Trump should be charged for his illegal efforts to stay in power after the election. Among Republicans, that figure drops to a whopping 20 percent. Hmmmm...tell me, who are the people who aren't logically and critically assessing & processing information for themselves?
Two things. One of my college buddies is a VP for one of the largest wood products company in the world. He was in the middle of British Columbia at one of their mills last week. He was scheduled to fly home and meet us at one of our mountain cabins for the weekend. He had multiple flights cancelled from his puddle jumper to Vancouver and 3 flights he tried to book from Vancouver to Atlanta . He finally made it to Atlanta on some red eye flight from Vancouver. It's pilots and ground crew issues .

As far as January 6 goes , it's a farce . There is no defense here. It's an one side circus . I say charge Trump of some federal crime . Do it . It would be glorious because then there would be discovery by the defense . You could get Pelosie in a deposition stating why she ignored Trunp's authorization of 20,000 national guard troops on January 4. They could ask her and the Sgt of Arms why they neglected their duty to protect the capital as charged in the Constitution? They could depose the DC Mayor and ask her why she flat out refused the national guard in writing ? This January 6 thing is railroad Marxist style event with no defense and only presenting what they want to show you. For that I welcome a fair fight with those political clowns . Charge Trump and watch what happens. I have read 18 USC and the section on insurrection and sedition and I suggest you read it too. I don't see what he did meeting the letter of the law. I order for their to be a crime a law outlining the crime has to be broken.

Be that as it may , charge Trump and while we are at charge Chuck Schumer for sedition when he publicly threatened two supreme court justices on the steps of the Court itself. Again read USC 18 and what Schumer did was actually sedition by threatening two justices by name .

So let's do it. Charge Trump and if that were to go to trial , well that's a must watch TV event not this circus being promoted now. Nothing better than watching an one sided Banana Republic show trial because that's what this is.
As far as January 6 goes , it's a farce . There is no defense here.
For the umpteenth time, this ISN'T a trial, it's a Congressional fact-finding investigation to find out what happened behind the scenes that led to January 6th.
It's an one side circus.
My bet is that you haven't watched ANY of the hearings.

You could get Pelosie in a deposition stating why she ignored Trunp's authorization of 20,000 national guard troops on January 4. They could ask her and the Sgt of Arms why they neglected their duty to protect the capital as charged in the Constitution?
A bullsh*t assertion that was proven false last year.
This January 6 thing is railroad Marxist style event with no defense and only presenting what they want to show you. For that I welcome a fair fight with those political clowns .
What isn't "fair" about the hearings? All of the damning testimony -- under oath -- has come from Trump's own inner circle for crying out loud!!!
I have read 18 USC and the section on insurrection and sedition and I suggest you read it too. I don't see what he did meeting the letter of the law. I order for their to be a crime a law outlining the crime has to be broken.
If you'd have watched any of the hearings to date, you'd know it's become crystal clear that Trump violated his oath of office and broke the law.
Nothing better than watching an one sided Banana Republic show trial because that's what this is.
For the record, McCarthy was offered the opportunity to participate in a bipartisan, 50/50, equal supeona power Committee to investigate January 6th and (read this carefully) HE REFUSED.

Even when Pelosi went forward with an investigation anyway, she gave him yet another opportunity to include five people and he included Banks and Jordan -- two Congressmen who were directly involved in Trump's schemes. When she (naturally) rejected two wolves seeking entry into the hen house, McCarthy pulled the other three he'd nominated in a huff.

You might wonder 'why in the world would McCarthy reject being a co-equal in a House investigation?' The answer is your take above. Given the embarrassing evidence that's being presented, the GOP leadership believes its better to try to de-legitimize damning findings coming out of the hearings by telling Chuds like you it's a "one-sided Banana Republic Show."
Two things. One of my college buddies is a VP for one of the largest wood products company in the world. He was in the middle of British Columbia at one of their mills last week. He was scheduled to fly home and meet us at one of our mountain cabins for the weekend. He had multiple flights cancelled from his puddle jumper to Vancouver and 3 flights he tried to book from Vancouver to Atlanta . He finally made it to Atlanta on some red eye flight from Vancouver. It's pilots and ground crew issues .

As far as January 6 goes , it's a farce . There is no defense here. It's an one side circus . I say charge Trump of some federal crime . Do it . It would be glorious because then there would be discovery by the defense . You could get Pelosie in a deposition stating why she ignored Trunp's authorization of 20,000 national guard troops on January 4. They could ask her and the Sgt of Arms why they neglected their duty to protect the capital as charged in the Constitution? They could depose the DC Mayor and ask her why she flat out refused the national guard in writing ? This January 6 thing is railroad Marxist style event with no defense and only presenting what they want to show you. For that I welcome a fair fight with those political clowns . Charge Trump and watch what happens. I have read 18 USC and the section on insurrection and sedition and I suggest you read it too. I don't see what he did meeting the letter of the law. I order for their to be a crime a law outlining the crime has to be broken.

Be that as it may , charge Trump and while we are at charge Chuck Schumer for sedition when he publicly threatened two supreme court justices on the steps of the Court itself. Again read USC 18 and what Schumer did was actually sedition by threatening two justices by name .

So let's do it. Charge Trump and if that were to go to trial , well that's a must watch TV event not this circus being promoted now. Nothing better than watching an one sided Banana Republic show trial because that's what this is.
Omg. Stfu and go dip some strawberries in chocolate you whiney dope.
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For the umpteenth time, this ISN'T a trial, it's a Congressional fact-finding investigation to find out what happened behind the scenes that led to January 6th.

My bet is that you haven't watched ANY of the hearings.

A bullsh*t assertion that was proven false last year.

What isn't "fair" about the hearings? All of the damning testimony -- under oath -- has come from Trump's own inner circle for crying out loud!!!

If you'd have watched any of the hearings to date, you'd know it's become crystal clear that Trump violated his oath of office and broke the law.

For the record, McCarthy was offered the opportunity to participate in a bipartisan, 50/50, equal supeona power Committee to investigate January 6th and (read this carefully) HE REFUSED.

Even when Pelosi went forward with an investigation anyway, she gave him yet another opportunity to include five people and he included Banks and Jordan -- two Congressmen who were directly involved in Trump's schemes. When she (naturally) rejected two wolves seeking entry into the hen house, McCarthy pulled the other three he'd nominated in a huff.

You might wonder 'why in the world would McCarthy reject being a co-equal in a House investigation?' The answer is your take above. Given the embarrassing evidence that's being presented, the GOP leadership believes its better to try to de-legitimize damning findings coming out of the hearings by telling Chuds like you it's a "one-sided Banana Republic Show."
The difference between you and I is this. I detest most federal politicians. I can't stand Republicans because they have no spine and I can't stand Democrats because they have no principles or affinity for the Constitution. They despise liberty and crave power and for you and I to be dependent upon them . I am very much an independent and free thinker.

If this were a fact finding mission they wouldn't do it on national TV and they would look under every crack including the failings of the mayor of DC, the failings of Nancy Pelosie and the Sgt of Arms. They are not interested in facts . They are interested in political theater nothing more and you're falling for it .

So I say open it up and the sunshine on all of it . Skewer Trump but you better darn sure be ready to apply the same standards to rats like Schumer . If you're not ,then you have no principles either . Me, Washington DC is the problem not the solution and both parties suck.
oh space comma space what space ever space period

Tremendous response. Would read again.
Some of you guys are just mean and ugly. I don't know you Knightime. I won't call you names and be petty. Maybe just maybe if you try to understand others then maybe your life would be better for it. Yah I make chocolate . Proud of it. I have a diverse resume . I hold two degrees and my career has taken twists and turns. I am a risk taking entrepreneur and I can't stand DC. I own a prosperous business. In July I am spending a month in Key Largo , hanging out on my boat ,fishing and living the dream. I don't know you Knightime,but let's assume you work a job and you have to ask your boss for time off . You have to live by somebody else's rules . Not me brother , so go ahead ridicule me and laugh . I say what ever. I know who I am and where I am headed .

I spent 15 years in government either working in it or a consultant to it. Part of my background is policy analyst. I don't the see the world as you do and it doesn't matter to me. I try to come here and give a different perspective but the diversity the left wants is only diversity of color not diversity of thought or ideas and heaven knows the left is never wrong and their side never does what it accuses everyone else doing . 😆. Hypocrisy is power in DC .

So flame away ...if you want to discuss ideas and such I am all in . If you want to call names, then what ever .
I can't stand Republicans because they have no spine and I can't stand Democrats because they have no principles or affinity for the Constitution. They despise liberty ...
WTF??!? It's those evil Democrats who "have no affinity for the Constitution and despise liberty"? You haven't watched a single minute of the hearings but nevertheless give us pearls of wisdom like the above.
If this were a fact finding mission they wouldn't do it on national TV...
Yeah, we sure wouldn't want to shed light on what happened on Jan. 6th. Republicans and the Right-wing media sources are hoping that most of their base won't tune in and pay any attention to it. Hey, it's worked with you.
... and they would look under every crack including the failings of the mayor of DC, the failings of Nancy Pelosie and the Sgt of Arms. They are not interested in facts.
You are clearly not interested in facts since you continue to spew crap that a quick Google search would show you was debunked last year.
They are interested in political theater nothing more and you're falling for it .
Political theater? It hasn't been those hated Democrats who have me "falling for it." This theatrical production has all been performed by your Trumpster Republicans.
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Some of you guys are just mean and ugly. I don't know you Knightime. I won't call you names and be petty.

You really aren't the brightest crayon in the shed, are you?
Knighttime has some funny 1 liners, but rarely provides actual content or original thought in his posts. He seems bright though, witty humor requires a bit of intelligence.

RESPECT MY DECISION <---- my new slogan. These 17yr old 'cruits learned me something. 😂
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You have some funny 1 liners, but rarely provide actual content or original thought in your posts. You seem bright though, witty humor requires a bit of intelligence.

RESPECT MY DECISION <---- my new slogan. These 17yr old 'cruits learned me something. 😂
I provide actual content and original thoughts here all the time. I also slap people's pee pees when they act stupid. I will let you figure out why the latter occurs BY FAR more often than not in this shithole.
WTF??!? It's those evil Democrats who "have no affinity for the Constitution and despise liberty"? You haven't watched a single minute of the hearings but nevertheless give us pearls of wisdom like the above.

Yeah, we sure wouldn't want to shed light on what happened on Jan. 6th. Republicans and the Right-wing media sources are hoping that most of their base won't tune in and pay any attention to it. Hey, it's worked with you.

You are clearly not interested in facts since you continue to spew crap that a quick Google search would show you was debunked last year.

Political theater? It hasn't been those hated Democrats who have me "falling for it." This theatrical production has all been performed by your Trumpster Republicans.
Hey Shuck,
Get the hell off this thing about my Trumpster friends . Clearly you don't read well. I can't stand Republicans and I can't stand Democrats. What I can't stand more is the hypocrisy of the politics of DC and the media .

From my perch there would be no January 6 if not but for the summer of love with all the riots and tascid approval given by the Democrats. We saw hundreds of millions dollars in looting, fire bombing a federal courthouse with employees inside and Antifa taking over a section of Seattle with AK 47s. Not a single federal politician on the Democrat side condemned any of it and in fact our vice president bailed some of them out. Then you have the refusal on January 4 by the Mayor of DC and Nancy Pelosie of Trumps offer of 20,000 national guard troops to protect the capital. They were at the ready according to the Secretary of Defense and his Chief of Staff and the mayor put it in writing that she refused the offer.

Had both parties strongly condemn the summer of love with the peaceful protests which caused hundreds ofillions in damage, thousands injured and several hundred dead and had troops been on watch at the capital there is no January 6 capital riots . First the signal was sent that rioting is tolerated and then another inside signal was sent to leave the capital open and unprotected.

Straight up, I don't give a crap what happens to Trump or anyone else as a result of these so called fact finding hearings. If he committed a federal crime, arrest and prosecute .

I do however do give a crap about our nation and what we have done here. January 6 somehow gave the green light to DC police and possibly the DOJ to create political prisoners . Our Constitution gives all of us rights and is designed to keep the government in check. We do not indefinitely detain people ,keep them from counsel and not charge them. I don't think they should have stormed the capitol building . I don't believe in riots and at best you charge them with trespass , give arraignment hearing, set bail , give court date for trail and release them. Not one person has been charged under US Code 18 for insurrection, not one and yet we have American citizens stuck in jail to this day without a luck of due process .

You can hate their actions and call them idiots and so forth but that doesn't mean you should tolerate how they are treated by the justice system here . Murderers and rapists get better treatment and their rights are protected. We are not China or Cuba or North Korea or Iran. We have people who are in jail for trespassing at the capital building and not charged . They are from where I sit political prisoners.

In the end I am not watching this because I have no trust in institution running the show. It's one sided and I just don't care . The outcome is predetermined here . They aren't interested in facts they are interested in holding onto power. That's it and they think this dog and pony show will help them in the mid terms . They should send criminal referrals and let chips fall where they may.
I provide actual content and original thoughts here all the time. I also slap people's pee pees when they act stupid. I will let you figure out why the latter occurs BY FAR more often than not in this shithole.
Dude, you and some others routinely poke at my line work as if I am stupid . I am a business owner and I do quite well selling panty dropping good chocolate . You act as if owning a business somehow makes ones opinion not valid. I have no clue as to what you do or what degree you earned at UCF but I know this you have a life, maybe a kid or two , maybe not but a life and life experiences different than mine . You insult me routinely. I don't know earning a degree in biology at UCF making the Dean's list for 6 semesters makes me pretty dumb and then going to FSU for my master's degree in environmental planning and resource management makes me even dumber.

Yep. I am idiot for throwing off the corporate consulting world, chucking it all to move to the mountains and buy a business. Sometimes I feel that way . Lol.

If you want to debate and argue , sure I am down with it, but it gets old what you do here. I am an independent Thomas Jefferson minded libertarian kind of guy. I truly loathe the politics of DC and our nation is reeling from the 6th grade back n forth crap between republicans and democrats and it just keeps getting worse.
Dude, you and some others routinely poke at my line work as if I am stupid . I am a business owner and I do quite well selling panty dropping good chocolate . You act as if owning a business somehow makes ones opinion not valid. I have no clue as to what you do or what degree you earned at UCF but I know this you have a life, maybe a kid or two , maybe not but a life and life experiences different than mine . You insult me routinely. I don't know earning a degree in biology at UCF making the Dean's list for 6 semesters makes me pretty dumb and then going to FSU for my master's degree in environmental planning and resource management makes me even dumber.

Yep. I am idiot for throwing off the corporate consulting world, chucking it all to move to the mountains and buy a business. Sometimes I feel that way . Lol.

If you want to debate and argue , sure I am down with it, but it gets old what you do here. I am an independent Thomas Jefferson minded libertarian kind of guy. I truly loathe the politics of DC and our nation is reeling from the 6th grade back n forth crap between republicans and democrats and it just keeps getting worse.
Was I talking to you in the post you quoted? Nope. Why don't you actually address the crayon one where you said you weren't going to call people names, but preceded that statement by calling names.

Nevertheless, IDGAF what you do or what you did. You routinely post things that hover around a 3rd-grade level from an intellectual standpoint. You say you loathe the politics of DC but do nothing but vent constant chud talking points that are devoid of facts.

You say you are "an independent Thomas Jefferson minded libertarian kind of guy." LOLOLOLOLOLLL. I almost spit my coffee out. Is this line on page 5 of your standard chud handbook?
There are no more cancellations than any other average year. Airlines always work on tight margins and scheduling windows. And always have to deal with unavailability of flight crew. The average number of cancellations in the US from 2003-2019 was between 110k and 115k per year. In 2021 there were 103k cancellations. In 2019 there were 135k. Holiday weekends always are the worst time to travel.
There are no more cancellations than any other average year. Airlines always work on tight margins and scheduling windows. And always have to deal with unavailability of flight crew. The average number of cancellations in the US from 2003-2019 was between 110k and 115k per year. In 2021 there were 103k cancellations. In 2019 there were 135k. Holiday weekends always are the worst time to travel.
Them why is it publicized and affecting people more now than ever? I never had employees miss work from 2013-2019
There are no more cancellations than any other average year. Airlines always work on tight margins and scheduling windows. And always have to deal with unavailability of flight crew. The average number of cancellations in the US from 2003-2019 was between 110k and 115k per year. In 2021 there were 103k cancellations. In 2019 there were 135k. Holiday weekends always are the worst time to travel.
Where are you getting this info? ...I personally know of 3 non-weather related instances of flight cancellations just within the past 3 months:
-My parents
-Good friends
-Work colleague

Like, legit 'not happening anymore', 'go find another flight', cancelled.

...this has not happened to anyone I've known previously.
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Where are you getting this info? ...I personally know of 3 non-weather related instances of flight cancellations just within the past 3 months:
-My parents
-Good friends
-Work colleague

Like, legit 'not happening anymore', 'go find another flight', cancelled.

...this has not happened to anyone I've known previously.
Whether or not you have anecdotes, the current rate of cancellations for a year is actually down from 2019 numbers. So maybe you just know some lucky people prior to 2020 or unlucky people now. 1000 cancellations in a day is higher than a normal daily cancellation rate of 300-400 per day but its a single weekend spike, not the daily operational cancellations over a long period of time.
I provide actual content and original thoughts here all the time. I also slap people's pee pees when they act stupid. I will let you figure out why the latter occurs BY FAR more often than not in this shithole.
@Mention me when you do provide actual content, I'd like to see it sometime.
FWIW you can find actual cancellation percentages on

The one month flight cancellation % is currently 1.55%

For comparison, here are the cancellation percentages for the same one month time period over the past 10 years.

YearOntime ArrivalsOntime (%)Arrival DelaysDelayed (%)Flights CancelledCancelled (%)DivertedFlight Operations