House Democrat Engel declares terrorism no longer a threat


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
While lefties continue whining hysterically that Trump removing forces from Syria is a “danger” to the US, here’s a prominent Democrat literally eliminating a subcommittee on threats to the homeland from terrorism, in favor of creating a new subcommittee to obsess over Trump and create faux investigations to satisfy the extremist left wing base.

Aren’t you all happy to know terrorism is defeated and our leaders can stop concerning themselves with threats????!!!

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If/when the next victim falls, I hope he is forced to explain to the family his actions.
How stupid do you have to be to not understand having a Russian puppet in charge of our government is more dangerous than a terrorist? This is not difficult yet you fuking morons can't comprehend it.
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And just for the record, 85 is still of course a lying sack of shit. Nowhere did they say terrorism is defeated nor it is no longer a threat.

Literally all @UCFKnight85 does is lie.
Angry lefty

These same hypocrites that declared that we’d be in danger if 1,800 troops in Syria left are now yawning when a prominent Democrat destroys a subcommittee on terrorist threats to the homeland, All so he can feed their obsessive hatred for the president.

These are not patriots
Wait?! I thought the Dems were saying we cannot pull out of Syria because of terrorists?! Do they literally slide in the filth to fit the agenda?

"Trump's troops in Syria is 'creating terrorists!" (forgetting who's call it was on Syria, or Libya for that matter)

"Trump pulling out of Syria is 'creating terrorists!'"

I've got my complaints about the right, but at least they don't 'move the neddle.'